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Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga - Initial D

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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:28 am Reply with quote
I have always wanted to read Initial D since I am a fan of the manga. I wonder if Kodansha is going to release Initial D with a new translation. I would buy that up in a second.

Sure it is a bit simple on the story and I think that works well for Initial D. Could it use a more complex story and more complex cast? Yes it could, but even then I would still enjoy it as much as I do complex cast or not.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:59 am Reply with quote
only God knows why they changed the character names into Americanized equivalents

Tokyo[pop] censored the brief sex scenes

in one subplot which Tokyopop partially censored from the English edition, we discover that she was sleeping with an older businessman for money

This kind of BS makes it a bit harder to mourn Tokyopop's demise. Initial D seems like a series I'd really enjoy, but as a matter of policy and principle, I don't buy censored anything ever, so I guess Tokyopop saved me (and cost themselves) a few hundred bucks there. Though I understand the first printing of Volume 1 escaped unmolested, so I'd pick that one up if I ever ran across it.

Great column as always, Jason.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:07 am Reply with quote
You have no idea how gleeful I was when I saw this on the front page. I still own some of the TP volumes of this and I'd totally dump them for a newer translation. Kodansha, Dark Horse, Vertical, anyone, make this happen. I'm waiting.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:38 pm Reply with quote
I fell in love with Initial D through the anime adaptation. I don't even care about cars and racing, but through Takumi's eyes I felt like I was discovering a fascinating subculture, and the races were as exciting and well thought out as the best shonen manga fights out there, where the main character beats his opponent by coming up with a brilliant technique in the nick of time.

However, I've never bothered checking out Tokyopop's release of the manga thanks to the censorship and Americanized names. When they released the first two seasons of the anime on DVD, at least they were careful enough to give us the option of watching them with the original audio and subtitles that featured the characters' original names and didn't censor the most controversial dialogue bits, except for one single Natsuki line in the first episode.

Since the Initial D manga will probably never get released here in Brazil thanks to its age and unattractive artwork, I'm also hoping for a license rescue and re-release in the US by Kodansha.

Last edited by Zhou-BR on Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:38 pm Reply with quote
A couple of issues:

I see at least two "Gunta's" in the article. Um, isn't that supposed to be "Gunma?"

Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, an old 1983 type of Toyota Carolla.

Okay, this doesn't sound right. I think a better way to say it is "Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, the 6th generation incarnation of the Toyota Carolla."

Also, one reason pandered about as to why Initial D got censored and edited is due to a certain film and TOKYOPOP was also releasing a line of Import scence videos at the time as well. Basically pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Of course, let's not forget their justification in editing the manga and anime.

Last edited by Sunday Silence on Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Zhou-BR wrote:
When they released the first two seasons of the anime on DVD, at least they were careful enough to give us the option of watching them with the original audio and subtitles that featured the characters' original names and didn't censor the most controversial dialogue bits, except for one single Natsuki line in the first episode.

So you're saying even the anime subs got censored? Wow. What was this oh-so-radioactive line of dialogue?

Sunday Silence wrote:
Of course, let's not forget their justification in editing the manga and anime.

And as with every other apologia I've encountered for manga and anime censorship over the years, I'm thoroughly unimpressed.

Bottom line, Tokyopop: respect and preserve the creative integrity of what you're publishing, or get the heck out of the business. Oh, wait. Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:15 pm Reply with quote
chloes_fork wrote:
So you're saying even the anime subs got censored? Wow. What was this oh-so-radioactive line of dialogue?

When Natsuki's talking to her "sugar daddy" in his car, he says he'd like to see her in a bathing suit. Her original reply is "but you've already seen all of me", but Tokyopop's subs changed the line to "but you've already seen me in a bathing suit".

Thankfully, that was the only line in the whole show that got censored even in the subs. Funimation's recent re-release of season one used the correct translation.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:47 pm Reply with quote
Zhou-BR wrote:
When Natsuki's talking to her "sugar daddy" in his car, he says he'd like to see her in a bathing suit. Her original reply is "but you've already seen all of me", but Tokyopop's subs changed the line to "but you've already seen me in a bathing suit".

There are not enough Rolling Eyess in the world for crap like this.

Funimation's recent re-release of season one used the correct translation.

Good on FUNi! I never bought the anime, finding the CG cars offputting in the previews I saw, but after having my interest rekindled by Jason's piece and recognizing that the only way I'll probably ever be able to experience Initial D in unbowdlerized form is the anime, I was thinking of picking up the S.A.V.E. release. Nice to know it's free of Tokyopop-style "adjustments."
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Manga Reviewer/Creator/Taster

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
A couple of issues:

I see at least two "Gunta's" in the article. Um, isn't that supposed to be "Gunma?"

Agggh! Thanks for noticing the typo, sorry about that!

Sunday Silence wrote:

Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, an old 1983 type of Toyota Carolla.

Okay, this doesn't sound right. I think a better way to say it is "Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, the 6th generation incarnation of the Toyota Carolla."

Now this is where my lack of car knowledge shows. But Wikipedia lists the AE86 as the fifth generation of Toyota Corolla, not sixth. (?)
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:37 pm Reply with quote
ptolemy18 wrote:
Sunday Silence wrote:

Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, an old 1983 type of Toyota Carolla.

Okay, this doesn't sound right. I think a better way to say it is "Tsuchiya, like Tak, was famous for diving a Toyota AE86, the 6th generation incarnation of the Toyota Carolla."

Now this is where my lack of car knowledge shows. But Wikipedia lists the AE86 as the fifth generation of Toyota Corolla, not sixth. (?)

I think I read wrong:

In classic Toyota code, the "A" represents the engine that came in the car (4A series), "E" represents the Corolla, "8" represents the fifth generation (E80 series) and "6" represents the variation within this generation.

chloes_fork wrote:
Sunday Silence wrote:
Of course, let's not forget their justification in editing the manga and anime.

And as with every other apologia I've encountered for manga and anime censorship over the years, I'm thoroughly unimpressed.

Bottom line, Tokyopop: respect and preserve the creative integrity of what you're publishing, or get the heck out of the business. Oh, wait. Twisted Evil

I especially liked this line:

And thus, the saga has unfolded. We're still wildly excited and overwhelmed by the initial fan and industry response to Initial D -- future plans for the property include all the things fans have asked for over the years -- and only occasionally received for such a mainstream property: premium, uncut, subtitled DVD releases, limited collector's sets of the uncut manga themselves, exclusive ‘bundles’ comprising rare merchandise and obscure treasures… Rest assured, we are committed to making Initial D available in as many fan-friendly formats as possible.

And what did we get in the end? A cut-up manga series, a piss-poor DVD release, and thats it. Oh, and a Bankruptcy due to a CEO that had the attention span of a blonde chick.
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taster of pork

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Initial D was the first Manga I read and I'm still a big fan. Really wish someone would release the Manga again Sad
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:37 pm Reply with quote
Even Radio Shack had these on the bargain bin for a couple bucks. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:59 pm Reply with quote
To Mr. Thompson,

I know that this is a little off-topic,but I've got a couple of ideas for you if you want to hear them. For a long time now,I've been fascinated by the portrayal of America and Americans in anime and manga. Maybe you can write a book on how America and Americans are portrayed in manga. Someone else can write the book on how this country and it's people are portrayed in anime. What do you think of that idea?
On a similar theme,I've got a good idea for your column. It's called "Crest of the Royal Family." I read about it in your book on manga. It's about an American girl who gets taken back to ancient Egypt because of a magic spell. It could have been the inspiration for "Inuyasha." I'd like to know a little bit more about this manga. So,what do you think?
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Initial D actually got me into cars haha. I went from driving a 2004 Grand Am (because a car's a car right?) to rocking an S-13 240SX <3 I've watched the anime over and over (it never gets any less exciting to me) but I haven't ever really read the manga. I really wish a company would at least pick up where TP left off... With original names in place thanks :P

Anyway, glad to see the series getting some positive press here, more people need to give it a chance!
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:20 am Reply with quote
evilnekohilda wrote:
Initial D actually got me into cars haha. I went from driving a 2004 Grand Am (because a car's a car right?) to rocking an S-13 240SX <3 I've watched the anime over and over (it never gets any less exciting to me) but I haven't ever really read the manga.

Don't go parading that fact now. The AE86 and 240SX community gives a cold shoulder to those that got into the cars via Initial D. Heck, the AE86 guys hate the fact that Initial D has contributed to the decline of useable AE86 chassis in NA.
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