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NEWS: Manga UK Adds Highschool of the Dead Anime

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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:01 pm Reply with quote
Wait, if the UK is getting blu-ray then surely we are too, right? S23's original press just mentioned DVD rights, but maybe they just forgot to separate the two...I hope. I'd love a BD of this.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:14 pm Reply with quote
I guess this can go here too, MangaUK has also added Casshern Sins
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:44 pm Reply with quote
That was the last announcement for today, but they've got more in the pipeline:

"I was hoping to make more announcements today, but will have to hold until #LondonMCMExpo."
"We have 2 new anime movies and 2 v.cool series to announce in coming weeks. High School is the place to be in anime in 2011!"


They're currently undecided on whether Casshern Sins will be released on Blu-ray also
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:08 pm Reply with quote
The King of Harts wrote:
Wait, if the UK is getting blu-ray then surely we are too, right?

Most definitely. This is hinted in Manga's comments.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:57 pm Reply with quote
[grudge]Sentai, eh? What a pity. My chances of taking a peek at this show might've improved if it were dubbed...[/grudge]
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:05 pm Reply with quote
ZipZapZopTitania wrote:
[grudge]Sentai, eh? What a pity. My chances of taking a peek at this show might've improved if it were dubbed...[/grudge]


"Sentai Filmworks will be releasing HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD in both English dubbed and subtitled versions throughout North America."

Unless this has changed, it should be getting one of Sentai's rare dubs. Although... they have other shows that I would much rather see dubbed... but oh well.

I have a similar grudge. Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Great news. Uncensored version on BD will be just lovely to watch. Now, just hope all this Hotd accelerates a second season.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:30 pm Reply with quote
Manga almost certainly wouldn't be releasing it if there weren't a dub, especially not on blu-ray where the production costs are so much higher. Manga don't release sub-only titles since they'd expect half the sales for the same outlay.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:04 am Reply with quote
megagold5 wrote:


"Sentai Filmworks will be releasing HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD in both English dubbed and subtitled versions throughout North America."

Unless this has changed, it should be getting one of Sentai's rare dubs. Although... they have other shows that I would much rather see dubbed... but oh well.

I have a similar grudge. Razz

reading how this is worded, I get a strange feeling that we will see another kurokami type of release, whereas the blu-ray might be english only.

you can also take it as it will be released in two ways, one subtitled, and another version dubbed only.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:34 am Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
Manga almost certainly wouldn't be releasing it if there weren't a dub, especially not on blu-ray where the production costs are so much higher. Manga don't release sub-only titles since they'd expect half the sales for the same outlay.

Actually Magna has released sub-only anime films before (Vexile I believe before Funi dubbed it), though I don't know if they've done it with a series.

Also, as others have pointed out Sentai already announced plans to dub this once as soon as the simulcast was announced. It's good to see some of the posters keep up on the news before they come on to complain. Laughing

At Anime Network's booth at NYAF, they had a banner announcing the premier of the dub for HoTD in January. So likely it's already in production or will be starting soon.

It's good to see that we will likely be getting a bluray release as well. Also, Sentai doesn't do dub-only releases like Kurokami. If there is a bluray, it will be bilingual. If you read Sentai's press release, it doesn't specifically mention whether they have just DVD rights or DVD and bluray. But so far, most of their series that have been dubbed (with Blue Drop and Clannad being the only DVD only releases) they've had bluray rights for.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:52 am Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Actually Magna has released sub-only anime films before (Vexile I believe before Funi dubbed it), though I don't know if they've done it with a series.

Vexille was released by Momentum, although Manga had some sort of involvement. Regardless, it sold a third of the numbers of the dubbed Appleseed and is the specific example they have quoted as to why subs-only is a bad idea in the UK.

Also, as others have pointed out Sentai already announced plans to dub this once as soon as the simulcast was announced.

I was specifically thinking of the "Unless this has changed.." from a few posts back when I responded.

It's good to see that we will likely be getting a bluray release as well. Also, Sentai doesn't do dub-only releases like Kurokami.

Neither did Bandai until that point so it still stands as a dangerous precedent.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:50 am Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Actually Magna has released sub-only anime films before (Vexile I believe before Funi dubbed it), though I don't know if they've done it with a series.

Vexille was released by Momentum, although Manga had some sort of involvement. Regardless, it sold a third of the numbers of the dubbed Appleseed and is the specific example they have quoted as to why subs-only is a bad idea in the UK.

Also, as others have pointed out Sentai already announced plans to dub this once as soon as the simulcast was announced.

I was specifically thinking of the "Unless this has changed.." from a few posts back when I responded.

It's good to see that we will likely be getting a bluray release as well. Also, Sentai doesn't do dub-only releases like Kurokami.

Neither did Bandai until that point so it still stands as a dangerous precedent.

Well, Vexille over all did significantly lower numbers than Appleseed in the US, whether subbed or dubbed, so that's no suprise there would be a similar situation in the UK (dub issue regardless). Also, they said the issue with Vexille wasn't just the lack of a dub, but the fact that the license was quite expensive and the low sales didn't support it. Even if it was dubbed, it doesn't mean it would have made a profit despite the fact it would likely have had higher sales.

Also, I wasn't responding only to your post, but due to time limitations it was the one I selected, because I specifically remembered the case of Vexille and the many discussion Manga reps have had over it.

The chances of Sentai doing a dub-only release, particularly of a show they simulcasted subbed are slim to none. There was a lot of interest in this title and they had to spend a lot of money to outbid the competition. They're not going to risk damaging the sales levels it could pull.

Also, the Kurokami situation was very unique and was a licensor requirement. While true it may be a risk, I don't see any reason to worry about it at this time. If this was from the same license holder as Kurokami, I could see the fear. But this was licensed from Geneon Universal and despite the fact that we know little about thier new ventures and habits, I think it's premature to worry about it. Plus, Sentai words all their press releases in a similar fashion to how HoTD was worded. I think some people are reading too much into it.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Count me out for now, I'll buy it only if I'm guaranteed a dub with the package.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:15 pm Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Well, Vexille over all did significantly lower numbers than Appleseed in the US, whether subbed or dubbed, so that's no suprise there would be a similar situation in the UK (dub issue regardless).

I've never seen number for the US so couldn't comment, but regardless - Jerome has consistently said that sub-only titles sell a lot lower in the UK, regardless of the title and I have no reason to doubt him since he's the one with the numbers.

Also, they said the issue with Vexille wasn't just the lack of a dub, but the fact that the license was quite expensive and the low sales didn't support it.

That was specifically because we were surprised about 14k being considered poor.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Well, Vexille over all did significantly lower numbers than Appleseed in the US, whether subbed or dubbed, so that's no suprise there would be a similar situation in the UK (dub issue regardless).

I've never seen number for the US so couldn't comment, but regardless - Jerome has consistently said that sub-only titles sell a lot lower in the UK, regardless of the title and I have no reason to doubt him since he's the one with the numbers.

Also, they said the issue with Vexille wasn't just the lack of a dub, but the fact that the license was quite expensive and the low sales didn't support it.

That was specifically because we were surprised about 14k being considered poor.

Yes, subtitled series generally sell less than dubbed titles. I wasn't disputing that. Virtually everyone on both sides of the pond have stated that. I wasn't arguing that. My point was about the profitability of the title. As with many titles the increase in sales due to a dub doesn't always equal the cost to add the dub.

I was also pointing out that you can't easily draw direct parallels between two different titles. Here in the US, Appleseed sold well enough that it's sequel was released by a major studio (Warner Brothers). The original still have enough sales potential that Sentai quickly rescued it and even created a new dub to match the sequel. It was also their first bluray title. Comparing that directly to Vexille which has no sequel, was released by a niche entertainment company, and hasn't moved nearly as many units (with or without a dub) isn't a great example.

Also, dubbing something like Tayutama doesn't automatically mean it would outsell a subbed release of Cardcaptors or Sailor Moon. The title itself has a lot to do with not only the sales level, but whether or not the title will be dubbed. Generally sub-only series are released that way because they have low sales potential to begin with, or in the case of Hollywood studios wanting to stay true to the original. Some series would still have sold very low numbers dubbed.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with High School of The Dead. IT IS GETTING DUBBED! THE DUB IS SET TO PREMIER IN JANUARY ON ANIME NETWORK! This show was TAN's most successful streams and one of the most popular of the summer season. The show has some mainstream appeal. They are not going to cancel the dub, which is likely already in production.
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