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Sentai Filmworks

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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:36 pm Reply with quote
Dang. Hopefully Sentai will do an industry panel at A-Cen and show the first episode of Angel Beats! there as well. That'd be way too cool.

If not, hopefully soon they'll start announcing when they may start placing the dub for the series on TANoD.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:05 pm Reply with quote
If anyobody would like to catch the Q&A there is a:

Live text transcription: http://bayoab.info/live/live2.php?panel=4

Video recording: http://qik.com/video/39393474

...of the panel.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:45 pm Reply with quote
Hopefully Sentai will make it to other East Coast cons.

If David Williams is their ambassador, it doesn't look good as the only other con I see listing him that is near there is in Indianapolis, IN...in December.

Though there is some hope, as the perpetually slow Otakon has STILL not posted anything close to a full guest list. Cons with huge guest lists which occur after Otakon (e.g. Matsuricon) have already rolled out a huge guest list. How can Otakon not know? It's conspiratorial, as if I knew who was going to be at the over-priced Otakon in advance I would probably not pre-reg and devote the money to a more worthy con. Maybe another con on the East Side of the USA will get Sentai, but I doubt it. I don't remember NEXT mentioning any industry reps (correct me if I'm wrong here) and AMA has Funimation, so I doubt they could get both. They had a choice, and they made the wrong one. Wink

If Sentai & David Williams were to be at Otakon, I'd go. I just hope Sentai wouldn't be run against Bandai After Dark, as Otakon has a sadistic habit of pitting cool/huge events against each other, in the alleged name of "space issues". After seeing the other logistical issues at the con, I'm not buying that.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:57 pm Reply with quote
einhorn303 wrote:
If anyobody would like to catch the Q&A there is a:

Live text transcription: http://bayoab.info/live/live2.php?panel=4

Video recording: http://qik.com/video/39393474

...of the panel.
Live Text transcription wrote:
14:43:35 <bay> (Songs are subbed with ronaji and english)
(Emphasis added) This looks to be a typo to me.

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:49:23 <bay> Q: (handing of TK during dub?) A; couldn't say
What's this talking about?

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:49:32 <bay> Q: Do you know anything about the cast list for angel beats...
14:49:41 <bay> A: Don't know actually...credits are on the DVD though...
But the DVD is not yet out, correct? So is he telling us that we can wait until we get the DVD to see, or is he referring to a possible DVD that the promo ep of Angel Beats came on? Just curious on that.

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:51:57 <bay> who knows in the room what the last show i did at ADV was....
Did David Williams really bumble his sentence structure that badly? BTW, is David Williams related to Janice Williams (DVD Producer, ADV) & the other Williams?

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:54:10 <bay> digital doesn't make enough yet to support a series by itself
Thank God for small miracles, I dread the day when series are "Digital Streaming Only". No boxes, no extras, and no legal way to watch without constant internet access. Also no way to watch should the streaming site die. I remember the Walmart music store fiasco. With the coming of ISP data caps in the USA, digital streaming could become quite costly. Physical copies or bust.

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:58:49 <bay> (give away)
14:58:53 <bay> and no, the banner is not for sale...
14:59:06 <bay> (HSoTD banner at the booth)
What did they give away? On this, why don't the companies produce a few extra banners and sell them? Invariably a few people want them, and last year Bandai decided to make their Gurren Lagaan one a give-away. Depending on the series, I'd pay good money for one of them. I found out the hard way that Bandai was not selling their Planetes one back in the day. That was probably the only US-released Planetes merchandise ever made. Like all truly great shows, it gets no love.

Thanks for the transcription, it reduces the pain of missing this. I wish I could have been there to see it, but when it falls on Easter that's an automatic no-go Sad
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:12 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Did David Williams really bumble his sentence structure that badly? BTW, is David Williams related to Janice Williams (DVD Producer, ADV) & the other Williams?

They're married. I don't know what you mean by "the other Williams" but his son does stuff at the company as well, I believe.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
Echo_City wrote:
Did David Williams really bumble his sentence structure that badly? BTW, is David Williams related to Janice Williams (DVD Producer, ADV) & the other Williams?

They're married. I don't know what you mean by "the other Williams" but his son does stuff at the company as well, I believe.

Short of firing up a DVD I know all the Williams colluded on (e.g. DNAngel), I couldn't remember his name. I suppose I could have checked the encyclopedia, but where's the challenge in that? Chris Williams is who I believe I was thinking of, though I did forget about Mark Williams, who was also an ADV man.

Despite having insightful and copious commentaries, ADV is an enigmatic beast to me. The only thing I know about Janice Williams, besides her prolific list of credits as "Dvd Producer" is the commentary track she did on Chevalier D'Eon. She doesn't seem as well-known as her Funimation counterpart Clarine Harp (or did I just miss it?) For instance, I only recently found out about the legendary live action skits in Milk-chan, and watched the first volume. Now I know where most of the pictures for ADV actors on the ANN encyclopedia come from Very Happy
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:51 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
This looks to be a typo to me.

Did David Williams really bumble his sentence structure that badly?

This was typed up live remember, via IRC.

Live Text transcription wrote:
14:49:23 <bay> Q: (handing of TK during dub?) A; couldn't say
What's this talking about?

The character TK in Angel Beats who speaks mostly English in the Japanese dub and has an English VA.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:56 pm Reply with quote
This was typed up live remember, via IRC.
I noticed all the minor typos-originally I thought the link was to a post-con proofread version-but a live transcription completely re-ordering a sentence's structure struck me as odd. My first thought was that the panelist dropped the ball, as that seemed more likely IME. Though I should have had more faith that Sentai's representative would be above such a mistake in elocution. Wink Especially as the live text transcription doesn't seem to list Sentai's representative as using any vocal pauses. Not to mention that David Williams didn't let me down on the commentary tracks back in the day.

The character TK in Angel Beats who speaks mostly English in the Japanese dub and has an English VA.
Oh, thanks. I remember now people asking about this on the forums a while back. I'd forgotten it as I haven't seen AB. I'm confident that Sentai will handle the dub hurdle well. Geneon was able to improve upon English (Engrish) speaking characters in Black Lagoon's dub, as well as translate the accented, broken speech of Shenhua to English. Since Geneon < Sentai on dubs, there won't be an issue.

Was there any mention of Golgo 13 that anyone heard?

I've bought pretty much everything Sentai has, even though most of it didn't cater to me. So I'll be casting my empty support to them once more. HSotD was good as a manga, but the fanservice went to ridiculous levels in the anime, but I can't fault Sentai for that, especially if they deliver a great dub. I'd rather buy 2 copies of Clannad(Which I did, and didn't like) than something truly atrocious like Ga Rei Zero, and if feels like it's one or the other these days. Where is greatness?
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:39 pm Reply with quote
See http://bayoab.info/live/readme.php

In the case of TK, unlike most "English" in Japanese scripts the seiyuu (Michael Rivas) actually can speak English so it is similar to the case of Donna Burke and Kevin wossnim in Nanoha (who's parts I believe were redubbed in English in that instance).
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:01 am Reply with quote
Heh, why was this forum on anime-on-demand.com.......? Laughing
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