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INTEREST: Madoka Magica's Urobuchi Crowd-Sources Message to Tokyo Gov't

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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:00 am Reply with quote
Canada is also facing the same threat if bill C-11 gets passed. There's a website called www.internetlockdown.ca where Canadians can sign a petition to fight against it. I think Japan should create a petition like that as well to show their freedom of expression.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:50 am Reply with quote
there are really too many old people in this world.. passing laws restricting another sector of the population they couldn't care jack about.. since they've got their pensions and government retire plans, just sitting on it till bankruptcy.. democracy is broken, at least with current constituency as it is
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:55 pm Reply with quote
Awesome. A bit ironic but fortunate that TAF is providing opportunity for people to voice displeasure at bill 156.

jtstellar wrote:
democracy is broken, at least with current constituency as it is

Democracy has always been broken Very Happy (...something most of the US founders realized and were against)
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:23 pm Reply with quote
Old media controls the message from which politicians advertise to the public at large. The money they make back on attack ads more than makes up (http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120214/01404517751/pirate-bays-peter-sunde-questions-why-we-let-dying-industries-dictate-terms-democracy.shtml buying Prosecutions and (http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120105/13282317290/us-state-dept-dont-censor-internet-unless-we-order-you-to-as-we-did-spain.shtml) Governments.

We'd have to change the media to all New Media first.[/url]
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:49 pm Reply with quote
jtstellar wrote:
there are really too many old people in this world.. passing laws restricting another sector of the population they couldn't care jack about.. since they've got their pensions and government retire plans, just sitting on it till bankruptcy.. democracy is broken, at least with current constituency as it is

This is the issue with Japanese politics. I mean, the country is supposed to have a democracy, but the people who are in charge stay in charge until they retire. It was already a surprise when the DPJ won their election over the LDP, but unlike in America, it's not the people who vote for them--it's the Representatives and Counsel themselves.
As for the Tokyo Governor, Japan just doesn't have enough young voters. They're too busy trying to make something for themselves to care much about a political system they have little say in anyway.

Thank you Urobuchi. I liked you before. I like you even more now. =3
Talk about a message from the inside. Good idea!
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Joined: 07 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:16 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, his message ended up a lot tamer than I expected. His profile might raise some eyebrows though, and assuming he also wrote that part, it seems like he at least wanted to get some part of his message across and eventually dropped the idea of making a strong political statement in his thanks/comments.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:21 pm Reply with quote
hmm interesting i do say but even if it passes most of the fans that do buy anime are over the age of 18 if not older still this would affect sales on manga, tv ratings and so forth. Also I didn't know that madoka was involved with nitro plus... that explains why I like it and stein's gate so much.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
hmm interesting i do say but even if it passes most of the fans that do buy anime are over the age of 18 if not older still this would affect sales on manga, tv ratings and so forth. Also I didn't know that madoka was involved with nitro plus... that explains why I like it and stein's gate so much.

If what passes? The bill? The bill already passed... over a year ago.

As for Madoka being involved with NitroPlus, that's not exactly true. Urobuchi works for them, but this was a project exclusively brought up by the animation studio SHAFT and its creators. The only true connection with NitroPlus comes from the partnership and involvement of Urobuchi. NitroPlus joined, though, to help with the production of the PSP game and the light novel adaption of the series. They also made a "Puella Magi Sonico Magica" April Fool's animation spoofing Madoka with one of their iconic characters.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:17 am Reply with quote
Juno016 wrote:
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
hmm interesting i do say but even if it passes most of the fans that do buy anime are over the age of 18 if not older still this would affect sales on manga, tv ratings and so forth. Also I didn't know that madoka was involved with nitro plus... that explains why I like it and stein's gate so much.

If what passes? The bill? The bill already passed... over a year ago.

As for Madoka being involved with NitroPlus, that's not exactly true. Urobuchi works for them, but this was a project exclusively brought up by the animation studio SHAFT and its creators. The only true connection with NitroPlus comes from the partnership and involvement of Urobuchi. NitroPlus joined, though, to help with the production of the PSP game and the light novel adaption of the series. They also made a "Puella Magi Sonico Magica" April Fool's animation spoofing Madoka with one of their iconic characters.

Well shit I just learned something new but still it's making sense why I love both of them.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:35 am Reply with quote
Juno016 wrote:

As for Madoka being involved with NitroPlus, that's not exactly true. Urobuchi works for them, but this was a project exclusively brought up by the animation studio SHAFT and its creators. The only true connection with NitroPlus comes from the partnership and involvement of Urobuchi. NitroPlus joined, though, to help with the production of the PSP game and the light novel adaption of the series. They also made a "Puella Magi Sonico Magica" April Fool's animation spoofing Madoka with one of their iconic characters.

Well Tarou Deji was a planner on Madoka Magica and he represents Nitro+ so I would say Nitro had some involvement in Madoka's development and production. Though you are probably right most of the leg work was done by SHAFT and Aniplex.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:05 am Reply with quote
Yuki_Kun45 wrote:
Juno016 wrote:

As for Madoka being involved with NitroPlus, that's not exactly true. Urobuchi works for them, but this was a project exclusively brought up by the animation studio SHAFT and its creators. The only true connection with NitroPlus comes from the partnership and involvement of Urobuchi. NitroPlus joined, though, to help with the production of the PSP game and the light novel adaption of the series. They also made a "Puella Magi Sonico Magica" April Fool's animation spoofing Madoka with one of their iconic characters.

Well Tarou Deji was a planner on Madoka Magica and he represents Nitro+ so I would say Nitro had some involvement in Madoka's development and production. Though you are probably right most of the leg work was done by SHAFT and Aniplex.

That, I didn't know. Though, upon further exploration, I see why. He's a planning supervisor, so he probably looked over Urobuchi's draft and screenplay. I haven't heard anything directly about his involvement, though, so I don't know if he truly represented Nitro+ as the company or just himself, as Urobuchi's boss.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:39 pm Reply with quote
I still don't know how this bill passed last year. (Or was it the year before?) and then the governor STILL got re-elected? Now that's ridiculous! I think it boils down to old people vote... Old people who obviously have old prejudices as well as stereotypes which they do not care to change. They also don't know what goes on day to day in their hometown, but uses the media to try and depict what is.

We should all know what happens when you just trust the media to tell you what is right, instead of looking up stuff yourself.

I really hope that the younger generation starts voting more in japan so they can throw out these old, "stuck in their ways" people who don't care about anything but votes, and what's best for themselves.

On a side note, I hope that's what happens to our own houses of congress next voting session with regards to PIPA and such.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:51 pm Reply with quote
Yuki_Kun45 wrote:
Juno016 wrote:

As for Madoka being involved with NitroPlus, that's not exactly true. Urobuchi works for them, but this was a project exclusively brought up by the animation studio SHAFT and its creators. The only true connection with NitroPlus comes from the partnership and involvement of Urobuchi. NitroPlus joined, though, to help with the production of the PSP game and the light novel adaption of the series. They also made a "Puella Magi Sonico Magica" April Fool's animation spoofing Madoka with one of their iconic characters.

Well Tarou Deji was a planner on Madoka Magica and he represents Nitro+ so I would say Nitro had some involvement in Madoka's development and production. Though you are probably right most of the leg work was done by SHAFT and Aniplex.

Same with Steins;Gate. Nitro+ had involvement, but 5pb did most of the work and also published the title.

Chaos;Head was a little more even in terms of development, but 5pb, again, published the title.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Even after the passing of such a controversial bill, it makes me happy to see at least someone in the anime industry is still willing to stand up for freedom of creative expression.

Fight on, Urobuchi! Fight on!
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:55 am Reply with quote
shukero wrote:
I still don't know how this bill passed last year. (Or was it the year before?) and then the governor STILL got re-elected? Now that's ridiculous! I think it boils down to old people vote... Old people who obviously have old prejudices as well as stereotypes which they do not care to change. They also don't know what goes on day to day in their hometown, but uses the media to try and depict what is.

We should all know what happens when you just trust the media to tell you what is right, instead of looking up stuff yourself.

I really hope that the younger generation starts voting more in japan so they can throw out these old, "stuck in their ways" people who don't care about anything but votes, and what's best for themselves.

On a side note, I hope that's what happens to our own houses of congress next voting session with regards to PIPA and such.

Unlike a lot of the elections on the national level in Japan, I do believe the people directly vote for the governors of their prefecture. And yet, people like this get elected because some of the other runner-ups are just as bad, if not worse. Then again, if anyone comes in and threatens to sacrifice some of the wellfare for the elderly in order to improve the job market for the young, that person can pretty much say goodbye to their seat. The older people are cared for pretty well, and with so many, it gets expensive. And yet the younger generations are either forced or pushed into the life style of freeters and NEETs, with the government not even looking out for them. Only the ones who are lucky even have a chance of doing something productive, business-wise, with their lives.

If the older demographic wasn't so big, the younger demographic wouldn't feel as hopeless about the situation and would likely be more inclined to do something about it. Of course, they can if they pull it together. But pulling it together is going to be harder than waiting for the elderly to wither away... so don't expect anything to change drastically soon.

Oh yes. And taking care of the younger generation would also take care of their birth rate and population decline issues, for sure. The government legislators and officials just can't blame it on their policies because their policies are what make them popular.
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