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The Mike Toole Show - Gundam Infinity

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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:45 am Reply with quote
Turn A Gundam is my favorite of Tomino's work, a series with a conflict in which sides have a valid point, a unique premise, and some insane scenes like a group of hippies working for the moon race. That and it introduced me to Tetsu Inaba a really good voice actor who voiced Harry Ord, and would later voice Elzam Von Branstein from Super Robot Wars.

It's to bad that Sunrise never did anything with the Big Bang series and all we got out of it was Newtypes being in Gundam Seed.

As for the Gundam novels, I read some of it when I took a few classes at Arizona State, and all I remember is that the ending is horrible, I mean really bad. The only good thing about it is that it gives us General Revil's kick ass speech, and that information about who took Char to Earth. Also if I remember right I think Amuro wanted a piece of Sayla's pubic hair to put in a locket.

Last edited by Charred Knight on Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:03 am Reply with quote
I thought I was in heaven when Mike Toole did a Lupin III article, but now an article about my other favorite franchise? Is it Christmas? Did I save a baby from a fire?

I've read summaries of what the episodes were supposed to be towards the end of the original Mobile Suit Gundam, before it got cut down, and while there are some good ideas in there, I think I prefer the abbreviated ending given. It's never felt "tacked on" to me.

The "Kukurus Doan's Island" episode is pretty poor in production values, but it's not a bad episode otherwise. I like Doan's story and Amuro coming to realize that he's not a bad guy. Even though that comes after Mobile Suit martial arts.

The SD Gundam shorts are pretty funny. I love all the jokes made at the expense of the characters. My favorite bits include Haman getting drunk, Scirocco's syrup, and the Wacky Races bit.

Ah, Doozybots. Part Gundam, part Burger King Kids Club.

Tomino isn't as good a writer as he's a director, but there are a lot of interesting tidbits in those Gundam novels, heroes evacuating their bladders in their space suits aside. More background information on the Zeon revolution would have been well-appreciated in the TV series. Yas puts a lot of that stuff in the Origin manga.

Chubby Char and black Ryu Jose makes me giggle every time.

I'm really looking forward to getting Turn A Gundam on DVD. It's the only non-Universal Century (unless you take Dark History at face value) Gundam anime that I'll collect. It really is a beautiful show that unfortunately did not get the praise it deserved when it was first aired. Syd Mead's designs, Yoko Kanno's music, Romi Paku's first anime role, some beautiful costume and setting work and a heartfelt story make it really stand out from other Gundam shows. I can't imagine it doing well in sales, though. What makes Bandai Entertainment think a show that failed a decade ago in Japan is going to succeed now in America?

Gundam Unicorn is quite good thus far. Banagher is a little bit like Kamille, but a little more personable. He doesn't fly off the handle nearly as much or for as absurd of reasons. (I love Zeta, it's my favorite, but Kamille is difficult to get to like.) It does have the usual UC tropes, but I like how they're working a new angle on the very fabric of what makes the Universal Century.

Of course, we all know that Haro is the real main character.

Really looking forward to getting those bilingual sets of 0079. I'm actually rewatching the first movie version right as I type this.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:13 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I thought I was in heaven when Mike Toole did a Lupin III article, but now an article about my other favorite franchise? Is it Christmas? Did I save a baby from a fire?

The article I want to see Mike Toole write is Bootleg Toys
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:41 am Reply with quote
Yes indeed, Turn A was quite a surprise. It's one of the very few first eps(in my now recent watching exp.) that instantly piqued me with it's first ep alone!!!

I wish we could learn why episode 15 was omitted... It's just... one of those things that'll help complete us human beings Laughing

I'm excited to see Unicorn too, but I'd like to watch Zeta first. Having just finished the 1st Gundam movies(courtesy of penguintruths info on a certain Gundam 00 review Wink ), the Newtype aspect is a bit better fleshed, but I should say it was "merged" with pre-existing footage.
In any case, I thought the TV ver. was a bit grating on my nerves, the movies were a great watch(and that dub! Why...?)

And yes, that promo IS one of Bandai's finest works in advertisement. I still get baffled over how kids' could grasp the raw intelligence in that series!(one of the reasons I love SEED over Wing is that it's a bit easier to get into. Both as a series and in terms of the Gundam franchise itself. Speaking for 3-4 people here!)

Here's the order of the Gundam's I wanna watch; Stardust Memory, Zeta, Char's C., F-91, Victory, and Unicorn. Oh! And G Gundam too!
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Joined: 06 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:50 am Reply with quote
those images from the 0079 game are excellent forum avatar fodder...

Excellent article, my favorite so far!
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Joined: 22 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:20 am Reply with quote
Wow, what an article! Loved hearing about all these oddities in Gundam's history. After reading what you said about Unicorn I am just dying to watch that as well (I've just heard so many great things about it)! Ah, but right now I'm still in the process of catching up on the many other shows within the UC timeline. At the moment I'm in the midst of watching V-Gundam for the first time. And from there I've got to get to 08th MS Team (yet another one I've heard great things about). And then I'll have caught up so I can get around to Unicorn. I don't ever plan on seeing G-Saviour, Gundam Evolve, or IGLOO though, as they don't seem too important.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:37 am Reply with quote
Nice article.

Gundam Wing hit Cartoon Network with this awesome promo clip (why oh why don't they make these anymore?!)

I'm not a very big fan of Gundam Wing, but those promo clips were really great. They even made Wing look good. They just don't advertise anime like they did back then.

I can't wait for Turn A to come out on DVD. I was only 10 episodes from the end when Bandai licensed it.

As for UC, I'm definitely waiting for the blu-ray release before I watch this.
CG-LOVER wrote:
I don't ever plan on seeing G-Saviour, Gundam Evolve, or IGLOO though, as they don't seem too important.

I've never seen G-Saviour or Gundam Evolve, but I've seen IGLOO and if you like the UC time line its definitely worth checking out if you ever get the chance.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:16 am Reply with quote
That's odd; I found Turn-A too boring and too filled with uninteresting characters to finish. And while at least this time it wasn't filled with tedious, meaningless battles, there was just as much nothing going on as in previous Gundam TV series.

Also I have no idea why anyone would want to connect UC Gundam with the alternate universe shows. What's the point?

Some of the EVOLVE episodes are pretty good, and others are really rotten. The first one is just clips, but manages to get some effect out them, and the remake of the one fight from the original series was pretty impressive.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:47 am Reply with quote
The heroes spend one particular episode clumsily racing each other by running along the surface of an out of control space colony, a la log burling, while side characters appear on a game show, competing for money by predicting the colony's awful fate; and whenever Char appears, the other characters shout his name and feel compelled to take a bathroom break ("sha" is the sound effect commonly used for running liquid, geddit?).

The word that springs immediately to mind is somewhat meaningless, yet nevertheless put to great use by this OVA: "Boppin!"
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:58 am Reply with quote
Glad to hear the series is getting a new release! I greatly prefer it to the compilation movies; while they lack some of the sillier elements from the original series, I found it much harder to relate to the characters, them being given more face time in the series and all that.

Shame it has to be a new dub, though; I watched the old one on crunchyroll, and thought it was just fine.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:26 am Reply with quote
Krotchstak wrote:

Shame it has to be a new dub, though; I watched the old one on crunchyroll, and thought it was just fine.

Who said there'd be a new dub?
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:32 am Reply with quote
Gundam Wing hit Cartoon Network with this awesome promo clip (why oh why don't they make these anymore?!)

Toonami + Peter Cullen's voice = unstoppable advertising, they could make the crappiest anime alive look enthralling with those commercials, damn I miss those Sad

Great article, not a hardcore gundam fan but I definitely love the franchise
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:31 am Reply with quote
you should have mention about Gundam SEED series era.

besides SEED was the 1st non-uc series to got a 2nd tv series season aka Destiny.

also GS series became the 2nd generation answer to match uc level.

good grief you should mention the Lacus as well.

really MR.GS aka KLAC is saying you fail cause GS is more worth it.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:50 am Reply with quote
KLAC wrote:
you should have mention about Gundam SEED series era.

besides SEED was the 1st non-uc series to got a 2nd tv series season aka Destiny.

also GS series became the 2nd generation answer to match uc level.

good grief you should mention the Lacus as well.

really MR.GS aka KLAC is saying you fail cause GS is more worth it.

I sense fanboy butt-hurt!
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:02 am Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
KLAC wrote:
you should have mention about Gundam SEED series era.

besides SEED was the 1st non-uc series to got a 2nd tv series season aka Destiny.

also GS series became the 2nd generation answer to match uc level.

good grief you should mention the Lacus as well.

really MR.GS aka KLAC is saying you fail cause GS is more worth it.

I sense fanboy butt-hurt!

6yrs really 6 freaking years i'm been on GS side from since watching english in 04 GS has got me into anime, changed me, & even yet SAVE me.

really make understand & know of this world.

besides i'm still wait on SEED movie yea come on bandai/sunrise you owe a SEED movie.

yet with i rather a 3rd GS season cause really if you don't then i'm going NEXUS attack on it or yet do something yet to be done

1.a 50eps gundam tv series with MAIN LEAD is a FEMALE gundam pilot (as long i get Chantal Strand as the LEAD) really still to do list.


2.a gundam tv series of DECADE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRddpWyR7qw (with Chantal Strand in it as well as the MAINS)

yea does those on your next project (why Chantal Strand in it one reason why it the Lacus).
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