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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:11 am
Excuse me if this is somewhat off-topic but the characters from Hourou Musuko / Wandering Son should absolutely not be counted as "crossdressers"- being transgender is very different from "crossdressing".
While I'm aware that this is just an anime and I'm sure you're not trying to make a statement about gender identity, it is still extremely rude to transgender individuals as a whole to include characters from a series that is specifically about the struggles of transgender youth in a list of "crossdressers".
I would like to request that you remove those two from the list.
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:16 am
DoktorZetsubou wrote: |
I would like to request that you remove those two from the list. |
Okay. Done.
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:28 am
Zac wrote: |
DoktorZetsubou wrote: |
I would like to request that you remove those two from the list. |
Okay. Done. |
Thank you very much!
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:28 am
DoktorZetsubou wrote: | Excuse me if this is somewhat off-topic but the characters from Hourou Musuko / Wandering Son should absolutely not be counted as "crossdressers"- being transgender is very different from "crossdressing".
While I'm aware that this is just an anime and I'm sure you're not trying to make a statement about gender identity, it is still extremely rude to transgender individuals as a whole to include characters from a series that is specifically about the struggles of transgender youth in a list of "crossdressers".
I would like to request that you remove those two from the list. |
In that case the poll is kind of a mess. Oscar and Utena probably qualify more as transgendered, I believe the same is true for Nuriko. Fire Emblem is flamboyant and gay, but I don't recall him actually dressing as a woman, just a lot of feathers and frills. *shrugs*
Anyway, about the list, I'd hardly call Kotetsu a bad father. Sure he's absent (though trying), but at least he had the sense to leave his daughter with someone dependable and contact her regularly rather than keep her at home alone as he runs off on a moments notice. Let's see Shou Tucker (FMA:B), Meme Touwa (Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko) or Satsuki Matsumae (Hana Saku Iroha) on the list instead.
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:55 am
Emerje wrote: | In that case the poll is kind of a mess. Oscar and Utena probably qualify more as transgendered, I believe the same is true for Nuriko. Fire Emblem is flamboyant and gay, but I don't recall him actually dressing as a woman, just a lot of feathers and frills. *shrugs* |
I can't speak for Oscar because I haven't seen the source material, but Utena never explicitly states that she identifies as male.
Either way, the difference with Hourou Musuko is that it's a fairly reality-based series about issues faced by young transgender individuals, whereas the other shows are a tad less direct about it and often the characters challenge gender standards but are in fact presumably cisgender.
But anyway, I'm not trying to make a point here or anything- what I came here for has already been dealt with. Just explaining my reasoning.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:08 am
Is this because Casey Anthony was released just after midnight?
How about Daikichi Kawachi then?
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The King of Harts
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:40 am
I wish there was a way to put "All the faceless parents that leave their high school/middle school aged kids at home for months and months at time while they're on business trips" on the list, because they're really the worst. Then their are the family members that don't take in the kids who lose their parents. They aren't technically the kids' parent, but still, take the kid in. There are also the parents that let their kids live alone while giving them allowances, who aren't as bad, but still pretty bad.
Charles is a good #1 for the last 5 years, though. I saw him there and my reaction was simply a nod in agreement.
Honorable mention: Taiga's dad from Toradora. What a prick he was.
Best show of the Spring? No question it's Nichijou for me. People always want to overlook comedy as a serious genre, but they forget how hard it is to be funny. A well-written comedy is every bit as equal as a well-written drama, they just elicit different responses and people think being touched at the heart is somehow better than laughing your ass off. And before people talk about how subjective comedy is, so is drama. I cried my eyes out watching the last episode of AnoHana, some were barely affected or even found it comical. That's no different from finding something funny or not.
It was also the best animated show last season. I used to be OK with comedies not having the best visuals out there, but I think my mind may be forever changed; the animation in Nichijou makes the jokes work so much better.
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Joined: 04 Sep 2007
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:26 am
Gia, about Charles Britania, I think you spoiled the show big time (if what you said was correct, but I don't think it is) by telling everyone that Charles was responsible for the death of Lelouch's mother, because Lelouch was looking for the killer of his mother for the entire first season AND more than half of the second season.
I think it is more correct and relevant to say that Charles didn't give a damn about Lelouch's dead mother and that was what caused Lelouch to abandon Britiania and hate his father.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:27 am
Wow, of the eight shows on the List, I've only seen one of them, and that's Occult Academy. And while Junichirou isn't a very good parent, he doesn't belong on the list. Really, his only sin is working too hard instead of spending time with his child, and that is true for far too many fathers in real life. In fact, his isn't even the worst parent in the show, that would be Fumiaki's mother, who abuses her son's abilities for her own financial benefit.
The spring season wasn't very good. Looking through that list is almost painful. If you asked the best, I'd have to go with Steins;Gate, but that's based entirely on viewing exactly one episode. But this isn't the best anime of spring '11, it's the favourite. And my favourite is hands down A Channel. It's great time waster show, it's simple and fun and I love the inset songs and the humour. I'd buy the DVD, if it were released stateside. It won't be, but still.
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Joined: 04 Sep 2007
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:30 am
NONONO! This is not fair! Anohana and Steins;gate on the same list!? I want to vote for both of them!
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:16 am
Uh, Gia, aren't you forgetting a certain someone? Someone who almost certainly qualifies as #1 on your list for this week?
After his wife died in a "freak accident", he was unable to show his son and only child any affection and instead sent him off to live with a tutor while he devoted himself to his work.
Some years later, he summons his son, now 14, whom he hasn't seen in several years, to his place of work, only to tell him that he has to do an extremely difficult and dangerous job, and that if he doesn't do it, humanity is doomed.
I am speaking, of course, of one Gendo Ikari from NGE.
IGNORE what I just wrote. I only skimmed the intro and went straight to the list. I have since been shown the error of my ways and retract what I wrote above, but I'll leave it as a monument to not skimming opening paragraphs.
Last edited by Tuor_of_Gondolin on Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Jun 2010
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:16 am
jojothepunisher wrote: | Gia, about Charles Britania, I think you spoiled the show big time (if what you said was correct, but I don't think it is) by telling everyone that Charles was responsible for the death of Lelouch's mother, because Lelouch was looking for the killer of his mother for the entire first season AND more than half of the second season. |
It's been a while since I've seen Code Geass, but if I remember correctly, Lelouch quite openly blamed his father for his mother's death from the get-go, so that's no spoiler. IIRC, it's later revealed that Lelouch's mother isn't quite dead; now that's a spoiler.
Last edited by notrogersmith on Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Feb 2006
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:37 am
Emerje wrote: |
DoktorZetsubou wrote: | Excuse me if this is somewhat off-topic but the characters from Hourou Musuko / Wandering Son should absolutely not be counted as "crossdressers"- being transgender is very different from "crossdressing".
While I'm aware that this is just an anime and I'm sure you're not trying to make a statement about gender identity, it is still extremely rude to transgender individuals as a whole to include characters from a series that is specifically about the struggles of transgender youth in a list of "crossdressers".
I would like to request that you remove those two from the list. |
In that case the poll is kind of a mess. Oscar and Utena probably qualify more as transgendered, I believe the same is true for Nuriko. Fire Emblem is flamboyant and gay, but I don't recall him actually dressing as a woman, just a lot of feathers and frills. *shrugs*
I definitely agree that the poll is a hugely loaded mess, but I don't think Utena, Oscar, or Nuriko apply as transgendered. In all three cases, their crossdressing is less about personal gender identity and more about reaction to circumstances. Utena wants to be like the Prince she met as a child, but definitely IDs as female. She calls herself a "regular girl" - take that loaded term as you will - a lot in the series; plus one of the show's themes is to drive home that women can be strong on their own merits and that allowing your identity to revolve around an external "Prince" is HUGELY detrimental.
Oscar's male identity was forced upon her from birth by her son-obsessed father. She carries some baggage from this, but again, she doesn't seem to identify as male at her core.
Nuriko's case is a bit more unclear. I don't remember if he ever states that he completely identifies as female, in which case I will retract this and call Nuriko female. However, he crossdresses in honor of his dead sister, and apparently not to satisfy an internal drive to reflect how he identifies internally. Of course, this is also the series where apparently Miaka's existence cures him of his gay, so... God, do I think Fushigi Yuugi is a sloppy, poorly-considered mess.
Hana from Tokyo Godfathers is kind of a problem as well. She DEFINITELY identifies as female and has for likely her entire life. She calls herself "a mistake made by God" and that "in [her] heart [she] is a woman". HOWEVER, unlike Hourou Musuko, gender identity isn't the main theme of Tokyo Godfathers, so... I don't know. Her presence on a list has some unfortunate implications.
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:57 am
I'm surprised nobody from Berserk made the list. Guts's adoptive father Gambino is a gigantic asshole who wants nothing more than to see the kid dead. In the manga he sells Guts off for a night off ass raping... Again, if you count the manga, the King of Midland is an excellent contender. Tries to rape his own daughter.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:08 am
RedTail wrote: | I'm surprised nobody from Berserk made the list. Guts's adoptive father Gambino is a gigantic asshole who wants nothing more than to see the kid dead. In the manga he sells Guts off for a night off ass raping... Again, if you count the manga, the King of Midland is an excellent contender. Tries to rape his own daughter. |
Again, this list only includes series that our at most only five years old
I'm really surprised no one from Umineko is on that list. Questionable parents actually make up almost half the cast
I'm guessing Gia never watched/played it.
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