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John Casey
Joined: 31 May 2009
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:06 am
I was so excited about Final Fantasy Agito XIII/Type-0. Looking at all the trailers, gameplay, etc etc - it really made me happy.
Then I noticed what total horseshit The 3rd Birthday was. Seeing as the two games share staff, I'm now really sad. :<
*tear* I will NEVER acknowledge that...that abomination of a clusterfuck as a beloved Parasite Eve game. =_= *goes back to playing PE1*
Also...Steel Diver looks fun, but some reviews seem to suggest otherwise...
Bad week for gaming I guess...
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:42 am
Oooh! Another Slime Mori Mori game?! I am so there! I realize that the story in 2 on the DS was one of the most pun-tastic things I've ever read (with about 3 times more puns showing up had you played DQ8) and it's one of the easiest games I've ever played, but I still loved it!
I'll get a 3DS next year or something though. Nothing that's out for it now looks interesting, I waited a while on the DS too and Pokemon and Clash of Heroes will keep me busy for the time being. And my anime backlog.
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:50 am
Gun Loco: Creepy rabbit gaze. Waiting for the obligatory furry comment here.
Legend of Mana: Another Summer of Adventure 2000 classic! I loved this game to death. I clocked in over 200 hours total last time I checked my PS1 memory card. Screw the naysayers, they were just afraid of change in their Mana formula and still are. Besides the Mana games following this one were god awful with their stories and systems. Legend of Mana had replay value at least.
Atelier Meryl: Great, the third and final game in the Arland saga and we don't even have Totori yet. I haven't finished Rorona though. XP
SSFIV: An Evil Blanka would be perfect though! I'd vote for it.
LoH: I only ever played Song of the Ocean of the LoH trilogy. They were infamous for their horrid translations and mediocre stories (despite the fun was in having all three games and connecting the plots). This game looks like a ton of fun though from the vids I watched on YT. I am adding this one. I heard that Trails also has a compelling story so it's a definite yes.
3rd Birthday: I have to be honest, I never stuck through with PE after the first game. I heard the 2nd game was terrible (word of mouth only) and I never added it to my list. Even before this game is coming here, I've heard some nasty comments on the story being "an insult to PE fans everywhere who were expecting better" and "trying too hard to make a cool sci-fi story out of Aya's mitochondria tale". Whatever the reason, I'm uncertain as to whether to get this or not.
Last edited by belvadeer on Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:49 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:23 am
HAHA. Looks like I'm not the only one who was sorely disappointed with Legend of Mana back when it came out. Cool visual style, decent battle system, totally incoherent story and overall a messy, unsatisfying experience.
After playing several Ys games on the PSP, however, my body is completely ready for Trails in the Sky. I hope it will be good enough for me to justify continuing my Falcom worship.
WIZARDRY. Yes. First person dungeon crawlers are the best. I hope Xseed is also able to pick up the 360 game Students of the Round, which looks a lot better than it sounds :3
Good job picking up on the Devil Survivor 2 news, I just heard about it earlier this evening myself. Seems the creator of Narutaru and Bokurano is involved in the game. Sounds like good fun. Can't wait to make my contract with the devil in order to fight off supernatural beings ( ◕ ‿‿ ◕ )
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:33 am
belvadeer wrote: |
3rd Birthday: I have to be honest, I never stuck through with PE after the first game. I heard the 2nd game was terrible (word of mouth only) and I never added it to my list. Even before this game is coming here, I've heard some nasty comments on the story being "an insult to PE fans everywhere who were expecting better" and "trying too hard to make a cool sci-fi story out of Aya's mitochondria tale". Whatever the reason, I'm uncertain as to whether to get this or not. |
PE2 is NOT a bad game, not by a long shot. Gameplay wise it's like classic RE with more emphasis on fighting with a variety of weapons and supernatural powers.
The story is also fine. 3rd Birthday on the other is legitimately BAD. The guy who wrote it is none other than Square's resident hack Toriyama (best known for the blunder of FFXIII) and it's quite obvious that he either wasn't aware of what the previous games were about or just didn't care. It's also poorly written with TERRIBLE, overly earnest dialogue and some outright stupid twists that can't justify themselves if you know the mythology of the series. Don't even get me started on the blatant, disturbing fanservice (which gets even more disturbing once you learn about the twist at the end). Just skip it and save your time and money.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:47 am
The 3rd Birthday is one of the many PSP games on my "maybe-sorta-kinda-interested" pile that I'll get too a year or so from now when the price has gone down. I never played either of the first games though, anyone know if you can understand what's happening?
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:23 am
I'm surprised (and a little disappointed) that the column didn't go into any greater detail on Ghost Recon Shadow Wars. Far from being just another mediocre Tom Clancy spinoff pooped out by Ubisoft, it's actually an original strategy game by the guy responsible for the original X-Com games (about which I've heard many good things) that just had the Clancy name slapped onto it to increase sales. It's actually one of my more anticipated 3DS titles. More than Pilotwings, anyway.
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John Casey
Joined: 31 May 2009
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:22 am
belvadeer wrote: |
3rd Birthday: I have to be honest, I never stuck through with PE after the first game. I heard the 2nd game was terrible (word of mouth only) and I never added it to my list. Even before this game is coming here, I've heard some nasty comments on the story being "an insult to PE fans everywhere who were expecting better" and "trying too hard to make a cool sci-fi story out of Aya's mitochondria tale". Whatever the reason, I'm uncertain as to whether to get this or not. |
Nah, PE2 isn't that bad. Certainly not a good as the first one, but whoever said all that was just trolling ya. The biggest switch is that PE2 plays much more like a survival horror, so it's a slightly strange switch, but it still works in context.
See, THIS one however, this 3rd Birthday, THAT's the true insult.
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:47 am
Woah, I didn't even know about Devil Survivor 2 and I'm usually on top of these things. Then again I didn't actually like the first one that much anyway.
This one sounds a lot more interesting though, and I don't feel like buying a 3DS just yet so it'll do. Just wish they would've picked a different artist- I know Yasuda's really popular but his art is too plain and same faced.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:28 am
That "I await" should have been more clear after "Rocket Slime 3" (or at least not being the next line with it). Obviously the words "Chrono Trigger 3" on a line will grab my attention and I'll ignore the preceding words and freak out in a total party mode for a few minutes. Then I'll look back at the article and watch my happiness fade rapidly. If that was intentional, well played, Todd, well played.
The 3DS line-up is decent, but really doesn't have anything that is high on my priority list. I'll get one later on in the year when the likes of Paper Mario (this especially), Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, Kid Icarus, Zelda, etc. are available.
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Generic #757858
Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:22 am
JuicyB wrote: | Good job picking up on the Devil Survivor 2 news, I just heard about it earlier this evening myself. Seems the creator of Narutaru and Bokurano is involved in the game. Sounds like good fun. |
Oh boy, can't wait for what kind of sexually traumatic and generally horrible situations Kitoh will come up with this time around! At least this time the characters will be teenagers...
Last edited by Generic #757858 on Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:24 am
In terms of gameplay I've been told The Third Birthday is pretty good. It's just dat story.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:28 am
Quote: | There's also the chance to use the game's save data in future installments of the series, just in case Trails in the Sky breaks the Legend of Heroes habit. |
Which it surely must; Namdai completely F'ed up the translation on the first three LOH games. And from reading the blog posts over at XSEED, it sounds like a proper localization for this game.
AiddonValentine wrote: | The guy who wrote it is none other than Square's resident hack Toriyama (best known for the blunder of FFXIII) |
XIII was fine by me, so I guess I get to be my own judge whenever I pick up PE3.
Quote: | Don't even get me started on the blatant, disturbing fanservice (which gets even more disturbing once you learn about the twist at the end) |
Unless it's a chick with a dude's body (ugh, Mute), there's no such thing as too much fanservice.
Oh yeah, picking up a Cosmo Black 3DS w/ Steel Diver and now Shadow Wars; since it's going to be Advance Wars/Fire Emblem gameplay.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:29 pm
w00t! DeSu 2!!
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:40 pm
Quote: | But if The 3rd Birthday comes through... |
Being released right next to a handheld sporting 3D. Color me skeptical this gets any love. Nothing against the PSP, but this title doesn't belong on this handheld.
It belongs on the PS3.
Yes, I'm a fan. It was the first game of the series which actually enticed me to buy a PS One, for crying out loud.
Had Sony developed it for its console, that would have been 3 titles worthy of purchasing an expensive BD player whose features are removed at the whim of Sony.
Now, that money goes to... *sigh*
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