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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:40 am Reply with quote
Now that Mega Man and Breath of Fire are both dead, there's no reason for me to care about Capcom.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:52 am Reply with quote
Man, how many years has it been since I last played Mega Man Legends 2? Now that I think about it, I think it was about nine years ago. Way back when Playstation games were still being made and back then, times were completely diffrent (in the gaming world) then they are today.

I haven't heard about any game being canceled since Square Enix (Enix at the time) canceled Dragon Quest (then called Dragon Warrior) 4 for Playstation. However, at that time Enix was facing some major financial issues, so in reality, it really did not surprise all that much.

Now the Earthbound remake that was supposed to be made for the N64, now that was a game that was truly cancelled. About 3-4 years ago I first heard about this remake, but unlike DW 4 for the Playstation, I didn't even knew there ever was a Earthbound remake, let alone know the story behind it.

With Megaman though, I can't believe that I've played so many Mega Man games over the last decade. I watched the show before I played the game (the 90's Megaman game, not the newer version of the show.)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:46 am Reply with quote
B.K. wrote:
Now that Mega Man and Breath of Fire are both dead, there's no reason for me to care about Capcom.

Amen man, my exact words. This has to be one of the stupidest decisions they've ever made. At least Namco redeemed themselves by announcing Tales localizations when we had pretty much given up. No reason to continue following these lamebrains. I'll tell you though, I was waiting for them to finally do something this stupid. I was telling myself, "Just pull a boneheaded move Capcom, just try it," and look at the result.

EDIT: Removing my commentary on Catherine since some people here don't read everything I've pointed out before they post.

Last edited by belvadeer on Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:58 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:33 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
At least Namco redeemed themselves by announcing Tales localizations when we had pretty much given up.

I am still waiting for Tales of Vesperia for the PlayStation 3. Also, back in the day, I hoped that R1 would get the enhanced remake of Tales of Destiny on PlayStation 2. To this day, neither game has been localized.

belvadeer wrote:
Ah well, for those of us who actually care about the effort they put in, we can enjoy Troy Baker, Michelle Ruff and many other familiar voices for the story.

When I was playing the PlayStation 3 demo, I instantly recognized Travis Willingham with his "Roy Mustang" voice.

Oh, the good days of Mega Man Legends on the PlayStation. I remember grinding for money to max out the Shining Laser. It was a cakewalk after that. I am sad that I never got the chance to play Mega Man Legends 2.

For those of you that have played it, is it like the first game but with more features?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:33 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
They actually demanded, demanded, the original Japanese audio alongside the dub. Can you believe these idiots? Especially when the characters have English and European names. What is it with these dub-haters?

I imagine there's quite a bit of overlap between people that buy Altus games and ones that watch anime... who are pretty much used to having two language options all the time. Considering the storage capacities for Bluray and DVD, I don't think there's much reason not to have two audio tracks.

Then again, entitled twits will be entitled twits.
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Buster Blader 126

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:46 am Reply with quote
Great column this week. The tags keep me coming back!

belvadeer wrote:

Catherine: Despite we should be grateful we're getting this game, you should see the nonsense the so-called Atlus faithful stirred up. They actually demanded, demanded, the original Japanese audio alongside the dub. Can you believe these idiots? Especially when the characters have English and European names. What is it with these dub-haters? Ah well, for those of us who actually care about the effort they put in, we can enjoy Troy Baker, Michelle Ruff and many other familiar voices for the story.

The thing is, it exists, and a contingent of fans wanted it. It's not like it would've required a whole lot of effort to include it, so why shouldn't it be present? They could've just made it downloadable, like Dynasty Warriors 7's Japanese track.

For Atlus to even take the effort to rework the mouth flaps for western dialogue says a lot about their stance on Japanese audio and translation (at least for this game; I don't know their general stance on including the Japanese track on their games) if it wasn't already apparent enough. On top of that, they weren't even upfront about excluding it. From what I can tell, they were never going to include it in the first place. You might as well be upfront about it rather than being all mum on the issue.

And this is coming from a person who appreciates both language tracks, and still intends to purchase the game. Not every person who wants the Japanese track is a dub-hater.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:27 am Reply with quote
Naked Beast: Not to dash your hopes but PS3 Vesperia is not happening. It's no longer a consideration (nor was it ever one). Same with Destiny R. From here it's Abyss 3DS and Graces F; this is what's been promised to us.

Buster Blader 126 wrote:
Not every person who wants the Japanese track is a dub-hater.

Perhaps not but tell that to these guys. They said dumb crap like "I wanted this for hearing Koichi Yamadera (Vincent's seiyu). If I'm not getting a Japanese audio option, then I'm not buying it" and "Dear Atlus, no Japanese option for Catherine? You lost yourself a customer. Aren't we entitled to get it? Some of us don't like English audio".

Really, can you call that sensible? Not to mention pretentious. I'm addition, a large number of these twit comments do point out that "the English acting sucks". Guess you can't satisfy so-called loyalty.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:21 am Reply with quote
The Naked Beast wrote:

Oh, the good days of Mega Man Legends on the PlayStation. I remember grinding for money to max out the Shining Laser. It was a cakewalk after that. I am sad that I never got the chance to play Mega Man Legends 2.

For those of you that have played it, is it like the first game but with more features?

Yes it is! Mega Man Legends 2 improves on everything that made the first one great! With more weapons, bigger bosses, and tougher difficulty levels you will probably love this game!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:24 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Perhaps not but tell that to these guys. They said dumb crap like "I wanted this for hearing Koichi Yamadera (Vincent's seiyu). If I'm not getting a Japanese audio option, then I'm not buying it" and "Dear Atlus, no Japanese option for Catherine? You lost yourself a customer. Aren't we entitled to get it? Some of us don't like English audio".

Really, can you call that sensible? Not to mention pretentious. I'm addition, a large number of these twit comments do point out that "the English acting sucks". Guess you can't satisfy so-called loyalty.

Japanese language option is always nice; the Persona 3/4 dubs were very hard for me to listen to, and it remains to be seen if Catherine is in the same boat. Though I'd never boycott a game over it, God knows Disgaea 3 would have been more tolerable with a Japanese voice option. It's always a nice option; just like with anime DVDs/Blu-Rays.

And I swear I'm the only person in the world who doesn't really care for the Rockman Dash series. It's okay, but I never really cared if we got a 3rd one
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:37 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
belvadeer wrote:
Perhaps not but tell that to these guys. They said dumb crap like "I wanted this for hearing Koichi Yamadera (Vincent's seiyu). If I'm not getting a Japanese audio option, then I'm not buying it" and "Dear Atlus, no Japanese option for Catherine? You lost yourself a customer. Aren't we entitled to get it? Some of us don't like English audio".

Really, can you call that sensible? Not to mention pretentious. I'm addition, a large number of these twit comments do point out that "the English acting sucks". Guess you can't satisfy so-called loyalty.

Japanese language option is always nice; the Persona 3/4 dubs were very hard for me to listen to, and it remains to be seen if Catherine is in the same boat. Though I'd never boycott a game over it, God knows Disgaea 3 would have been more tolerable with a Japanese voice option. It's always a nice option; just like with anime DVDs/Blu-Rays.

And I swear I'm the only person in the world who doesn't really care for the Rockman Dash series. It's okay, but I never really cared if we got a 3rd one

I've never played any of the Mega Man Legends games either so I could care less about them.

From the demo I heard the Catherine English track sounds okay to me. Maybe the Jpn audio track will appear as downloadable add-on in the future.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:39 am Reply with quote
People could try phrasing it better instead of sounding like they're the selfish children of Mr. and Mrs. Vandersnob, entitled to anything they want. I'm all right with audio options too, but they're not a blasted requirement. However, I'm not saying every dub is perfect either. Persona 4's one truly horrible performance goes to Chie's dub actress, Tracey Rooney, who also did an extremely poor job voicing Miko in Cross Edge. If the dub is truly poor in all aspects, then original audio is of course necessary.

The most idiotic of the idiots are the ones who claim they learn the language because of watching subbed shows and try to sound smart by demonstrating phrases anyone can figure out. Now that just makes me sick. Anyway, that's my take on it. Let's just see what sales and reviews say about Catherine's performance here.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:58 am Reply with quote
The Naked Beast wrote:
To this day, neither game has been localized.
And they never will be.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:23 am Reply with quote
It really sucks, but I've been expecting the Mega Man News ever since Inafune left. Sad

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Now the Earthbound remake that was supposed to be made for the N64, now that was a game that was truly canceled. About 3-4 years ago I first heard about this remake, but unlike DW 4 for the Playstation, I didn't even knew there ever was a Earthbound remake, let alone know the story behind it.

Unless there was another Earthbound 64 project I didn't know about, the game that was canceled was actually a sequel that was being made. There were lots of publicity "in development!" photos going around from it too. I remember being very excited for it, having loved Earthbound. Sad

However, even though it was canceled, the plans, characters, and story created for it would eventually find their way into Mother 3. Smile (Which would then be eternally denied an official western release...)

belvadeer wrote:
Catherine: Despite we should be grateful we're getting this game, you should see the nonsense the so-called Atlus faithful stirred up. They actually demanded, demanded, the original Japanese audio alongside the dub.

I'll start out with the disclaimer that more often than not, I prefer a good English dub to a good Japanese dub, given the option.
That said, everyone's got different things they enjoy. For some people, maybe audio is a major factor in their enjoyment of the overall product. Keeping relevancy with this thread, getting the Japanese game but losing the Japanese audio might be, for some people, the same as finally getting the enhanced PS2 remake of Tales of Destiny, but it keeping the same graphics as the original PS1 version. I can, at least, understand why it could be a big enough disappointment to be a deal breaker.

And on that same line of thought...

TitanXL wrote:
Though I'd never boycott a game over it, God knows Disgaea 3 would have been more tolerable with a Japanese voice option.

Disgaea 3 had both English and Japanese audio... At least my copy did. :/ Because halfway through the game I finally switched over from English to Japanese, and I've gotta say, on a scale of 1 to 10, my enjoyment factor jumped up at least one or two full points just from that. The same was true with Disgaea 2, which also had dual audio, and which I also switched over halfway through.

NIS and Atlus dubs tend to be a little hit or miss with me... There are usually a few voices I love and a few I hate, and the proportion of either tend to decide which audio track I choose.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:59 am Reply with quote
So...you don't condone stealing the demo...but you never said anything about condemning it, right?

Anyway, this year really seems to suck for video games thus far. First True Crime 3 gets canceled a month before release, Duke Nukem Forever bombs, I'm getting kinda sick of LA Noire (IT'S TOO DAMN LONG!), and now no Mega Man Legends 3 (even though I don't own a 3DS yet, which I heard wasn't that big a deal anyway). Not much luck in the games this year.

WH40K arcade game was pretty nice though.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:38 am Reply with quote
A four-player arcade game will never fly with American mecha fans, because there are only three of them.

That made my day.

Should be getting the Bleach game here shortly. If anything, it should keep me occupied until Disgaea 4 comes out. Then I'll pretty much disappear off the face of the planet for a few months.
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