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REVIEW: Needless - Collection 2

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Joined: 24 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:29 am Reply with quote
While the series can be commended for meticulously explaining all of the scheming and how all of the powers work, it does this to a fault and in an awkward manner, as battles either suddenly halt or go into an off-screen pause while one character or another (usually Disc but sometimes Cruz or certain bad guys) explains something.
So pretty much every shonen show then? I wish it was more common for shows to disguise their exposition, but most of the time anime doesn't even try.

The only thing I can remember about Needless is the one scene where panty shots bombarded the screen for a good 30 seconds. I never watched the entire series after seeing that clip, and after this review I see no reason to attempt to revisit it.

I do nominate that one scene to be recorded in anime history hall of fame though. I have never seen worse than that (mostly because I avoid fanservice anime). Seriously Japanese animators, cut it out with the underaged panty shots.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:38 am Reply with quote
Gasero wrote:
. Seriously Japanese animators, cut it out with the underaged panty shots.

Hey some of us like that stuff. Seems like a fair review. I haven't watched the series but I think I will give it a rent. It seems right my alley.
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:10 am Reply with quote
If you're watching this show for plot, you lost that bet by episode 1. This show is what I like to deem as "stupid funny." The humor in this show great and the powers are almost always ridiculous.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:49 pm Reply with quote
While the series can be commended for meticulously explaining all of the scheming and how all of the powers work, it does this to a fault and in an awkward manner, as battles either suddenly halt or go into an off-screen pause while one character or another (usually Disc but sometimes Cruz or certain bad guys) explains something.
The show often does this to parody how often crap like this crops up in the average shounen.

In the Training Room battle, for example, when the heroes all suddenly huddle up and start detailing their plans, the camera pans to Saten and the 3 girls, and they decide not to attack them during the huddle as they're going to win easily anyhow.

If only they had struck a better balance between trying to tell their own story and trying to parody the shounen genre. Doing so is a lost art, as I can't remember anyone pulling it off since Martian Successor Nadesico, and that was 15 years ago.

(Oh, and they could have left out the male nudity. It must have been the fad then, as I remember Gundam 00 taking it to ridiculous levels as well, and they were contemporaries IIRC. Making Adam Blade a true pedophile would have made the series funnier, instead he was just some dude with a pathetic panty fetish who pretended to be a lolicon, as he never "capitalized" on it.)
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:39 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Making Adam Blade a true pedophile would have made the series funnier, instead he was just some dude with a pathetic panty fetish who pretended to be a lolicon, as he never "capitalized" on it.)

What the hell are you talking about? You saying they should have had him molest or rape the girls? You new to anime?
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:28 pm Reply with quote
I watched both collections 1 & 2. The over all plot was abit week.
It had cool action seens. The phase ( learned it!) , i find my self saying
everytime a get a chance. If you like fanservice,you will get a brain full with this colletion.
Ona scale of 1 to 10 i say 6.5
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:57 pm Reply with quote
Needless wanted to be the Excel Saga of the 21st century, but it just couldn't pull it off. Oh well. Though 6.5 is a D, that's rather harsh.

Anyhow, Adam Blade was just your stereotypical anime character with a panty fetish, but they tried to make him unique/funnier by making him a supposed "lolicon". The only thing that ever attracted him to young girls was their panties (ew), not their actual pre-pubescent bodies, which would be necessary for him to be a true pedophile. To corroborate, Adam Blade even stated that he was attracted to Eve because she "looks like a little girl". Eve is clearly post-pubescent, and thus not a "loli", yet Adam Blade considers her to be one. No true "lolicon" would make that error.

I need to check out the dub of this, as rewatching it with the Andrew Love as Adam Blade will make the show far, far funnier than the ubiquitous "Japanese Male Voice #2" ever could.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:09 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
I need to check out the dub of this, as rewatching it with the Andrew Love as Adam Blade will make the show far, far funnier than the ubiquitous "Japanese Male Voice #2" ever could.

Except "Japanese Male Voice #2" is Koyasu Takehito, a veteran and true proffesional, with a wide voice range and dozens of shows under his belt. Way to show your ignorance and dissrespect the talened people who worked on this show. Typical of dub-lovers.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Just because someone has "dozens of shows under his belt" doesn't necessarily mean that he's good in a particular role.
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Joined: 12 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:06 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Echo_City wrote:
I need to check out the dub of this, as rewatching it with the Andrew Love as Adam Blade will make the show far, far funnier than the ubiquitous "Japanese Male Voice #2" ever could.

Except "Japanese Male Voice #2" is Koyasu Takehito, a veteran and true proffesional, with a wide voice range and dozens of shows under his belt. Way to show your ignorance and dissrespect the talened people who worked on this show. Typical of dub-lovers.

Get used to it. There won't be a lot of attention paid to the original track on the reviews here - notice that newer reviews tend to keep the dub/sub grade equal even if the dub is full of listless nubs that take episodes to find their pace in a role and the Japanese track is full of vets that own their roles from the start.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:37 pm Reply with quote
Gasero wrote:
While the series can be commended for meticulously explaining all of the scheming and how all of the powers work, it does this to a fault and in an awkward manner, as battles either suddenly halt or go into an off-screen pause while one character or another (usually Disc but sometimes Cruz or certain bad guys) explains something.
So pretty much every shonen show then?
Tch, not quite, buddy. There are plenty of shows that are nothing like that that still are considered shounen, like Baccano! for example.

Anyway, I've been watching this show as it comes on Timer Warner Cable's Anime Network on Demand channel, and I'm actually enjoying it a helluva lot more than I expected to--I'll pick it up sometime down the road, but I'll probably wait until I get a BD player.

Oh, and btw, the voice of Adam Blade is Andrew Love, not Adam Love. Found that little mishap kinda amusing, I'll admit. Laughing
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:38 pm Reply with quote
ArsenicSteel wrote:
DmonHiro wrote:
Echo_City wrote:
I need to check out the dub of this, as rewatching it with the Andrew Love as Adam Blade will make the show far, far funnier than the ubiquitous "Japanese Male Voice #2" ever could.

Except "Japanese Male Voice #2" is Koyasu Takehito, a veteran and true proffesional, with a wide voice range and dozens of shows under his belt. Way to show your ignorance and dissrespect the talened people who worked on this show. Typical of dub-lovers.

Get used to it. There won't be a lot of attention paid to the original track on the reviews here - notice that newer reviews tend to keep the dub/sub grade equal even if the dub is full of listless nubs that take episodes to find their pace in a role and the Japanese track is full of vets that own their roles from the start.
I fear that you are misrepresenting ANN; the site does not love dubs. Indeed, ANN is a bastion of "sub purists", especially if you go by the opinions voiced by prolific posters in the forums. ANN does try to remain objective in its assessments, so perhaps from their objectivity stem their rankings which have you rankled. A Japanese dub has the advantages of exotic appeal and listener ignorance when it comes to being judged by the average fan. How many fans are fluent enough in Japanese to be able to truly judge their dubbing? I'd wager not many. Instead, we judge it by the intonation given, and its fluidity. Rather than being taken as speech per se, it is taken like a song, where the subtitles (which do not reflect the merit of the seiyuu) are the lyrics.

With an English dub, most all viewers understand the language natively, and we can find faults with their delivery, annunciation, et cetera. As we understand the language, we can find the dubbers' faults. Additionally, without the exotic appeal of the Japanese language, the dialogue spoken (and the concept of the show) can seem incredibly corny. Few of us could objectively say that a Japanese dub sounds "corny".

Perhaps in ANN's pursuit of objectivity, they account for this difference in perception in their reviews. Additionally, one of the members posting in this thread has previously said that he can judge the quality of the writing in the Japanese dubs, which requires fluency in Japanese. With people with such qualifications on their staff, ANN could very well have the ability to truly judge a Japanese dub objectively, and thus truly realize that it is not "worlds better" than the English dubs, something that the average fan again could not.


Except "Japanese Male Voice #2" is Koyasu Takehito, a veteran and true proffesional, with a wide voice range and dozens of shows under his belt.
A wide range of voices which all sound the same, hence my numbering of the voice. When an actor in a given show is easily recognized from his past roles, it can really bring the show down as it hampers the show rising to its own potential. Take another stereotypical Japanese Male Voice, this one by the most prolific Unshou Ishizuka. When I saw The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye, I could not help but think back to Vandread whenever the sentient AI of the tank (major character) spoke, as he (voiced by the aforementioned actor) sounded identical to Rabat from Vandread, who as you can see, was also voiced by Unshou Ishizuka. Each character in a show should be unique, not a rebadging of a character I've heard elsewhere.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Wow, it's really 11 episodes in that stupid room? I'm currently watching this on The Anime Network and they're only up to episode 13 and with each episode that passes it gets more and more drawn out and I can't believe that they haven't changed scenes. The first 7 episodes seemed to move pretty quickly. That's some pretty bad pacing. Did they make it up as they went along? Mad
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Joined: 12 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
I fear that you are misrepresenting ANN; the site does not love dubs. Indeed, ANN is a bastion of "sub purists", especially if you go by the opinions voiced by prolific posters in the forums. ANN does try to remain objective in its assessments, so perhaps from their objectivity stem their rankings which have you rankled. A Japanese dub has the advantages of exotic appeal and listener ignorance when it comes to being judged by the average fan. How many fans are fluent enough in Japanese to be able to truly judge their dubbing? I'd wager not many. Instead, we judge it by the intonation given, and its fluidity. Rather than being taken as speech per se, it is taken like a song, where the subtitles (which do not reflect the merit of the seiyuu) are the lyrics.

I never said this site loves dubs, only that the recent dub/sub ratings have been oddly congruent across all sorts of titles. It is not even about what I would have given the audio tracks as I have not seen all of reviewed anime for 2011 yet, the grading just seems conspicuous. Unless all of the ANN reviewers are fluent in Japanese it looks like being fluent is entirely optional in order to grade both audio tracks.

But you can keep up all of your conditional arguments while I stick with my conspiracy theories.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:11 pm Reply with quote
ArsenicSteel wrote:
Get used to it. There won't be a lot of attention paid to the original track on the reviews here - notice that newer reviews tend to keep the dub/sub grade equal even if the dub is full of listless nubs that take episodes to find their pace in a role and the Japanese track is full of vets that own their roles from the start.

Um, huh?

1) Grading on sub/dub balance around here hasn't changed significantly in the past few years.
2) Carl regularly comments on Japanese dubs in his reviews.
3) Carl and Carlo actually don't commonly give the sub and dub the same grade. I think I'm the only one around here who does, and that's because I operate with the starting assumption that they're equal and only grade down if there are significant problems - and clearly I have a more conservative definition of what a "problem" is than most around here.

I also take issue with people who make the kind of complaint listed above even when the English dub features VAs with as much experience as any of the Japanese cast members. This particular dub only has a couple of newer VAs, none of them in the lead roles, and the English VA for Cruz has almost 4x the experience that the seiyuu does. The seiyuu you mention "own their roles from the start" because they originate the roles. Would they fare any better than you claim English VAs do if they were dubbing these same titles into Japanese from an original English performance? Besides, seiyuu aren't immune to having to feel out a role, either.

I'll comment more later, but I am busy right now.
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