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INTEREST: Anime Expo Offers US$10,000+ for Anime Music Videos

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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:07 am Reply with quote
Wow, prize money for an AMV contest. People are going to be crawling out of the woodwork to enter that, I don't envy the selection committee pre-screeners.

I doubt I can make a video good enough, but I might try just the same. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop

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Joined: 30 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:19 am Reply with quote
Wait wait wait.....AMV's are considered a form of copyright infringement, yet AX is now offering cash prizes to the winners of their AMV contest?!

I love AMV's and such, don't get me wrong, but ummmm....won't there be some serious legal issues here (in both the music and anime industry) considering the winners would be profiting off their works. Also, wouldn't this encourage more people to pirate anime/music? Not saying everyone pirates stuff to make AMVs with, but we all know that alot of people do it.

I think this is a baaaaad idea. It's one thing to award them with a specially made AX trophy and some goodies (AX con t-shirt, posters, an anime boxset, etc), but offering high amounts of cash for prizes is asking for trouble.

Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Last edited by Rukiia on Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:25 am Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
Wow, prize money for an AMV contest. People are going to be crawling out of the woodwork to enter that, I don't envy the selection committee pre-screeners.

I doubt I can make a video good enough, but I might try just the same. ^w^'


Best luck competing, if you enter your likely to meet extremely tough competition. As I am willing to people there are people out there that do this for hobby and have been doing this for years, maybe even decades.

Although the amount of money sounds nice, I wonder how much is taken off for taxes and fees that may or may not be listed in the fine print? In addition, since competition is going to be from top notch competitors, the amount of work it would take and the cost of making said Anime Muisc video might not be worth it.

But hey, best of luck to anyone who enters. It's likely not to be easy at all, but if you win, it's worth it.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:48 am Reply with quote
Rukiia wrote:
Wait wait wait.....AMV's are considered a form of copyright infringement, yet AX is now offering cash prizes to the winners of their AMV contest?!

I love AMV's and such, don't get me wrong, but ummmm....won't there be some serious legal issues here (in both the music and anime industry) considering the winners would be profiting off their works. Also, wouldn't this encourage more people to pirate anime/music? Not saying everyone pirates stuff to make AMVs with, but we all know that alot of people do it.

I think this is a baaaaad idea. It's one thing to award them with a specially made AX trophy and some goodies (AX con t-shirt, posters, an anime boxset, etc), but offering high amounts of cash for prizes is asking for trouble.

Thats' what I think, but it's not like they're selling DVDs of AMVs. I wonder if this will be okay. There's no way I would compete in this contest even though I love making AMVs.

Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Last edited by mglittlerobin on Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:21 am Reply with quote
Rukiia wrote:

Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Maybe some musicians don't want their music associated with loli-moe borderline pedo AMVs? Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:23 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Rukiia wrote:

Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Maybe some musicians don't want their music associated with loli-moe borderline pedo AMVs? Laughing

Those musicians have no sense of humor. Razz
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:24 am Reply with quote
I'd much rather give the $10,000 to the contest judges for having to endlessly sit through watching all that shit.

My advice? One word: Diazepam.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:59 am Reply with quote
I hope that they'll have a second screening before the awards show, because last year the main was sold out, and the awards show had huge crowds outside that didn't get to the main show. That would be work ten grand.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:40 am Reply with quote
Rukiia wrote:
Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Well, come July when AX gives out cash prizes, AMV creators can make money off making AMVs.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:05 am Reply with quote
lol, copyright infringement, softsubs or raws, and DMCA violation (for ripping discs)

but it's all good. Some of the AMV / MADs are totally fantastic. It would be nice if they included Russian AMV producers as well...

IMO none of the official anime music videos / PVs come close to the quality, skill, and pure emotional level of most AMVs either. The OP and EDs of some shows could also benefit from the same editing and artistic style.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:30 am Reply with quote
Just want to fix something here:

mglittlerobin wrote:
Thats' what I think, but it's not like they're selling DVDs of AMVs. I wonder if this will be okay. There's no way I would compete in this contest even though I love making AMVs.

Much better. Cool

Doesn't matter. Technically AMV's shouldn't even be allowed to play at conventions because of legal issues with the music/anime industry. As stupid as that is. If a band like Metallica caught wind of someone using their music, without their permission, for an AMV and the AMV creator won a cash prize for it, they'd might try to hunt that person down and sue them. Not saying it would happen but it is a possibility. Yet there are bands like Disturbed who don't care about people using their music because they know better then to piss off their fan base (most of their profits come from live concerts rather then CD sales). But I, personally, don't think its right to be making money off AMV's.

GokuMew2 wrote:
Rukiia wrote:
Edit: As a side note, I personally find it stupid that AMV's are considered a copyright infringement because the AMV creators aren't making money off it and are just doing it for fun.

Well, come July when AX gives out cash prizes, AMV creators can make money off making AMVs.

Well, duh. My statement is for before they announced the cash prize for AX, as this is the first time they are offering such prizes. I'm just saying that in general people make them for fun and not to make a few bucks. Again, this whole idea is a bad one.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:26 am Reply with quote
What is the point of giving cash prize for AMV? Isn't it better to award that money to talented Amateur/Newbie animators instead? They draw 12-14 hours a day drawing your favorite cute girl & pretty boy characters while receiving super crappy pay and tendonitis in return? Seriously, AX has no respect for animation professionals even though they boast record number of Japanese guests.

This ANN headline made me feel disgusted:
Anime Expo 2011 Champions Creativity and Skill By Awarding AMV Winners Bigger-Than-Ever Cash Prizes

Creativity and skill? Man, that's total bull. People are ripping off someone's hard work and gets large sum of money? This is totally unfair contest. This is total slap in the face to anyone who is trying become hard working professional. Anyone with off-the-shelf video editing software, sizable anime collection and ample time can make AMV. Forget that. Where is real AMV? You know, the one actually went through design, storyboard, animation, and edit. AX should give cash award to something like this video:

Rolling Girl
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:52 pm Reply with quote
reanimator wrote:
What is the point of giving cash prize for AMV? Isn't it better to award that money to talented Amateur/Newbie animators instead? They draw 12-14 hours a day drawing your favorite cute girl & pretty boy characters while receiving super crappy pay and tendonitis in return? Seriously, AX has no respect for animation professionals even though they boast record number of Japanese guests.

This ANN headline made me feel disgusted:
Anime Expo 2011 Champions Creativity and Skill By Awarding AMV Winners Bigger-Than-Ever Cash Prizes

Creativity and skill? Man, that's total bull. People are ripping off someone's hard work and gets large sum of money? This is totally unfair contest. This is total slap in the face to anyone who is trying become hard working professional. Anyone with off-the-shelf video editing software, sizable anime collection and ample time can make AMV. Forget that. Where is real AMV? You know, the one actually went through design, storyboard, animation, and edit. AX should give cash award to something like this video:

Rolling Girl

I kind of agree with this. These days there is very little skill in most of AMV's. I know I will get crap for this for making this assumption but from what I have seen, a lot of the tools used for AMVs are well not legally bought in the first place. So that in itself should just disqualify anyone who even submits one as well.

Also the anime and most likely the music as well is not open to Creative Commons use and made available to the public to use. So giving money to someone who does not have rights to the original work is pretty much a crime in the eyes of the law.

If I were to make a Music Video with star wars and made profit from it I would be sued into oblivion. I understand that this is just a contest but the lawyers and contract writers for the contest are going to have a field day just tiring to figure out how in the world to make this even work.
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Joined: 24 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:54 pm Reply with quote
reanimator wrote:
What is the point of giving cash prize for AMV? Isn't it better to award that money to talented Amateur/Newbie animators instead? They draw 12-14 hours a day drawing your favorite cute girl & pretty boy characters while receiving super crappy pay and tendonitis in return? Seriously, AX has no respect for animation professionals even though they boast record number of Japanese guests.

This ANN headline made me feel disgusted:
Anime Expo 2011 Champions Creativity and Skill By Awarding AMV Winners Bigger-Than-Ever Cash Prizes

Creativity and skill? Man, that's total bull. People are ripping off someone's hard work and gets large sum of money? This is totally unfair contest. This is total slap in the face to anyone who is trying become hard working professional. Anyone with off-the-shelf video editing software, sizable anime collection and ample time can make AMV. Forget that. Where is real AMV? You know, the one actually went through design, storyboard, animation, and edit. AX should give cash award to something like this video:

Rolling Girl

While it is true that amature drawers are indeed skillful, making AMVs is just as skillful. Being able to take the footage and manipulating it takes hours of time as well. This AMV specifically, took over a year to make: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBs1hB-rZ8g

She manipulated the footage, masking (which means cutting out a character frame by frame), planning out, adding effects, ect.

Also, amature drawers are in it trying to get a job which is considered practice...there is no job for creating AMVs.

AMVs are just more appealing that what you just linked, even though it is good.

Giving cash prizes actually encourages AMV makers to do what? ....Buy more DVDs, thus supporting the industry. AMV makers love DVDs. I have over 60-70 complete anime series sitting on my shelf I only watched once, why? because I know I'll make an AMV of it someday.

That's what Im gonna do with the money if I win. I'm gonna buy all the series I've been wanting to get for a while, so in a way, they give out money, but only get it right back when I buy their stuff...
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:01 pm Reply with quote
jsc315 wrote:
reanimator wrote:
What is the point of giving cash prize for AMV? Isn't it better to award that money to talented Amateur/Newbie animators instead? They draw 12-14 hours a day drawing your favorite cute girl & pretty boy characters while receiving super crappy pay and tendonitis in return? Seriously, AX has no respect for animation professionals even though they boast record number of Japanese guests.

This ANN headline made me feel disgusted:
Anime Expo 2011 Champions Creativity and Skill By Awarding AMV Winners Bigger-Than-Ever Cash Prizes

Creativity and skill? Man, that's total bull. People are ripping off someone's hard work and gets large sum of money? This is totally unfair contest. This is total slap in the face to anyone who is trying become hard working professional. Anyone with off-the-shelf video editing software, sizable anime collection and ample time can make AMV. Forget that. Where is real AMV? You know, the one actually went through design, storyboard, animation, and edit. AX should give cash award to something like this video:

Rolling Girl

I kind of agree with this. These days there is very little skill in most of AMV's. I know I will get crap for this for making this assumption but from what I have seen, a lot of the tools used for AMVs are well not legally bought in the first place. So that in itself should just disqualify anyone who even submits one as well.

Also the anime and most likely the music as well is not open to Creative Commons use and made available to the public to use. So giving money to someone who does not have rights to the original work is pretty much a crime in the eyes of the law.

If I were to make a Music Video with star wars and made profit from it I would be sued into oblivion. I understand that this is just a contest but the lawyers and contract writers for the contest are going to have a field day just tiring to figure out how in the world to make this even work.

You've got a point. Considering that by making a AMV and copying off someone's work, you might as well say that work is your and yours alone. Sure there is talented people, but almost anyone with even a tiny bit of knowledge could easily make a AMV, be it good or bad.

Like Reanimator stated, that money really should go to a Amateur/new animator instead who has actually created original work and not just copied and pasted something someone already else made. I mean let's be straight up, how often are these AMV creators using legal means (and tools for that matter) to create said AMV video's?
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