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INTEREST: Namco Bandai Games to Absorb Namco Tales Studio

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Joined: 24 Mar 2007
Posts: 401
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:21 pm Reply with quote
So....this means....what?

We'll never get more tales games again or the opposite?
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Kazemon15 wrote:
So....this means....what?

We'll never get more tales games again or the opposite?

Of course not! Tales makes a pretty decent amount of cash and has a pretty strong fanbase in Japan, strong enough to have it's own magazine and festival event. Hell, the demand for it around Europe and the U.S is pretty strong too.

It just means they're merged together for good instead of owning just a portion. I'm not sure how this will affect the series or creation if the games, or if it will even affect it at all. I doubt it will, if it ain't broken, don't fix it. And so far, Tales Namco has been taking care of the Tales series well on it's own.

Though a small part of me hopes that this will spawn more merchandise... Like an actual Vesperia anime instead of the plot-hole filled movie.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:48 pm Reply with quote
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Hell, the demand for it around Europe and the U.S is pretty strong too.

I can safely say that the demand is not strong here in the US.
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Joined: 24 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:02 pm Reply with quote
Lenks wrote:
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Hell, the demand for it around Europe and the U.S is pretty strong too.

I can safely say that the demand is not strong here in the US.


This is what I was asking. About the US fanbase.

I already know the Tales series is doing great in Japan.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:02 am Reply with quote
Lenks wrote:
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Hell, the demand for it around Europe and the U.S is pretty strong too.

I can safely say that the demand is not strong here in the US.
If only because they have next to no products on the market to actauly guage that demand or they ever release the final version. All we get, really, are very pretty betas (and some Alphas, Tales of Phantasta GBA) and they get the version where Dahos is a recrutable chracter and he spams cat lazers and has a Keroro Gunsou Summon that throws Knightmare Frames at Sonic, who's a bonus boss somehow.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:03 am Reply with quote
I think it has to do with the people in charge of Sony/Nintendo than anything else. Reggie is pretty much laughing at people who want J-RPGs like Xenoblade in the US, and with him around it's unlikely you'll get that stuff for a US release anytime soon. I think Nintendo US already wrote off the Wii outside first party titles in favor of focusing on the Wii-U. Not sure who's the mastermind behind Sony, but I know they have plenty of idiotic policies that lockout these games (some being that one: no dub, no release. Two: there needs to be a certain % of new content in a game to release a remake/port.. which is why the US never saw Tales of Eternia or Breath of Fire 3 or Suikoden 1 + 2 in English for the PSP. Three: 2D games have some weird rule that applies to them that determines if they get localized or not.. I forget exactly what that rule is, but it's part of why Tales of Destiny 2 never came out in the US) The only reason we're not getting Tales of Vesperia PS3 is because Microsoft put a ban on it on Sony.

In short, audience means very little as long as these people are in charge here.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:24 am Reply with quote
Conan-san wrote:
Lenks wrote:
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Hell, the demand for it around Europe and the U.S is pretty strong too.

I can safely say that the demand is not strong here in the US.
If only because they have next to no products on the market to actauly guage that demand or they ever release the final version. All we get, really, are very pretty betas (and some Alphas, Tales of Phantasta GBA) and they get the version where Dahos is a recrutable chracter and he spams cat lazers and has a Keroro Gunsou Summon that throws Knightmare Frames at Sonic, who's a bonus boss somehow.

dam agree! i tired from all of these betas!

also i agree with what TitanXL said .. but i don't remeber that TOV not being rerelease to ps3 US because Microsoft put a ban on it on Sony... and i read the whole story on alot of different sites... (sankakucomplex had most of the tiny details if i don't mistake..)
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