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NEWS: Japanese Teen Arrested for Distributing Manga Online

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Joined: 24 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:08 am Reply with quote
Wow, what an buttaperture...

..for making over $3000 bucks.

I trust you figured out the hidden, underlying implications of my statement.

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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:15 am Reply with quote
Can you just imagine how much money via ad revenue a site like Mangafox gets then, if this one person got $3k from doing pretty much the same thing. It's pretty darn disgusting, when placed into that perspective.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:57 am Reply with quote
Aura Ichadora wrote:
Can you just imagine how much money via ad revenue a site like Mangafox gets then, if this one person got $3k from doing pretty much the same thing. It's pretty darn disgusting, when placed into that perspective.

OK...then I guess you don't mind waiting YEARS to read the latest chapter of your favorite manga, and I guess you don't mind spending $10-$15 on a SINGLE volume of all those manga.

OH but wait, some manga never even get licensed so what do you do then???

Conclusion: Online manga scanlations = Necessary Evil

I don't care that scanlation sites make money, as long as I get to read the latest chapter of my favorite manga.

Oh and I do buy manga, but only a SELECT FEW, I'm NOT going to buy a brand new volume of every single manga that I read.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:13 am Reply with quote
Yes I am perfectly willing to pay 10 bucks for a manga volume. The mangaka does need to get paid you know. He can't eat or drink air.
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:51 am Reply with quote
Hmmm, I really don't understand this attitude of self entitlement..

It's fine to like something just stop sprouting nonsense that you believe you should be entitle to see everything. Sounds like something off-topic since the article is about someone commiting crime and getting caught for it. Not to mention making money of something he/she clearly has no rights to distribute under.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:04 am Reply with quote
alexcampos wrote:
OK...then I guess you don't mind waiting YEARS to read the latest chapter of your favorite manga, and I guess you don't mind spending $10-$15 on a SINGLE volume of all those manga.

OH but wait, some manga never even get licensed so what do you do then???

Conclusion: Online manga scanlations = Necessary Evil

I don't care that scanlation sites make money, as long as I get to read the latest chapter of my favorite manga.

Oh and I do buy manga, but only a SELECT FEW, I'm NOT going to buy a brand new volume of every single manga that I read.

You DO realize manga is a commercial business.
So you have to actually PAY for reading entertainment? Wow. What a concept.
It is a HOBBY. There are people who pay thousands & thousands of dollars eo support their little habits. People into wine might pay more than average to have a private selection of some of the more expensive wines in their wine cellar as opposed to those who are fine with wine from a box. Some prefer more expensive beer to the cheaper stuff.

TRSI. Why pay $15 for manga? Their regular price for most companies is 25% off & they regularly have manufacturer sales where all the titles from that particular company is 1/3rd off. I pay $6 for most $10 manga & yaoi runs about $9.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:15 am Reply with quote
alexcampos wrote:
[OK...then I guess you don't mind waiting YEARS to read the latest chapter of your favorite manga,

I couldn't care less whether what I'm reading is the latest chapter or not. In fact, not being caught up with the Japanese release is a good thing: it generally means a much faster release schedule than you get with manga that has reached the same stage as the Japanese edition.

and I guess you don't mind spending $10-$15 on a SINGLE volume of all those manga.

Well, no. If it's worth reading, it's worth paying for and $10 is hardly unreasonable.

OH but wait, some manga never even get licensed so what do you do then???

Read something else.
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person of awesomeness

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:28 am Reply with quote
Not everyone have money to spend on manga. I only buy manga 4-5 times a year, because my family thinks they are a bit overpriced and the money goes to more 'important' things. So online scanlations is my only method of reading manga.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:53 am Reply with quote
What the Manga industry really needs is to reform itself.

The Manga publishers in the US and in Japan need to accelerate their transition to the digital realm. They may have missed a great opportunity to build their very own *legal* Onemanga/Mangafox a few years ago, but taking action now is better than never.

Physical copies of Manga should be in color! This will encourage fans who may have read it online to purchase the physical copy. Yes the cost of printing Manga would rise, and so will the price tag with it, but it will give the fans a sense they are purchasing a full product. If the Manga Publishers can do just that (and build a digital ad-supported Manga site), it may be able to effectively compete alongside with the American comic book industry.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:08 am Reply with quote
Deviant_scarlet wrote:
What the Manga industry really needs is to reform itself.

The Manga publishers in the US and in Japan need to accelerate their transition to the digital realm. They may have missed a great opportunity to build their very own *legal* Onemanga/Mangafox a few years ago, but taking action now is better than never.

Thery actually tried this.
My assumption is they discovered overall it was a bad idea. Most fans have monetary limits to what they can purchase. A few summers back Tokyo Pop & Viz both started releasing certain titles monthly, but both stopped. Each fan has titles they follow avidly & titles less so. I assumed the reason they all returned to a more stretched out schedule was that given a choice between 5 titles coming out in one month, most fans were forced to drop some titles because while they were able to wrangle buying 5 different titles over 2-3 months, buying those titles every month proved financially impossible.
Deviant_scarlet wrote:

Physical copies of Manga should be in color! This will encourage fans who may have read it online to purchase the physical copy. Yes the cost of printing Manga would rise, and so will the price tag with it, but it will give the fans a sense they are purchasing a full product. If the Manga Publishers can do just that (and build a digital ad-supported Manga site), it may be able to effectively compete alongside with the American comic book industry.

The original product is black & white. You suggesting they colorize it as Hollywood was doing to old black & white movies?
Sounds horrendous.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:35 am Reply with quote
Deviant_scarlet wrote:

Physical copies of Manga should be in color! This will encourage fans who may have read it online to purchase the physical copy. Yes the cost of printing Manga would rise, and so will the price tag with it, but it will give the fans a sense they are purchasing a full product. If the Manga Publishers can do just that (and build a digital ad-supported Manga site), it may be able to effectively compete alongside with the American comic book industry.

No, they'd just pirate the coloured editions of the manga then. Like they pirate colour domestic comic books.
The books were created in b+w- lots of comic books are, even domestically. Even something like Bone that's been recoloured is *still* available in a b+w edition because it's an artistic choice. Saying they're not a "full product" is kind of insulting to the creators skills.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:39 am Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
The original product is black & white. You suggesting they colorize it as Hollywood was doing to old black & white movies? Sounds horrendous.

There are lots of color pages that just don't get reproduced in tankoubon form. Dark Horse's re-release of Oh My Goddess early volumes showed that placing the color pages back in rather than black-and-white copies of color pages can work.

As to colorizing a manga, Ah! My Goddess: Colors shows that this can not only be done but done beautifully.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:55 am Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Yes I am perfectly willing to pay 10 bucks for a manga volume. The mangaka does need to get paid you know. He can't eat or drink air.

The surprising element of the story is noticing how fast the guy earned the money. He started the site in August and achieved over 2 million visitors. That's impressive.

Now, imagine how much money the mangaka could earn if they did the exact same thing with their own damn works (this, of course, means they'll need to share the website with other mangaka to entice people to visit the site).

Oh, right. They can't because they're legally bound by contract giving them 10%, if they're lucky, of monies earned by publishers who charge them a file conversion fee.

Makes sense to me.

As for the story: one of these days, this young man will look back on this day and laugh.

CCSYueh wrote:
Thery actually tried this. Most fans have monetary limits to what they can purchase.

Do you freakin' read what people post or do you read two words and post more rhetoric on "fact"?

No, CCSYueh, they did not try this and your own post shows this because they were charging people to view the scan.

Just as publishers do.

Want to know how much people pay at piracy sites? $0.

That's why everyone's all pissed off about the ad revenue these sites generate which don't go back to the artists.

When these artists do actually create a site, in addition to selling manga, then they'll have tried.

I'll be lucky to see this happen in my lifetime.

Last edited by PetrifiedJello on Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:58 am Reply with quote
Manga industry is more lackluster than anime industry

Mangafox is making money you say?
Anime sites make more money, and they also accept donations
How much does anime news network make? Very Happy

This reminds me of the era when they didn't have printing presses. There were lot of people doing business by copying books like Bible, Quran etc by hand. When printing presses were introduced all these copiers revolted. Now instead of printing presses we have digital copies, and thus publishers are revolting

I think fansubbing, scanlating are similar activities as making doujinshis
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Joined: 06 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:03 am Reply with quote
Through out the ages artists have always suffered
Many great artists have died in poverty

There are some manga artists who publish their work on online sites like these
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