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INTEREST: Live-Action Ranma 1/2's Theme Sung by Girl Group 9nine

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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:39 am Reply with quote
Man, it's been ages since I heard any Ranma theme song, let alone the first theme song.

Interesting bit of info though, this theme song was partially sung in English (for several seconds at least) in I season 6 I think. It was sung by Akane's friends (it's been years upon years since I last watched Ranma 1/2, so I've forgotten the names of the really minor characters) ans while it was brief, was cool to hear the theme song in English.

Makes me wonder though, considering Inuyasha was granted a final season (I think it's been some odd years since that happened though) I wonder if there ever will be a new Ranma OVA or (shooting for the stars here) anime season? The original anime ended in 2002, so it's (more or less) almost been a complete decade, so I am not really sure.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:08 am Reply with quote
DoCo should really have sung the theme song. Laughing
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:45 am Reply with quote
Actually, the original anime ended in 1992 in Japan! America got Ranma very slowly, and we didn't complete the series until 2003. There is a new Ranma OVA that came out in 2008 for the series' 20th anniversary, but Viz hasn't picked it up yet! Come to think about it, Viz hasn't done ANYTHING with Ranma in years! They haven't unflipped the manga, and the anime is pretty much in their back catalog. They haven't even acknowledged it's existence in a long time. It's a shame considering it was their first "big" title. It's tenure in America lasted from 1993-2003, explaining why many characters' voices changed, especially in the later seasons. Myriam Sirois (the voice of Akane) moved to Toronto before recording ended on the series, and she had to fly back to Vancouver a couple of times to finish taping her dialogue for the show (notice she wasn't in the cast wrap party photos on the DVD, despite playing one of the lead characters). If Viz has indeed lost their license to the series, then thank god for FUNi, who has stated that they would love to have the series!

But it'll be neat to see this special! I loved the songs in Ranma, and Viz did have a few legitimately dubbed, such as "Heart Panic" (the first OVA opening), and any song in the series that involved a character singing, including opening and ending themes (Cathy Weseluck was actually a decent singer)!
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