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NEWS: Toei Animation Breaks Down 2011 Earnings by Franchise

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Joined: 23 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:17 pm Reply with quote
I guess this is part of the reason that FUNi got more One Piece.
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Macron One

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:43 pm Reply with quote
Always great to see some actual figures. I wonder how much of that 8 million bucks in overseas One Piece licensing revenue can be attributed to Funimation's licensing of the fourth TV season.

I really wish the Precure franchise would get a better foothold in America. I'd love to be able to get any of those series on Region 1 DVD, Heartcatch Precure especially!
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Seriously, someone needs to take a chance and bring over the Precure franchise here in the U.S. The kids of this generation needs to be exposed to at least one magical girl series just like ones before it where they were exposed to Sailor Moon.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:41 pm Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Seriously, someone needs to take a chance and bring over the Precure franchise here in the U.S. The kids of this generation needs to be exposed to at least one magical girl series just like ones before it where they were exposed to Sailor Moon.

Executives have flat out said "girls don't sell" when it comes to cartoons, so I doubt any network will. Americans don't like the idea of female leads which is why 99% of cartoons star males. Luckily, though, PreCure gets fans in other countries like Italy and such which appreciate magical girls.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:11 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Executives have flat out said "girls don't sell" when it comes to cartoons, so I doubt any network will. Americans don't like the idea of female leads which is why 99% of cartoons star males.

Yet Nickelodeon brought back a series which 4Kids originally had and is co-producing it's newest seasons. Explain that one to me please. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:26 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:

Yet Nickelodeon brought back a series which 4Kids originally had and is co-producing it's newest seasons. Explain that one to me please. Rolling Eyes

Naming one or two shows does not disprove this fact, especially when that show is an Italian import (from the previous mentioned fanatics of magical girl properties). More than likely since it already had an established name recognition and the fact it was a co-production had big influences on it, or it was a mass deal when they also got the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show rights which was also airing on 4Kids as well. If it was an entirely new pilot being pitched to them, then no, they wouldn't accept it, as a lot of animators can attest to given the amount of female-driven pilots Nickelodeon has rejected. Which is why the last show they had with a female lead only got greenlit because some SNL star pitched it and had name recognition attached to it (though it still bombed)
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:47 pm Reply with quote
Interesting to see the large gap between international and domestic revenue there for One Piece. Although DB seems to be doing better internationally, odd mix.
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Shay Guy

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:59 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
darkchibi07 wrote:
Seriously, someone needs to take a chance and bring over the Precure franchise here in the U.S. The kids of this generation needs to be exposed to at least one magical girl series just like ones before it where they were exposed to Sailor Moon.

Executives have flat out said "girls don't sell" when it comes to cartoons, so I doubt any network will. Americans don't like the idea of female leads which is why 99% of cartoons star males.

I'm hoping MLP:FiM might make some executives start questioning that, but I'm not holding my breath.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:16 pm Reply with quote
Shay Guy wrote:
I'm hoping MLP:FiM might make some executives start questioning that, but I'm not holding my breath.

My Little Pony is based on a doll line, so it has name recognition. Stuff like Barbie and other girls toys are given a bit more leeway in being made, which is why we keep getting some Barbie/Bratz direct-to-video flicks every year or two.

Though given the.... type of fanbase that show has spawned (4chan and internet memes) I'd actually say it's more damaging than beneficial for the cause, and shows American audiences can't really handle it. I think that's why Hasbro ignored it and had panels for every other series but My Little Pony at New York Comic Con.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:53 am Reply with quote
Murder She wrote:

* Although these figures are for the second quarter, they include first quarter's revenues as well.

Taking that into account, it seems overseas business for Toei has actually gone down.............. Confused

darkchibi07 wrote:
Seriously, someone needs to take a chance and bring over the Precure franchise here in the U.S. The kids of this generation needs to be exposed to at least one magical girl series just like ones before it where they were exposed to Sailor Moon.

If even W.I.T.C.H. sustained by the power of Disney (and Greg Weisman) only last 2 seasons.............

Girls just moved on to live-action teen shows, which has tons of girl leads. Some could be termed "magical."
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Joined: 20 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:07 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Executives have flat out said "girls don't sell" when it comes to cartoons, so I doubt any network will. Americans don't like the idea of female leads which is why 99% of cartoons star males. Luckily, though, PreCure gets fans in other countries like Italy and such which appreciate magical girls.

Apparently you were in grade school with 'Kim Possible' and 'The Proud Family' were some of the highest rated shows on The Disney Channel and ABC. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:07 am Reply with quote
stagedive_25 wrote:
Apparently you were in grade school with 'Kim Possible' and 'The Proud Family' were some of the highest rated shows on The Disney Channel and ABC. Rolling Eyes

As someone who's been involved with the industry, I'm just telling you how it is and my experiences, as well as what colleagues have blogged about (all of which is freely available to read online, or even interviews) as well as the stuff that doesn't get publicly talked about. If you don't want to believe it then that's your choice.

Let me just point out you used two shows from about 10 years ago to make that statement. That should send off at least a few warning lights in your head about the state of the industry. (Though to say the Proud Family was highly rated is quite a stretch of a statement, all things considered) To put it in a better perspective count how many male starring cartoons their are current on TV, then count how many female starring cartoons their are. For truly horrifying nightmare mode, ignore any girl series that are based on a doll or toy line.

No American company wants to chance PreCure in the US, because along with it starring girls, it stars girls who get the ever loving crap kicked out of them, which is a huge no no here. You have a hard time letting guys get punched in shows here, and girls is even more taboo. I remember when 4Kids was airing Tokyo Mew Mew and no toy company wanted to touch it (Because girl action figures? Who would want to buy those, right?) so it got axed before the second half of the series could be dubbed. And while some would say that's a good thing given the 'quality' of the dub, it also says a lot about the mindset of the industry here. As a huge Pretty Cure fan, I'm disappointed by this fact, but have come to accept it; which is a shame since it really is a huge untapped market here.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:36 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Seriously, someone needs to take a chance and bring over the Precure franchise here in the U.S. The kids of this generation needs to be exposed to at least one magical girl series just like ones before it where they were exposed to Sailor Moon.


Not to mention the god awful Toei dub,

Blue Water did a better job, IMO. Other than changing the names, it was actually pretty decent. Alot better than the Zeta Gundam dub. I actually watched it before going to school in the morning back a few years ago.

With that being said.....

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:33 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
stagedive_25 wrote:
Apparently you were in grade school with 'Kim Possible' and 'The Proud Family' were some of the highest rated shows on The Disney Channel and ABC. Rolling Eyes

As someone who's been involved with the industry, I'm just telling you how it is and my experiences, as well as what colleagues have blogged about (all of which is freely available to read online, or even interviews) as well as the stuff that doesn't get publicly talked about. If you don't want to believe it then that's your choice.

Let me just point out you used two shows from about 10 years ago to make that statement. That should send off at least a few warning lights in your head about the state of the industry. (Though to say the Proud Family was highly rated is quite a stretch of a statement, all things considered) To put it in a better perspective count how many male starring cartoons their are current on TV, then count how many female starring cartoons their are. For truly horrifying nightmare mode, ignore any girl series that are based on a doll or toy line.

No American company wants to chance PreCure in the US, because along with it starring girls, it stars girls who get the ever loving crap kicked out of them, which is a huge no no here. You have a hard time letting guys get punched in shows here, and girls is even more taboo. I remember when 4Kids was airing Tokyo Mew Mew and no toy company wanted to touch it (Because girl action figures? Who would want to buy those, right?) so it got axed before the second half of the series could be dubbed. And while some would say that's a good thing given the 'quality' of the dub, it also says a lot about the mindset of the industry here. As a huge Pretty Cure fan, I'm disappointed by this fact, but have come to accept it; which is a shame since it really is a huge untapped market here.

Randomly butting in here, but while we're on the subject I figured I'd toss in this quote as well, from The New York Times, concerning anime:
In Japan, anime varies from children’s programming to sports, romantic comedies and even public service announcements and pornography. The shows that resonate in the United States tend to be action-driven, with lots of violence, as well as sexually provocative shows. The small but avid audience is made up of mostly male viewers aged 18 to 34. Distributors said comedies, sports shows and anything aimed at women tend to not work.

The quote was taken from here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/29/business/media/hulu-and-netflix-gain-an-advantage-with-anime.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2

I just don't understand it. Why does America hate female programming so much? Sailor Moon has been a top selling manga ever since it was released state-side, not to mention Fruits Basket was Tokyopop's #1 Shoujo title. Then there's the popularity of anything with the name CLAMP on it...and Precure has world-wide appeal, even if the US won't give it a chance.

Even if America hates female leads, they can still "market" to us girls if they at least tried. Tiger & Bunny, as well as Hetalia are shows starring (mostly) men but they're wildly popular among us girls!

Also agreed about the MLP thing. I love Friendship is Magic, but the fact that it's a toy line raking in a ton of ratings and cash because "a bunch of adult men" like it doesn't help the case/crisis.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:01 am Reply with quote
Mizuki-Takashima wrote:

Randomly butting in here, but while we're on the subject I figured I'd toss in this quote as well, from The New York Times, concerning anime:
In Japan, anime varies from children’s programming to sports, romantic comedies and even public service announcements and pornography. The shows that resonate in the United States tend to be action-driven, with lots of violence, as well as sexually provocative shows. The small but avid audience is made up of mostly male viewers aged 18 to 34. Distributors said comedies, sports shows and anything aimed at women tend to not work.

The quote was taken from here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/29/business/media/hulu-and-netflix-gain-an-advantage-with-anime.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2

I just don't understand it. Why does America hate female programming so much?

Y'mean female animated programming. Teen/tween live-action shows are full of female leads. Manga can be quite popular with girls too, but they don't watch much of any animation on TV for some reason. Partly due to that lack of female animated programming, but that cannot be the whole of it.
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