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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:08 pm
I'm actually watching the tv series for the first time now and I'm kinda wishing I had done that "watch and episode of Eva and then watch an episode of Gurren Laggan" idea since that sounds fun. Also hoping to watch RaXephon someday since I've heard a lot of great things about that, can't say anything else but the Raideen remake on this list stood out at me but then again I'm not a huge mecha fan. Still loved reading all about the different shows though!
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:08 pm
I have to agree with you about Rahxephon Mike. Out of all the Eva-followers it's a real personal favorite. It is rough in a few spots, but I honestly think it surpasses Eva in a few ways with a bit more cohesive and thought out narative, and VERY asthetically pleasing artsyle. Sure it doesn't deliver the "shocks" of Eva, but I think it makes up for it with a bit more "heart".
Of course, I'm sure some will disagree with me
Betterman somehow became a guilty pleasure of mine. It's just so off the wall..
And Mike! No mention of Bones' Eureka 7? That definatley takes more than a few ques from Eva (though I still think it was fun, and kind of unique in it's own way...if a little too long). Hell, the end is pretty much an inverted Third Impact!
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:29 pm
Hey, thanks so much for this column! The timing was perfect: just yesterday, I was thinking that people are always saying "After Evangelion, every mecha anime tried to be really dark and heavy and psychological!" but I couldn't actually think of that many examples of these Evangel-a-likes. Well, now I can consider myself more well-educated; a lot of these I hadn't considered and some I hadn't even heard of! Thanks a bunch!
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Joined: 12 Apr 2006
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:46 pm
Interesting thought on TTGL.
RahXephon: Damn I love that show.
I think we probably will go through another period of Evangelion-like shows. It is sort of the flip-side to the moe-craze. In Nietzschean terms, we oscillate between periods of Apollonian tendencies (fuwa fuwa) and darker, Dionysian periods. Neither can hold forever. They feed on each other. One side has the upper hand, then it runs to excess, and the other side rises to take its place.
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Lord Geo
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:54 pm
Mike, you disappoint me! All of these examples are brought up, and yet you don't mention Platinumhugen Ordian, Masami's Obari's take on Eva?
Come on, the I.M.O. was similar to N.E.R.V., the government acted like S.E.E.L.E., the show used Norse mythos instead of Christian mythos, some of the characters were variations of Eva's characters (like how Nell was pretty much like Rei, for example), and the later part of the story becomes a confusing yet somehow intriguing (for some) tale. The main difference between Eva and Ordian, though, was that main character Yuu was just about the Anti-Shinji, trying to be emo as little as possible and instead being hot-blooded at times.
Still a cool article overall, but a lack of Ordian disappoints me.
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Charred Knight
Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:00 pm
While Tenchi doesn't pilot the Zinv, Seina Yamada in Tenchi Muyo GXP does. It's explained that the Zinv has light hawk wings because it contains the seed of a first Generation Juraian Tree (making Seina third in line to throne of Jurai)..
You also forgot to mention that GaoGaiGar was created as a response to Evangelion, personally I feel GaoGaiGar is a much better response than Gurren Lagann. For example Evangelion had Nerv, which was full of people with massive mental problems, GGG was full of people who cared about one another and where always there for each other with their mantra of never giving up. They also spent more time giving you a look at the other branches of the group (in particular America) while Nerv branches are only occasionally mentioned. It doesn't have the sad storylines like Gurren Lagann, instead being a TV series that concentrates on being has uplifting as possible.
One of the problems I have with the OVA is that the ending is a bitter sweet ending that I felt didn't really fit into the world that they had created in the tv series.
There where also some influences in other genres, the harem genre I feel owes a lot to Shinji's harem.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:01 pm
LaFreccia wrote: |
I think we probably will go through another period of Evangelion-like shows. It is sort of the flip-side to the moe-craze. In Nietzschean terms, we oscillate between periods of Apollonian tendencies (fuwa fuwa) and darker, Dionysian periods. Neither can hold forever. They feed on each other. One side has the upper hand, then it runs to excess, and the other side rises to take its place. |
Nah, I think it's because of the moe-craze that animators would not risk doing another Eva clone, so to speak.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2007
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:06 pm
Considering that I fell asleep halfway through the second manga volume of Evangelion, I definitely have no interest in seeing it, but I definitely loved Fafner and its beautiful backgrounds.
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Spastic Minnow
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:08 pm
You seem to have mostly focused on the similar features of the protagonists and the mecha but I'd have to say many other future shows also took much from the Angels themselves. Mysterious alien/creatures that keep evolving to become increasingly difficult to defeat. Where would Dai-Gaurd, Godannar and even Strike Witches be without the Evangelion influence?
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Joined: 21 Jun 2008
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:09 pm
Its real funny, I have seen all of the shows on this list (aside from Reideen and the new Giant Robo show) and can really agree that none of them have made any kind of lasting impact whatsoever. And for some of them (Gasaraki and Devadasy especially) I can understand completely. Dual gets referenced in Tenchi occasionally, most recently in Saint Knight's Tale I believe, and Fafner is getting a new movie. But for the most part Eva has been keeping itself alive through merchandise, and no one else has really capitalized on that whatsoever (Fafner is getting some toys in the Bandai Robot Damashii line though, probably to fit in with the new movie.)
But in terms of merchandising, Eva is still the king, and probably will continue to be so long for a long long time to come.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:25 pm
Quote: | Interestingly, Gasaraki was a pretty big deal when it first debuted, but it's sank without a trace in recent years - it's not even in print on DVD anymore. |
Which on some level is a shame -- Gasaraki's economic/military/political elements felt eerily current or prescient when I first watched it in 2008, 10 years after its creation. Those elements plus the mostly-realistic mechas would've made for an excellent show, if the religious/mystical elements hadn't gone off the deep end in the last episode.
After my second viewing of it, I see RahXephon as a successor to Dual! more than anything else, as it comes off as a moe harem romantic comedy with secondary mecha/war/philosophical elements. In fact, I'm surprised there wasn't more criticism of the moe/harem components in the article.
I'd also suggest Argentosoma (2000) and Aquarion (2005) as other NGE successors.
Argentosoma manages to use adults as main characters/fighters instead of teenagers, aside from the "Kid with the leash" controlling the alien fighting on the good guys' side. And then there's the twist about the identity of said aliens...
I'm convinced that Aquarion is a deliberate parody of itself and the NGE-type subgenre, thanks to its cheesy speeches, over-the-top attacks, and of course the orgasmic combining merging mechas. At least it beats RahXephon's unintentional brand of comedy.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:36 pm
Not going to mention how hilariously bad the writing in Fafnir is? So bad that the protagonist town is full of the most repulsive people in the show and yet we're still supposed to prefer them to the rest of the world?
Charred Knight wrote: | You also forgot to mention that GaoGaiGar was created as a response to Evangelion, personally I feel GaoGaiGar is a much better response than Gurren Lagann. For example Evangelion had Nerv, which was full of people with massive mental problems, GGG was full of people who cared about one another and where always there for each other with their mantra of never giving up. They also spent more time giving you a look at the other branches of the group (in particular America) while Nerv branches are only occasionally mentioned. It doesn't have the sad storylines like Gurren Lagann, instead being a TV series that concentrates on being has uplifting as possible. |
I don't think merely doing an inversion of a deconstruction works that well as a reconstruction. Gurren Lagann is a pretty thoughtful and thought-out show, but Gaogaiger struck me as not saying much besides "Yay! Robots!"
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:46 pm
Quote: | After my second viewing of it, I see RahXephon as a successor to Dual! more than anything else, as it comes off as a moe harem romantic comedy with secondary mecha/war/philosophical elements. In fact, I'm surprised there wasn't more criticism of the moe/harem components in the article.
Wow. Are we thinking of the same show? I really don't think there are anymore "harem romantic comedy" aspects in Rahxephon than there are in that the lead moves into the same house as two women (one older), but the "hijinks" between them are pretty damn light and played a lot more for drama, pretty quickly.
Don't really know where you're getting the "moe" idea from. Quan? She's way too strange and ehtereal to be considered moe in my opinion.
And as for any comedy aspects...they were pretty light and few in number to begin with, and they were all dropped like a hot potato before the show was even 1/3 over. It then becomes even more serious/dark/dramatic than it was a the start
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:49 pm
Zalis116 wrote: | After my second viewing of it, I see RahXephon as a successor to Dual! more than anything else, as it comes off as a moe harem romantic comedy with secondary mecha/war/philosophical elements. In fact, I'm surprised there wasn't more criticism of the moe/harem components in the article. |
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:03 pm
yeah, Mike.
where's the Dai-Guard mention, old man?
one can't really talk about Eva-clones without the awesome Dai-Guard show...
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