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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:50 am
Wii and Online isn't exactly the best combination... but this might be more more like a typical online game like Monster Hunter-ish than an MMO like Final Fantasy XI.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:15 am
TitanXL wrote: | Wii and Online isn't exactly the best combination... but this might be more more like a typical online game like Monster Hunter-ish than an MMO like Final Fantasy XI. |
From what was demoed this game doesn't have an "offline" mode at all. You can play by yourself with AI instead of friends, but when the demo wanted to save, they had to log out from SE's servers despite them playing with AI instead of with friends.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:31 am
Another Dragon Quest game, another wonderful opportunity for Todd Ciolek to make light of Koichi Sugiyama's historical revisionism of WWII.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:58 am
Will this have a lot of grinding?
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Joined: 26 Mar 2011
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:00 am
It is right!
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:02 am
There goes my interest. I'm not fond of the endless open-ended grinding of an MMORPG. They should've made it a regular sequel with online expansion, especially since they still haven't worked out the kinks on online gaming in general at that company with their sister series, Final Fantasy.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:59 am
Now while I'm not worried about this game coming to the U.S. since Yuji Hori specifically said that he wants Dragon Quest to be a hit in the western world, I am worried about the online suffering from lack of users in the U.S. One thing's for sure, this is the last game for the Wii that I'm hyped for. (Unless of course Epic Mickey 2 is a reality)
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Joined: 28 Jun 2008
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:20 am
Nintendo has taken over publishing Dragon Quest outside of Japan so I would be very surprised if it doesn't hit worldwide. This is one of the franchises they are currently pushing hard in the West.
If DQX makes it in time for the Wii U launch, that'd be pretty huge (and I'd buy it as one of my launch games, assuming I'm not broke and can't afford the console).
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:49 pm
i don't think they will do well in the west. Wii onine is bad. IF SE wants it to do well in the west, they need to change battle system, move the game to Xbox/PS3.
Wii have mostly casual gamers. some of them don't even buy games.
Not sure what they mean by a "hit". it will not out sell FF13 in the west.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2006
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:22 pm
Called it! I knew DQX would be announced for the Wii U. I really think NoA should push DQX as premier title for the Wii U when it launches in the USA. DQIX did pretty well and if the online is anything like that game, I'm sure it'll be fine. I wonder if they'll do it as an action RPG or keep it Traditional Turn Based?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:34 pm
I don't understand why Nintendo is so obsessed with making DQ into a hit, but keeps screwing over fans of other currently available RPGs like Mother 3 and Xenoblade. It's true there are U.S. audiences for all those titles, but DQ is still the most "niche" of the bunch. The demand ain't here like it is in Japan for an MMORPG. Hell, the demand wasn't there for FFXI and XIV, even though they had a bigger potential user base. PC gamers are generally a different breed from console gamers, because they like titles which justify hogging up most of their computer memory, hence the emphasis on BS puzzles and grinding. Meanwhile, console gamers want titles which they can pick up and finish without a hassle.
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Teriyaki Terrier
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:57 am
After playing Dragon Quest games for a very long time, I'd really like to say I am very excited to play and purchase this game right away like I have been for several years.
I've played the original Dragon Quest (then Dragon Warrior at the time) games for the NES (otherwise known as the Nintendo Entertainment System) and for the Gameboy, Game boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Playstation, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii and currently, Nintendo Dual Screen lite.
I am going to be honest, Dragon Quest Monsters 3 was a great game, but it was not my favorite, but like the other games, it was a pretty great game. There really has never been a Dragon Quest (or for the matter Dragon Warrior) game I have disliked or haven't played and did not enjoy.
That being said though, despite my very long history with Dragon Quest I am unsure about Dragon Quest being a online game. Over the years, I've played online games (including the Final Fantasy versions) and I'll admit, some are pretty neat and really enjoyable, but eventually I lost interest in the game after a while.
In addition, the whole endless adventure could eventually be more work than anything, as after a while, you've done every quest that you really need to do, you've leveled up your character(s) enough to where you can defeat any enemy in the game and have the best equipment, the game eventually no longer as is fun as it initially was.
But given it's a Dragon Quest title, since I've played every game licensed so far, I'll probably give this game a try. It might be great, but only time will tell.
Gatsu: Although this was quite some time ago (about four years or so) there actually was a petition for Nintendo to license Mother 3. Although I agree that most petitions online seldom ever work, this one actually had some promise and looked like it was making some actual progress.
This petition was with a pretty cohesive Earthbound fan site (called and they were very proactive about this issue. Like others, I politely emailed, called, and wrote physical letters to Nintendo Of America several times over a course of six months.
Despite the fact that it seemed that actual progress was being made, eventually it was exceptionally obvious that Nintendo was not interested in the least of licensing Mother 3.
It was a strong petition, probably the most organized and cohesive one's I've ever seen and was actually making some progress,albeit small amounts. It's not that people weren't taking it seriously or anything, it's just Nintendo just didn't want to license at the time and potentially still doesn't have any plans to license this game currently.
Several months ago I called Nintendo about this any plans of Mother 3 being licensed and the guy I spoke to actually was a fan of Earthbound himself, but told me given the apparent poor sales of Earthbound and the fact it was a Gameboy Advance game, it's unlikely the game will ever be licensed in the America.
Truthfully, I am not sure what else could have been done to convince Nintendo to license Mother 3. I myself purchase Earthbound, called them often to tell them (politely of course) to license Mother 3 and had even wrote them a letter or two about this issue as well.
The only other option (or at least at that time the only option) would be to fly to where the main office of Nintendo of America and see if they would let me present a letter or speak with someone involved with the licensing of games. But the chances of them letting a non employee in said building is questionable and the chances of them letting me speak with someone directly involved is unlikely as well.
But even though it's pretty clear that Nintendo may never license Mother 3, I'd still like to see the game licensed some day. Be it wii ware or for the Nintendo Dual Screen.
I'd also like to be able to play Earthbound again, but a long time ago, I heard the series had some legal issues, so I am not sure that will ever happen either.
All I can say is I personally tried and didn't give up until the better part of the end of the petition. I'd like to think that petition had some effect, be it small or what not, but more than anything I'd like to think it showed Nintendo of America that there are still people that enjoy playing older series.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:29 am
Quote: | There really has never been a Dragon Quest (or for the matter Dragon Warrior) game I have disliked or haven't played and did not enjoy. |
I really did not dig part 6 and the second GBC Monsters game.
Quote: | Although this was quite some time ago (about four years or so) there actually was a petition for Nintendo to license Mother 3. Although I agree that most petitions online seldom ever work, this one actually had some promise and looked like it was making some actual progress. |
Yeah, but Nintendo hates RPG fans, since we jumped ship to Sony back in the N64 days. [Though in our defense, that company did owe us for baiting-and-switching us Seiken Densetsu 3 and FF5 for Secret of Evermore and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.... ]
And I think they have it in for Earthbound fans, in particular, because even though we did support the game during its initial run, we didn't really give a damn about Mario 64, and rightfully so.
So they're getting back at us by only releasing Pokemon and the uber-obscure stuff no one cares about, like Fire Emblem. [Hey, don't blame us for claiming we'd be seeing a Mother 3 on the 64 and then just dumping it to the GBA.] And it's not like the company couldn't make Mother 3 a VC-exclusive or remake 'em all for the 3DS, either. So eff 'em. I might get a Wii when it's $125 or less, or when Twilight Princess comes as pack-in, but I'm not in the mood to support a company which still hasn't learned the importance of third-party exclusives or titles for older gamers.
I also hate that argument that it did poorly when it first came out. So did Dragon Warrior. And yet it eventually found a sequel and a spin-off which connected with American gamers. Also, it's a crappy excuse when you're re-releasing an equally old-ass game like Tales of Phantasia for that very same portable system.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2006
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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:45 pm
From what I've been reading, the online play for DQX will be no different from DQIX. We'll see.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2009
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Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:21 am
While I have no intent to play an online game, I wish SE can do well in this game.
If there is one thing is that I do not understand the negative reaction when the news broke as no one really knows if the game will be good or bad. While making DQ online is indeed is a risky move, but I think current gaming industry in Japan is not taking risk to innovate and change. The new DQ can might as well be an amazing online game, the last thing you wish to bring it down is by a consumer self-fulfilling prophecy.
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