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INTEREST: Gundam UC PS3 Game's 2 Promos Streamed

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The American Average

Joined: 17 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:08 pm Reply with quote
Wow this game looks awesome!!! One thing that would have made this even better is that "metal carnage" that Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. picture arms, legs, other parts of mobile suits floating in space that would be awesome.
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Strike Freedom Meister

Joined: 08 Jul 2009
Posts: 28
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:00 am Reply with quote
I still don't understand why Gundam is a Playstation "semi-exclusive" title. Namco Bandai must be losing money hand over fist by excluding the Xbox 360. There's a huge international Gundam market of fans that are getting shunned. If Japan's anime industry still doesn't understand why they're losing money? Decisions like these that are great for Japan but suck for everywhere else. The anime industry needs to quit thinking so regionally & start thinking globally.

Second, a lot of these Gundam games could be a lot better. If anything, I'd love to see Bandai hand over this franchise over to a studio like Bungie. Gundam simulators are great for arcades in Japan & South Korea? Why not bring them to the U.S. console market? Especially with Kinect & a few specialized joysticks? That would be awesome. The Nintendo Wii U would be interesting to bring a mobile suit simulator on. Or the next generation of consoles with multi-screen interfaces? I just see so much potential that Sunrise, Namco Bandai is wasting. If it's written well & Bandai can't do that? Save it by giving it to a top developer. It would make money if it was high quality HD graphics, better voice acting, better game mechanics, & properly marketed.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2010
Posts: 84
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:51 am Reply with quote
Strike Freedom Meister wrote:
I still don't understand why Gundam is a Playstation "semi-exclusive" title. Namco Bandai must be losing money hand over fist by excluding the Xbox 360. There's a huge international Gundam market of fans that are getting shunned. If Japan's anime industry still doesn't understand why they're losing money? Decisions like these that are great for Japan but suck for everywhere else. The anime industry needs to quit thinking so regionally & start thinking globally.

Second, a lot of these Gundam games could be a lot better. If anything, I'd love to see Bandai hand over this franchise over to a studio like Bungie. Gundam simulators are great for arcades in Japan & South Korea? Why not bring them to the U.S. console market? Especially with Kinect & a few specialized joysticks? That would be awesome. The Nintendo Wii U would be interesting to bring a mobile suit simulator on. Or the next generation of consoles with multi-screen interfaces? I just see so much potential that Sunrise, Namco Bandai is wasting. If it's written well & Bandai can't do that? Save it by giving it to a top developer. It would make money if it was high quality HD graphics, better voice acting, better game mechanics, & properly marketed.

I completly agree they only seeme to give us the either the crapy gundam games or realy popular games like gundam dynasty warriors. I honestly wish i could chew them out in person for alienating gundam fans outside of japan by ignoring us and the xbox 360.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:03 am Reply with quote
Strike Freedom Meister wrote:

Second, a lot of these Gundam games could be a lot better. If anything, I'd love to see Bandai hand over this franchise over to a studio like Bungie. Gundam simulators are great for arcades in Japan & South Korea? Why not bring them to the U.S. console market? Especially with Kinect & a few specialized joysticks? That would be awesome. The Nintendo Wii U would be interesting to bring a mobile suit simulator on. Or the next generation of consoles with multi-screen interfaces? I just see so much potential that Sunrise, Namco Bandai is wasting. If it's written well & Bandai can't do that? Save it by giving it to a top developer. It would make money if it was high quality HD graphics, better voice acting, better game mechanics, & properly marketed.

1. Because the PS3 is popular in Japan more than the 360. Why not go to where most people would buy it for?

The quoted stuff I have an issue with. For one thing, most of the Gundam games are internally developed. Why would they waste money outsourcing when they know very well that these games sell as they are? If it's not broken, don't fix it.

And Bungie? You do realize Bandai Namco is a JAPANESE company while Bungie is a NORTH AMERICAN company, right? Remember when BamCo had the whole "develop for western market" thing in their heads? Look at the the games that churned out.

I'll agree with the lack of promotion. That's really what kills Gundam, actually mecha games, in general in any place that's not Japan. I'd say it's more of the fact that it's perceived as being the genre's been perceived as kiddish for so long, it sorta stuck to it.
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