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REVIEW: Peepo Choo GN 3

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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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Location: Sunny California
PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:23 pm Reply with quote
There are a lot of good things about this this title. So many good things, that I was willing to overlook many of its flaws. But the one thing I really can't forgive is spoiler[the complete lack of closure between Morimoto and Gill]. I think Smith has a lot of talent, but it felt like a slap in the face to havespoiler[such a big build up and absolutely no climax between the two fighters]. I guess you could say that the bulk of Peepo Choo's ending is a cop out, but that part between Morimoto and Gill really yanked my chain.

at its heart Peepo Choo is like an epiphany trying to find form.
That's some beautiful writing there. Anime smile
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Fallen Wings

Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:40 am Reply with quote
I think the big let down was that Morimoto suddenly turned into a good guy in the last few chapters.

You know from spoiler[slowly torturing/carving people to their death and to purposely psychologically abuse his girlfriend who had the decently to stick around] then suddenly he was the good guy.

No way did I believe that. There was nothing about Morimoto that I liked nor did he do anything good - which was why I was distressed about Aniki since he at least had some dignity.

For myself - I enjoyed how Felipe was able to put in little details such of the homeless man, the game show and the toilet made it seem quite well done, predictable, but well done.

But I think the major issue with me is with the constant use of violence and swearing.

I actually DON'T CARE about the violence and the swearing it is just there is a point when you just go "I'm not surprise anymore.". When you get to that point the story becomes REALLY gimmicky and it looks like it is trying to throw of the lack of story with "ADULT" stuff.

Kinda like I read a story that doesn't NEED breasts etc but puts in it anyway - you just go "Well that is a nice distraction from the lack of substance."

But whatever the case may be, and my personal feelings, I still fight for this to be called manga (because it is). And I congratulate Felipe for making it in Japan - he did a good job even after all the flaws :3
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:48 am Reply with quote
I pretty much enjoyed the series. I haven't laughed so hard at many manga in awhile. It's a nice piece of work, but it does have it's flaws. It's whole layout is pretty much all over the place. Like eating a nice ice cream cone and then suddenly you see someone get trashed in a motorcycle accident with their guts sliding over the asphalt and then you find out it's fake. But if you just take it as is it's a pretty entertaining book. I always get a kick out of the whole ugly art deal and I really did enjoy Felipe Smith's execution. In a way it was like watching a silly b-movie of sorts.
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