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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:10 am
"Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0 will make a lot of people Eva fans, who are not already fans" -- ANNcast
The whole time Rebuild of Eva 1.0 was coming out, lots of critics -- with a large degree of truth -- kept saying "rebuild is just a rehash". Yeah, well they kind of needed to warm the audience up to it again. That, and the twist ending really went all Planet of the Apes on us and told us "oh god, they're really going to start drastically changing things...we have to wait for Rebuild of Eva 2.0"
And now its here. I hope it changed some minds.
Oh....what kind of questions did you have Gia?
Groundless speculation without consulting source materials is the tool of the Jaffes and McCoys of the world. Anything particular you'd like to know about? We'll cite what we can.
In regards to Asuka,
1 - we have no real idea of what they're doing after the "incident"
2 - turns out, Yuko Miyamura *herself* voices Asuka's Evangelion Unit (this didn't happen in the original series)
spoiler warning
spoiler warning
The running theory is that they've actually ingeniously combined several of the Angel fights from the original series. This is just theory, I warn, but consider that different Angel fights in the series were basically mashups of key plot points in the original series:
particularly, the fight with Zeruel the razor-armed Angel (from episode 19)....essentially got combined with the battle against Armisael in episode 23....Armisael was the ribbon-of-light Angel that tried to merge with Rei. So they sort of got combined.
So as the theory seems possible, if not probable, that the Eva-03 fight got combined with the Arael fight....Arael was the "mind-rape" Angel that attacks from orbit in episode 22.
This seems likely because 1 - Asuka's mind-rape scene was such a big part of the original series (particularly the added scenes in the director's cut) explaining her entire personality with flashbacks to her traumatic childhood. Its odd that they aren't in Rebuild 2.
2 - if you listen really closely, you can hear the sound of a crowd of girls giggling just as Asuka is overwhelmed in Eva-03's cockpit. In the *director's cut* of the original series episode 23, during Asuka's mind-rape scene, she is swarmed by an army of....ghostly images of herself I guess you'd call them, along with the sound of this crowd of girls giggling. Its the same sound effect.
Then, we see Ritsuko explaining to Maya that due to fears of "neural contamination" they are keeping a quarantine on.
****Therefore, the running guess is that Asuka's "mind rape" scene indeed happened in the Rebuild-verse, but "off-screen", and logically, while Asuka was linked to an Eva getting infected by an Angel. ***And in all probability, Rebuild 3 will begin with an extended flashback showing what happened *from Asuka's persepective*.
But other than all goes out the window. Rebuild is here and all the rules have changed.
Mari = Poochie from the Simpsons. Zac, she's a *satire* of Mary Sue characters.
Tiffany Grant *is* Asuka, Zac! Are you made of stone?!
Oh yeah, the Kaji Engrish scene was unintelligible.
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Joined: 05 May 2009
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:14 am
Dude, the main part of the podcast wasn't even about evangelion. Mind being less of an annoying fanboy for once and maybe give a shit about the uh, about an hour and a half of other material covered (which was probably a whole lot more interesting)? Guess not.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:26 am
I'm with Zac. I'm not excited about Tiffany Grant returning as Asuka. She has no subtlety whatsoever. I wish they could have given the role to Gwendolyn Lau or Kara Edwards. I'm not a fan of Spike Spencer's Shinji, either. The best parts of the Rebuild dubs are the new cast.
We can't really be sure just what Mari's role is yet. She does sort of come out of nowhere, interacts with practically nobody, and seems only there for action scenes, in a way that it makes it seem like the studio couldn't commit entirely to a new character. I disagree with the fans who say she takes away from Asuka. She does end up piloting Asuka's Eva unit, but she has way less screentime than Asuka, so you have to be crazy to say that. It was Rei who dominated both movies, as far as potential Shinji hook ups.
The second Rebuild movie is fantastic visually, but I feel like it just lacks that feeling of desperation and alienation that the TV series does. It's really exciting to watch, but not much more than that.
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Big Hed
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:54 am
Mari's awesome! Yeah she was probably conceived as a merchandise grab, but she felt right at home with the rest of the cast. And hey, Maaya Sakamoto.
... Which brings me around to the Japanese performances in general. Once again, have to agree with Zac regarding the comparative standard of the performances. I watched the original dubbed, but the movies have totally converted me. I listened to the first half hour of the 1.11 dub a couple months ago and... it just doesn't compare.
Re. the first chapter of KnK: yeah, Del Rey released it as part of Faust vol. 1. Also, I'm curious to know how you end up finding the rest of the series, Zac. It's true that a lot more of the story gets explained in the subsequent episodes, but I personally was engaged through the first one.
Anyway, it's great to hear that the subtitle quality on the KnK discs is solid--and that there's a review copy circulating at all. Is a review going to be showing up on the site at some point?
Moving on to Drops of God... all the talk about it on the show has got me thinking I might actually pick up a copy of it for my parents for kicks, since they're huge wine-drinkers, to the point that their kitchen does double-duty as a cellar. I wonder if they'd find anything that would pique their interest; although that depends largely on the taste of the authors, since my parents are huge Australia/New Zealand/South Africa fans, and I don't know if they're considered big regions in Japan...
I'm at the point now where the podcast is moving towards twitter (damn, this was a long one). Just wanted to say that it was great having Ed and Deb back, because the discussion about the manga market in general has been a good listen. Particularly the points about the fractured state of digital publishing, which I think is going to make or break a lot of initiatives. And Ditto about walking into Kinokuniya, Deb. Man, the size of the untranslated manga section they have!
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Joined: 05 Nov 2006
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:57 am
Big Hed wrote: |
Anyway, it's great to hear that the subtitle quality on the KnK discs is solid--and that there's a review copy circulating at all. Is a review going to be showing up on the site at some point?
The English subtitles on Black Rock Shooter are also of good quality, which is a lot more than we can say for a number of R1 releases.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:13 am
Drops of God: Not a wine drinker at all. Don't like it, don't understand it. Besides, why drink wine when there is perfectly good beer around: Paulaner Salvator Double Bock. The finest in German Engineering.
Hey Tokyopop, I'm still waiting on the end of Moonphase. Still waiting...
And this is the problem. I can't trust companies to finish a title, even if they do manage to stay in business. So I either buy complete titles all in one shot, or I buy it from VIZ. I don't care if you publish single volumes, omnibuses, or totally online, I just want to know I can finish reading something once I start.
Quote: | Or you could learn to read Japanese |
That is my current plan. I figure that's the only I get to read what I want to in manga.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2005
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:08 am
Excellent, the iTunes feed is working again! I'll be listening to this tomorrow morning, and I look forward to hearing Deb and Ed again (not intentionally) try to convince me to finally get into manga. I expect loads of humour with these guests, don't disappoint me now!
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Joined: 01 Sep 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:48 am
Normally I wait to get thru the podcast before posting but I have a question/request that is along more general podcast lines. I wanted to get in line before the the thread esplodes
Zac or Whomever: Would it be possible to have the MP3's tag info filled in?
I just got a new player that relies on the tag info and of course now I suddenly care about such things.
Trying to figure out which <unknown> artist whos <unknown>album in the blues(yes that is what it says) genre is you guys is not a *big* deal, but most of my other podcasts do put something in there.
In a effort to not be totally off topic. Princess Knight was on TV when I was a kid(ooold). I seem to remember only being able to see it on days I was home sick from school(because it played later in the morning). Despite the random and infrequent times I would see it, it seemed like I kept seeing the same one episode.(The ghost of a wealthy lady is trapped in her mansion.) I think Led Zeppelin wrote a song about it.
Edit: Not trying to be petty, but Deb Aoki said the version of Princess Knight in Hawaii was subtitled...I remember it being dubbed. Did both versions air?
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:47 am
Drops of God is interesting in itself. It's a manga which has influenced big business. Wine importers in Japan based their purchases on what wines featured in the manga, it's won awards from wine magazines in France, it's featured in the business sections of newspapers. It's very influential and I can't think of anything like it in terms of the effect it has had.
The bit at the end about accents? A lot of that gets me too, and I think the cod-Shakespearian 'Forsooth, my liege' nonsense in the Ooku translation really doesn't work.
However, the fact that Sumiyoshi in the Excel Saga manga is translated into Geordie always amuses me.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2008
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:58 am
Zac, interesting that you said you feel 2.0 will make Eva fans out of non-fans. Fair to say that's what happened to me! I'm not a fan of the series, but these movies, the second one especially, were a blast. I mean, 2.0 was intense, and that kind of intensity that you can get sucked into with abandon is hard to find in anime.
As for KnK, pretty much all the important stuff will be explained. The fifth chapter will connect all the dots. (On that note, the 1, 2, and 7 airing thing is a bad idea; chapter 6 is really the only "episodic" one.) KnK does have a slow start, but things will pick up around chapter three. It's a series you really have to treat as one story, despite the conceptions that come with it being structured more like a movie series. I won't be surprised if you end up not really loving it, but maybe you'll enjoy it enough to see why it has following even of people like me who, as a rule, don't care for TYPE-MOON.
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Charred Knight
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:09 am
I wouldn't call Rin-ne the best test to see how giving your manga away helps considering that it's by Rumiko Takahashi whose one of the most famous mangaka's around. The whole thing kind of reminds me about Shuho Satou who claims that the publishers is preventing him from being a millionaire and decides to go digital well after he made a name for himself in the traditional manner.
As for Mari, I think she's just one more step until they eventually make a harem version of Evangelion.
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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:14 am
I'm quite eager to pick up Princess Knight. Maybe Vertical'll bring Takemiya Keiko's Kaze to Ki no Uta here one day.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:17 am
HyugaHinata wrote: | I'm quite eager to pick up Princess Knight.  Maybe Vertical'll bring Takemiya Keiko's Kaze to Ki no Uta here one day. |
Hey, I'm curious. Are you getting the Kara no Kyoukai Blu-ray box? I mean, we all know you can afford it.
Also, can't watch podcast ATM, but I will later and will comment on it then. Wanna hear about Summer Wars/Eva 2.0/KnK.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2010
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:32 am
I love it when the podcast brings in manga related guests! This time Ed Sizemore's voice doesn't seem as low, made it easier to listen to And Deb's way of talking is really pleasant to listen to.
The Square Enix online manga site is stupid. And what's even worse is that they are taking away titles from Yen Press' online manga reader and and therefore possibly taking away a lot of Yen+ subscribers as well. I know that the absence of Black Butler and Pandora Hearts is a major factor, in fact, THE reason why I have not yet subscribed to Yen+ online. And by reading the comments on their site, it's obvious that many others are not willing to subscribe to a online magazine whose only Japanese content is Yotsuba& and K-ON.
In regards to Viz not giving enough info on their new titles, when it comes to Shonen Jump there is usually a pretty detailed wikipedia page for each series, which is definitely wherever I go whenever they announce a new Jump license I have had trouble finding info on their other titles though (Itsuwaribito being a more recent one...). And while it's true that people aren't going to buy manga just because it's manga, I know I definitely will check out a title if it's Shonen Jump just because it's Shonen Jump =P
I'm feeling pretty positive about the manga industry. Mainly because of the increase in seinen titles coming out from almost all of the publishers. I also love the SigIkki site and Yen Press really is trying all sorts of initiatives to promote their manga and light novels. What I don't like though is omnibuses (I love anime box sets though). My Mushi-shi 8-9-10 was really hard to read, not just to hold, but content wise it was too much for one sitting.
What I would like to see in the manga industry this year! Licenses for Giant Killing, Kuragehime and Beelzebub! And slightly related! Licenses for Durarara, Baccano and anything Ryoga Narita related!
Man that was a long podcast but it was really interesting all the same =)
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Joined: 07 Nov 2006
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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:43 pm
Melanchthon wrote: |
Hey Tokyopop, I'm still waiting on the end of Moonphase. Still waiting...
And this is the problem. I can't trust companies to finish a title, even if they do manage to stay in business. So I either buy complete titles all in one shot, or I buy it from VIZ. I don't care if you publish single volumes, omnibuses, or totally online, I just want to know I can finish reading something once I start.
VIZ is no longer a guarantee on a complete manga series release (still waiting on the remaining volumes of Strawberry 100%).
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