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Shelf Life - How to Train Your Dragon

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Joined: 12 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:18 pm Reply with quote
I don't even like carbonated drink, but the Coke-a-Cola factory and museum is really neat and I did try some foreign drinks.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:31 pm Reply with quote
The ending is so haphazardly written off that it almost feels like the writers said, "Well, we don't really know what to do. You deal with it."

I have put those words into others mouths for argument's sake before, it's nice to have someone of note to actually write it plainly so I can clearly answer...

Really? Really?! You expected an anime to solve the world's problems? OF COURSE they don't know the answer- and the wonderful point of the show is that we do have to deal with it and no one person is going to solve it for you satisfactorily. The best you can do is to rely on others. It's maybe a slightly socialist viewpoint but I liked it very much.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:49 pm Reply with quote
I also don't care for Erin's wish for the series to be cancelled halfway through. Wishing for cancellation on any show bugs me since even if I don't like it, plenty of others do and I can just choose not to watch. I know Erin was probably joking, but after Firefly, Arrested Development, etc., it's not really something I find amusing.

Anyway, I enjoyed the last Eden of the East movie, and am looking forward to the Trigun movie since I knew as soon as it was announced that it would probably be just a fun side-story with no grand scale.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:53 pm Reply with quote
Sad that all of those ended up rental shelf stuff, but hey a mention of Youmacon, i am from the detroit area and am going this year yay!
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:57 pm Reply with quote
I actually just got Eden of the East from Amazon and planned to start it whenever I finish OreImo. At least I know what to expect when I go into watching the movies at the end. I am kind of suprised that the actual review on the site sounded like he was disappointed, but still gave it a solid A (I think maybe -).
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:58 pm Reply with quote
doctordoom85 wrote:
I also don't care for Erin's wish for the series to be cancelled halfway through. Wishing for cancellation on any show bugs me since even if I don't like it, plenty of others do and I can just choose not to watch. I know Erin was probably joking, but after Firefly, Arrested Development, etc., it's not really something I find amusing.

Erin was away this week. This was Bamboo, who has different views on things.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:58 pm Reply with quote
It's somewhat strange that Legend of the Millennium Dragon is even in Sony's library, as they've traditionally had a really solid track record of licensing hit after hit.

Well, technically, they were stuck with it when they funded the production in Japan. And if ANN's box office info on it is accurate, it did horribly there, so they're dumping it on American audiences who no doubt think it's some sort of Avatar: The Last Airbender cash-in. Plus, not all their titles are hits. See Astroboy and Cyborg 009.

Spastic: I woulda liked it more if there was a point to it leading up to that weak conclusion.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:07 pm Reply with quote
Spastic Minnow wrote:
The ending is so haphazardly written off that it almost feels like the writers said, "Well, we don't really know what to do. You deal with it."

I have put those words into others mouths for argument's sake before, it's nice to have someone of note to actually write it plainly so I can clearly answer...

Really? Really?! You expected an anime to solve the world's problems? OF COURSE they don't know the answer- and the wonderful point of the show is that we do have to deal with it and no one person is going to solve it for you satisfactorily. The best you can do is to rely on others. It's maybe a slightly socialist viewpoint but I liked it very much.

Nope, I don't expect them to have the answer. What I do expect is for them is to show some kind of call to action. I expect them to show people dialoging with one another, saying, "Hey.... we should do something about this." Or "Now our eyes are open... should we be talking about this?"

Something, anything that gives the impression that they care. Yes, we do have to do something, and deal with our problems, but "Hey, NEETs, let's move into this mall and open a flea market, and just wait around for the King to show up" isn't the same thing as rallying people together to talk about change. Was anything accomplished in the end? Not really. Were people more aware of their role in society's ills than before the series started? Hardly.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:38 pm Reply with quote
I think the problem is that you can end up with the problems that Gundam 00 had, where change was made but the answer was ludicrous, and completely unrealistic. The thing is that its kind of easy to point out the problem, but it's another thing to actually have the answers. If Kenji Kamiyama has the answers, then his wasting his time making anime when he should be running for some political office.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:04 pm Reply with quote
I was really hoping the "Noooooothing" under the Shelf-Worthy heading would link to that clip from Metalocalypse. Laughing

I had yet to see Paradise Lost, but the King of Eden movie was such a plodding morass of set-up, otherwise pretty useless, that this doesn't surprise me. Though far from perfect, I was completely satisfied with the ending to the TV series, so I couldn't care less whether the movies were made at all. I think the TV show wrapped up its stance on the game succinctly, and you can reasonably assume who "won" even if it hadn't officially ended. Movies quite frankly not needed.

...Then again, I said this about FMA too, and we got a movie AND a remake for that one, so maybe I'm just too easy to please. Anime hyper

Additionally, I agree with Bamboo 100% on the Trigun movie. It WAS disappointing for something that'd been floating around for 13 years. Totally forgettable Jump movie where the "episode-only" characters got more attention than the main cast. Coulda been done better. And so yes, I will complain about it, grumf grumf. Anime hyper
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Youkai Warrior

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:26 pm Reply with quote
Additionally, I agree with Bamboo 100% on the Trigun movie. It WAS disappointing for something that'd been floating around for 13 years. Totally forgettable Jump movie where the "episode-only" characters got more attention than the main cast. Coulda been done better. And so yes, I will complain about it, grumf grumf.

You'd think it would have been something epic, considering the movie had been in development for that long, you know? Since it's been in development that long, I expected it to be just that. But I still want to see the movie, I loved the TV series, so my insatiable curiousity will not let me pass up the movie no matter how bad it is. However, and I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up, where are Knives and Legato? I bet the movie would have been that much better if Legato and Knives, or one of them were in it.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:40 pm Reply with quote
Youkai Warrior wrote:
Additionally, I agree with Bamboo 100% on the Trigun movie. It WAS disappointing for something that'd been floating around for 13 years. Totally forgettable Jump movie where the "episode-only" characters got more attention than the main cast. Coulda been done better. And so yes, I will complain about it, grumf grumf.

You'd think it would have been something epic, considering the movie had been in development for that long, you know? Since it's been in development that long, I expected it to be just that. But I still want to see the movie, I loved the TV series, so my insatiable curiousity will not let me pass up the movie no matter how bad it is. However, and I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up, where are Knives and Legato? I bet the movie would have been that much better if Legato and Knives, or one of them were in it.

Catch-22. In order to have Wolfwood in the movie AND still have Vash at his happy-go-lucky stage, you have to place it before Legato's first appearance and the reveal that Knives is alive and coming for Vash.

Wolfwood disappears right before Legato shows up. When he comes back two years later, we are well into the "break Vash's mind" part of the show, so you can't really write a standalone episode into that part.

Long story short, they couldn't put Legato into the movie. And they could probably only put Knives in as a flashback, which would necessitate a different kind of movie. So yeah.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:41 pm Reply with quote
Youkai Warrior wrote:
Additionally, I agree with Bamboo 100% on the Trigun movie. It WAS disappointing for something that'd been floating around for 13 years. Totally forgettable Jump movie where the "episode-only" characters got more attention than the main cast. Coulda been done better. And so yes, I will complain about it, grumf grumf.

You'd think it would have been something epic, considering the movie had been in development for that long, you know? Since it's been in development that long, I expected it to be just that. But I still want to see the movie, I loved the TV series, so my insatiable curiousity will not let me pass up the movie no matter how bad it is. However, and I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up, where are Knives and Legato? I bet the movie would have been that much better if Legato and Knives, or one of them were in it.

And do what? Sit around and have a cup of coffee? Knives was barely even in the anime. Most of his screen time where in flashbacks. Why would Legato appear in a movie about a bank robbery?

The movie has nothing to do with the plot of the anime because the anime was self contained. With FMA, the last three episodes where mainly spent setting up the plot of the movie (a major complaint I had about those three episodes). The Trigun anime's theme was entirely in the anime, while Conquerors of Shamballa was mainly about emphasizing the idea of equivalent exchange, the main theme of the first anime.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:39 pm Reply with quote
While I don't begrudge anyone liking Eden of the East, I've just never understood why. I watched the entirety of the TV series, but...

Bamboo wrote:
I loved its concrete ties to the real world—countless references to real movies, detailed snapshots of real cities, mentions of real events. It grounded the series and made it feel more real, instead of having the characters eating at McPonalds and talking about fake TV shows

Grounded in reality? I can suspend disbelief about shadowy corporations and super computers (because that kind of scary stuff is most likely 100 percent real), but E of the E lost me, almost entirely, from episode one.

I am of course referring to spoiler[our amnesiac hero arriving naked with a cell phone and a gun in front of the White House, and then later waving his junk at a female member of DC police. Now, if he weren't ventilated by WH snipers or detained for questioning in a bunker deep underground, he most certainly would have been arrested for the latter offense. If you've never lived in or around the DC area I can assure you DC Metro isn't known for being sunshine and rainbows, nor do their female officers take crap from anyone, least of all foreign men who expose themselves. Oh, and the Secret Service also kinda frowns upon people throwing things over fences in broad daylight towards the WH.]

And I could go on, but that isn't my intent.

Again, I don't begrudge anyone for liking Eden of the East, I just don't understand why or why all the fuss was made. Having seen the series I can say it, compared to it's moe peers, was better than avg. in many areas, but it was by no means the best thing since sliced bread with regards to anime. That's just my opinion.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:06 pm Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
I was really hoping the "Noooooothing" under the Shelf-Worthy heading would link to that clip from Metalocalypse. Laughing

I thought it was a reference to Darth Vader's new dialog. Way to go George.
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