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NEWS: Funimation Posts Q&A Video on Elite Subscriptions

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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:42 am Reply with quote
I didn't watch through the entire 1hr video so I don't know if this was covered... the article mentions "uncut" titles, but will that include the video versions of previously simulcasted titles (i.e. will they be replacing the streams)?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:55 am Reply with quote
They mentioned that they were going to stream Panty & Stocking uncut. Does anybody know if the TV version of PSG differs from the BD version?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:38 am Reply with quote
(at least fourth months before non-subscribers will see them online).

Small typo.

I hope it goes well for them. Right now I don't like to watch their site's streamed shows because of the commercials, so this will probably make a lot of fans happy. Personally, I watch their shows on Netflix.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:39 pm Reply with quote
It was disappointing to hear them state that they still don't have the materials for Index and Railgun. I thought that had been resolved.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:29 pm Reply with quote
I signed up for the free trial and, frankly, I don't really think that I will be continuing with it. I was disappointed.

First of all, the elite membership is not reciprocal on NicoNico, despite the partnership. So you will have to also pay whatever NicoNico is going to end up charging for their membership if you want to watch their shows.
(I guess the "Funico" deal means that NicoNico provides a place for Funimation to stream their shows, as well as providing numbers for the other stuff streaming on there.) ---Good for Funi, I guess, but not very convenient or cost effective for me.

So I think: "OK, Here is an opportunity for Funimation to turn me into a One Piece fan, since I have only watched up to around episode 50. Now I can check it out ad-free!"


It is the advertisement loaded Hulu stream. Not only that, but an inferior stream that jerked and stalled. A LOT.

It makes no sense to me that the back episodes of One Piece, the ones that Funimation has licensed, are not available as clean HD streams through their paid service. I guess they don't want to turn me into a One Piece fan after all, since I don't really want to spent the time sitting through the ads and waiting through all the stalls and stutters.

So - it really makes no sense to me to pay for this service. I have all the Funimation DVDs and blurays I already want in my collection. I can stick them into either of my two bluray players, and watch them on my 40" HD tvs anytime I want.

I may use the free trial to watch House of Five Leaves in HD and ad-free (if it is even offerred that way, I haven't checked. Rolling Eyes ). The Funimation "elite" membership is not yet ready for prime time, IMO.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:34 pm Reply with quote
tuxedocat wrote:
First of all, the elite membership is not reciprocal on NicoNico, despite the partnership.

This is my biggest issue. There is no way I'm paying for a FUNi subscription and not be able to see their simulcasts in HD over at niconico.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:07 pm Reply with quote

Yeah, in this video they said a small number of shows, I think they even mentioned One Piece, wouldn't be ad free. It has to deal with contracts and stuff. Kinda makes sense too, on Hulu it says that Toei is the Network/Studio not FUNimation. That might have something to do with it.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:12 pm Reply with quote
PBsallad wrote:

Yeah, in this video they said a small number of shows, I think they even mentioned One Piece, wouldn't be ad free. It has to deal with contracts and stuff. Kinda makes sense too, on Hulu it says that Toei is the Network/Studio not FUNimation. That might have something to do with it.

I remember them eventually saying that they would like to get more shows ad free. I do not have a problem with the ads since I can just ignore them when they are on.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:08 pm Reply with quote
tuxedocat wrote:
First of all, the elite membership is not reciprocal on NicoNico, despite the partnership.

Nor should it be. The partnership does nothing to change the business operations of NicoNico or FUNimation.

(I guess the "Funico" deal means that NicoNico provides a place for Funimation to stream their shows, as well as providing numbers for the other stuff streaming on there.)

I believe people are still very confused on what position Funico has in the distribution world, but remember it's about simulcast streaming, not series streaming.

It's unlikely FUNimation series will stream at NicoNico (and this news actually supports this). Once the simulcast license expires, there's a reasonable expectation there will be a delay in series streaming until FUNimation acquires the appropriate license(s).

It is the advertisement loaded Hulu stream. Not only that, but an inferior stream that jerked and stalled. A LOT.

I've not listened to the whole hour, but I'm pretty sure I heard not all titles will be ad-free. Also note an embed from Hulu means the jerks and stalls are coming from Hulu's servers, not those of FUNimation. Embeds are direct pass-throughs unless there's an agreement to store copies on local servers (though doubtful since everyone's using CDNs now for this purpose...score a victory for porn sites Wink).

I guess they don't want to turn me into a One Piece fan after all, since I don't really want to spent the time sitting through the ads and waiting through all the stalls and stutters.

So your impatience is the fault of FUNimation? "Awwwwwkward!" - Tenma Tsukamato
a soundbite here would be so much better

The Funimation "elite" membership is not yet ready for prime time, IMO.

Not to be rude, but your opinion wasn't very helpful. Not only did you relate the experience to a single series, but you based your entire position on Hulu's streaming service.


To the topic, Boy Blunder!

I don't see myself with a membership. While it sounds nice, my acquired FUNimation titles through Netflix is more than sufficient, even if they're not in HD (not an issue for me).

What I'm concerned with is the future, should FUNimation ditch Netflix in lieu of this service (to be marketed to apps and consoles).
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:20 pm Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
pointless wankery

I was sharing my observations about why I, personally, didn't find this service all that useful. It wasn't some kind of attack against you, and I don't understand why you would take it that way.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:35 pm Reply with quote
tuxedocat wrote:
I was sharing my observations about why I, personally, didn't find this service all that useful. It wasn't some kind of attack against you, and I don't understand why you would take it that way.

I didn't take your post as an attack at all. I just found it pointless.

You spent more time opining about Hulu's stream you forgot to actually talk about the Elite service's other streams to see if it were actually worth it.

It's okay. I'm rather used to fans throwing out the bathwater because they hate the baby.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:00 pm Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
tuxedocat wrote:
I was sharing my observations about why I, personally, didn't find this service all that useful. It wasn't some kind of attack against you, and I don't understand why you would take it that way.

I didn't take your post as an attack at all. I just found it pointless.

You spent more time opining about Hulu's stream you forgot to actually talk about the Elite service's other streams to see if it were actually worth it.

It's okay. I'm rather used to fans throwing out the bathwater because they hate the baby.

OK. look.

I watched Funimation's little video with Adam and Justin.

Nowhere in the video did they address the NicoNico issue.

They also said that "about 1% of their licensed shows were going to have advertisements". -I guess that 1% means "all of the licensed content they have for One Piece. This is a lot (to me).

This may be useful information for people who sign up expecting these things.

You're not one of them. fine. (I guess you are insinuating that I shouldn't have a right to post my experiences here. Overcompensation much?)
Rolling Eyes

Back on topic: Update: I streamed the first two episodes of House of Five Leaves. I experienced a large stall in the first episode, and a few brief pauses where I think the ad breaks used to be inserted. The picture quality was nice, otherwise. Sort of like it would be at home if you had a player that stalled every now and then. Confused

Overall, it is nice to watch this show without ads. I guess I'll never be offered this show on bluray, so it is cool to experience it this way, at least one time.

I still do not intend to pay for the service, at this point, since I usually buy all the shows I like, anyway. One show, as much as I like it, does not really justify the $8/mo. for me. I might change my mind as the site evolves, or if they work out that licensing problem with the "1%".

edited to add: The third episode stalled twice, the second time I was booted back to the beginning.
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Joined: 05 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:58 am Reply with quote
I signed up for the Elite membership but cancelled it after finding that I was still being served ads for basically everything on FUNi's portal I actually watched.

I looked at a list of some of the episodes that were being made part of the subscription and the ones that were served with ads and I was sickened a little... For some titles that were previously available on Crunchyroll (and as I recall, out of subscription watchable for free with ads) FUNi is making the subtitled episodes part of their paid subscription service while they make the fresh new dubs freely viewable via ads. So the episodes that were once available for anyone to watch are now ripped out and stuck behind a subscription, while the dubs that would reasonably sound like a subscription feature are now free to watch.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:52 am Reply with quote
It would seem that if individuals "pay" for such elite service(s) through a subscription that they would get the "best" service possible meaning ad free, have simulcast and streaming viewing available in HD quality with no stops, stutters or reboots to them. If individuals pay to see series as a "regular" subscriber then the ads will automatically be part of that package deal. As posters have mentioned already it makes no sense to pay for services which contain poor quality when there are other options that will take little to no money from them and still give them the viewing pleasures they seek.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:03 pm Reply with quote
Are there still shows available for free at Funimation? I know that some of the ones that were released via YouTube are still on that site (for now), e.g., House of Five Leaves. Still what is the possible rationale for putting the subtitled version of obscure shows like Oh! Edo Rocket behind the pay wall?

I won't pay for a subscription to a service that includes advertising. Crunchyroll's $7/month seems about right for streams without ads. Shows with ads need to be streamed for free.

I could see moving the dubbed versions behind the pay wall and leaving the subbed versions for free with ads. That makes a lot more sense to me than Funimation's current policy.
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