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Joined: 03 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:04 pm Reply with quote
Not really a 'new' series on Netflix, but Night Raid 1931 was recently fixed and put back up.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:30 pm Reply with quote
I guess now VizAnime is adding the Naruto films.

But what about the Bleach films?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:35 pm Reply with quote
Since when was Last Exile: Fam the Silver Wing gonna be a series. I thought when they announced it they said it was gonna be a movie? Guess I was mistaken...
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:00 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
I guess now VizAnime is adding the Naruto films.

But what about the Bleach films?
I believe it's only celebration of Naruto Shippuden: Bonds coming out this month.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:14 pm Reply with quote
Funimation won't simulcast Un-Go?
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Joined: 06 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:59 pm Reply with quote
blackseer wrote:
Funimation won't simulcast Un-Go?

If they don't, it will probably go to Crunchyroll or The Anime Network, since they both had No. 6 last season, another noitaminA series from the same studio (although TAN got a delayed simulcast).
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marcos torres toledo

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:59 am Reply with quote
I haven't seen Yu-Gi-Oh-D5 streamed on Animie News Network yet Sad
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Hagaren Viper

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:09 pm Reply with quote
blackseer wrote:
Funimation won't simulcast Un-Go?

I hope they announce it, but if memory serves they usually license this stuff well beforehand, the only weird case I can think of is Baka Test, where they kinda 'simulcasted' when it was two eps away from ending or something. I thought Funi would jump all over this one. :/
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:30 pm Reply with quote
TheAncientOne wrote:
blackseer wrote:
Funimation won't simulcast Un-Go?

If they don't, it will probably go to Crunchyroll or The Anime Network, since they both had No. 6 last season, another noitaminA series from the same studio (although TAN got a delayed simulcast).

I'm beginning to think it won't be licensed at all. It airs tomorrow after all. It would be the first noitaminA series not to be streamed since House of Five Leaves and Tatami Galaxy were released in the summer of 2010.

I've already cancelled my Crunchyroll subscription given the totally uninspired collection of series they chose to license this fall.

Funimation waited to announce [C] until the day before it premiered in Japan, so there's some, but fading, hope for Un-Go.

I'd open my wallet right now if someone started streaming Hyouge Mono.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:18 pm Reply with quote
yuna49 wrote:

I'm beginning to think it won't be licensed at all. It airs tomorrow after all. It would be the first noitaminA series not to be streamed since House of Five Leaves and Tatami Galaxy were released in the summer of 2010.

I've already cancelled my Crunchyroll subscription given the totally uninspired collection of series they chose to license this fall.

Funimation waited to announce [C] until the day before it premiered in Japan, so there's some, but fading, hope for Un-Go.

I'd open my wallet right now if someone started streaming Hyouge Mono.

Keep in mind that Crunchryoll has been announcing everything close to the simulcast premiere this season. In at least one case (You and Me [Kimi to Boku]) the announcement came only a few hours before the premiere of the simulcast.

We should know by mid-day Thursday.

I see at least for those in Australia that it has been licensed for simulcast. (Fansub Wiki shows "Licensed by Siren Visual via Anime News Network Australia").

Regarding another subject your raised, there isn't much "choosing" in what Crunchyroll simulcasts; they essentially license what they can, which explains why they get more of what many people consider low quality titles. This is also why they get more titles than anyone else. Keep in mind that even with the currently small slate of new titles, they have 8 new simulcasts and 10 continuing ones.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:47 pm Reply with quote
TheAncientOne wrote:
Regarding another subject your raised, there isn't much "choosing" in what Crunchyroll simulcasts; they essentially license what they can, which explains why they get more of what many people consider low quality titles.

I imagine they also consider what they think are the tastes of their audience. Who's carrying Phi Brain this season to take just one example? Not every series in this list has a line struck through it or, as in the case of Un-Go, an R1 licensor.

There is also the issue of the licensing fees that the production committees demand. Why do you suppose Madoka Magica wasn't simulcasted? Just an oversight? All things considered, was that the biggest oversight by R1 streamers this year, or was it a problem negotiating terms with Sony?

Oh, and to add another example, how about Showa Monogatari? No streams and, it appears, no more fansubs either. I suspect some R1 streamer could have picked that up for a song. None of them did.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:37 pm Reply with quote
yuna49 wrote:
I imagine they also consider what they think are the tastes of their audience. Who's carrying Phi Brain this season to take just one example? Not every series in this list has a line struck through it or, as in the case of Un-Go, an R1 licensor.

There is also the issue of the licensing fees that the production committees demand. Why do you suppose Madoka Magica wasn't simulcasted? Just an oversight? All things considered, was that the biggest oversight by R1 streamers this year, or was it a problem negotiating terms with Sony?

Oh, and to add another example, how about Showa Monogatari? No streams and, it appears, no more fansubs either. I suspect some R1 streamer could have picked that up for a song. None of them did.

The only series I am aware of that CR actively avoids are those targeted at young children. After all, technically everyone on CR should be 13 and older, although some people obviously lie about their age, just as on Facebook, to be able to sign up.

You have to keep in mind that some rights holders are simply averse to simulcasting, or have little interest in making deals for anything less than a full rights package. When dealing with such entities, CR can do little but ask them to reconsider each season.

Let's take Madoka Magica, for example, if you examine the history of anime they have produced, you would note very few of their titles have been simulcast, and as I recall, the only ones simulcast by CR were Natsu no Arashi! series, and those were on their partner, TV Tokyo.

Likewise, until earlier this year, being on TBS was akin to a kiss of death for the possibility of a series being simulcast.

Geneon Universal in Japan appears to be another entity that despite often allowing simulcasts of within Japan of shows they control, are consistently associated with shows that see no simulcast in other countries. Index II was simulcast by Nico Nico Douga in Japan, but not here. The current Shana series is also simulcast by them, but unless that deal carries over to their U.S. site, we are unlike to see any simulcast here. The same will no doubt be true for the next ZnT series in January 2012.
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