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REVIEW: Casshern Sins Parts 1 and 2 Blu-Ray

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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:15 am Reply with quote
I loved this series.
Of course, I agree with what you say, Key. About them cutting some out, and nothing would be missed.
But, spoiler[when Casshern said to Luna about how meeting those "were" dying, he saw the most life from those people], I had to agree.

The pure magic of this series is that, while grim and seemingly hopeless, you can see some light at the end. All of the characters WANTED that. Some light. And it was pure desperation that lead them down their respective paths.
Now, is that what people consider depressing about this show? All I saw was courage. spoiler[The robots who WANTED to live, spent their remaining time doing as much as they could with their time] It's old-school bravery, but it's genuine too.

I also loved that Casshern found his light through spoiler[Lyuze's unexpected, but very fulfilling love](BTW Key, isn't Lyuze voiced by Brina?)
Yes, I expected him to spoiler[die with her] but... in a way he did.
That's what the WHOLE spoiler[last talk with Luna] meant. That he lived enough and will fulfill ONLY what he can now do.
In a roundabout way, the story teaches us both the importance of living and perishing.

The dark nature coupled with the retro-ness reminded me a bit of Kingdom Hearts.
And who else, but Kaoru, do it? Aside from the OP and END, A Path HAS to be one of the greatest insert songs I've heard in recent memory.
I was semi-disappointed when it appeared that it was only going to be used on it's first episode. But... thankfully it didn't.

Great review Key, but quite honestly, I'm a but surprised. I thought this type of series would be right up your alley. And while I know that our supposed to offer a rounded opinion. I'm curious to know how it affected you. Or if you even liked it in general?
For being almost as dark as Texhnolyze, it has rewards FAR exceeding both series' expectations!
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:07 am Reply with quote
T-Minus five minutes before some moron comes in shouting, "Yeah! This is how you do a review!!"

Moving on...

The only real experience I've got with Casshern was the OAV from the early 90s and Tasuntoko vs. Capcom. I just saw the first episode of Sins on streams and I think I'l definately be getting this.
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Mr Adventure

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:13 am Reply with quote
Such a great series. And such an unexpected one too. When I first watched it fan-subbed a few years ago I went in with no expectations, but when I came out of the first episode I was blown flat away. Grim post-apoc is a lost art, and the 'robots being afraid of death' angle felt so fresh from a sci-fi stand point. Immediately I knew this show was something different. Its philosophical points about life and death... though I don't agree with much of its message I still think its an interesting angle. And that's the halmark of good science fiction, the philosophical ramifications of any new technology or change in the natural order.

Also robots punching-the-s**t out of each other.

And the animation, my god, Cass SINS has some of the best TV animation I've ever laid eyes on. Lush backgrounds, fluid character animation, protracted fight scenes that don't rely on quick-cutting... so gorgeous. You have no idea how elated I was when it was announced that Funi was bringing this over and on Blu-ray. The high-def picture quality on these discs is phenomenal, almost like watching the show for the first time again the detail difference is just that great when seeing it on a high-def screen.

Granted, this show is definitely not going to resonate with everyone. Especially the moe-infatuated sub-set of our genre. No cute girls, high school shenanigans, or lude humor here. Just the grim specter of death hovering over everything Casshern touches or cares about. And I LOVE IT.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:02 am Reply with quote
I just love Casshern's old-school retro aesthetic. Very elegant, like Theron said. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:22 am Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
Great review Key, but quite honestly, I'm a but surprised. I thought this type of series would be right up your alley. And while I know that our supposed to offer a rounded opinion. I'm curious to know how it affected you. Or if you even liked it in general?

When we looked at the first two eposides for one of the Preview Guides last year, I didn't like the series much (though even at that point I thought it was well-made), so I was quite trepidatious about watching the whole thing. Those concerns were gone by the end of the third episode. I don't know if I just had a different mindset towards the series this time around or what, but things clicked for me this time that didn't the first time around. I understood pretty quickly what the series was trying to do, and that allowed me to appreciate it. People who don't come to that understanding quickly won't like it, so it's a rather daring project.

I may have graded CS a little on the harsh side, so it's still possible that this one could still have a shot at one of the two remaining spots on my year-end Best of Year list.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:45 am Reply with quote
I don't get what is so good about the animation. Its the one thing that annoys me about this anime (besides it generally being crappy and boring). The best word I could use to describe it would be confusing....or retarded. Its like the show was animated by a gang of schizophrenics. On the extremely rare occasion there is some action I have no idea whats going on because its zooming out to the sky or a wall or someone's foot.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:53 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Otaking09 wrote:
Great review Key, but quite honestly, I'm a but surprised. I thought this type of series would be right up your alley. And while I know that our supposed to offer a rounded opinion. I'm curious to know how it affected you. Or if you even liked it in general?

When we looked at the first two eposides for one of the Preview Guides last year, I didn't like the series much (though even at that point I thought it was well-made), so I was quite trepidatious about watching the whole thing. Those concerns were gone by the end of the third episode. I don't know if I just had a different mindset towards the series this time around or what, but things clicked for me this time that didn't the first time around. I understood pretty quickly what the series was trying to do, and that allowed me to appreciate it. People who don't come to that understanding quickly won't like it, so it's a rather daring project.

I may have graded CS a little on the harsh side, so it's still possible that this one could still have a shot at one of the two remaining spots on my year-end Best of Year list.

Well, Casshern Sins does take time to understand it. It's more hopeful than Texhnolyze, but takes itself a bit more serious than Trigun.
The art and "robots-instead-of-humans" scenario might soften the blows. At least, until they realize that they have feelings. As for you not "getting it". I didn't get hinted of that intent until the episode with spoiler[the male human walking around with Casshern and Friender. Sorta gave me that Trigun vibe.]

It is indeed very different from both the source and the norm, but not only is it worth checking out to see how such a difference survives, it's worth seeing how it's message can be told.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Trust me, after seeing a game as grim and depressing as Limbo, I think I can handle something like this. I will get this eventually. It sounds amazing.
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Player No. 3

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:24 pm Reply with quote
Well, that explains why the music reminded me of Inuyasha so much.

I'm currently halfway through this series; I have agree with a lot of this review. At first, I didn't like the first 2.5 episodes. It wasn't until midway in the third did I say, "Wow. This is good." However, to me the series is much more interesting when it's not focusing on Casshern himself; the episodes where secondary or one-shot characters are much more entertaining for me. I think this is because Casshern isn't much of a compelling character for me.(Probably why I didn't like the first 2 episodes.) Anyways, I also love the sleek-retro designs mixed with that strange blur effect. It makes the fight sequences look brutal and elegant. Some of the imagery, like the silhouette formed when Sophita spoiler[pierces Casshern] is absolutely gorgeous.

Last edited by Player No. 3 on Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:41 pm Reply with quote
I thought the series would get a slightly better score for music and animation but oh well.

I watched the series when it first came out through fansubs(I have the first set of the series now, and I'll get the second after NYAF), and I was immediately drawn to the amazing artstyle. The first two episodes of the series confused me a bit, but by the end of episode 3, I was hooked. It's true that the series is grim and depressing, but I wouldn;t have had it any other way. The characters were pretty compelling, and I liked how the story transitioned from being episodic, to primairly about the search for Luna without there being a lot of awkwardness.

It's true that quite a lot of things are left unsaid, but the loose ends are pretty easy top gather such as spoiler[Ringo being Leda's child, I called it the moment Leda's backstory was given]. The ending actually left me satisfied, and I didn't have any real issues with it, which rarely happens since I normally like everything to be shut and explained.

Despite this series normally not being my cup of tea(I generally stick to action or comedy titles), I truly enjoyed it, and it has actually risen to become my second favorite anime of all time.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:42 pm Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
It's true that quite a lot of things are left unsaid, but the loose ends are pretty easy top gather such as spoiler[Ringo being Leda's child, I called it the moment Leda's backstory was given].

Wait, what? Are you just assuming this, or is there enough evidence in the series to substantiate this? (That possibility never even occurred to me.)
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Smart Chick

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Divineking wrote:
It's true that quite a lot of things are left unsaid, but the loose ends are pretty easy top gather such as spoiler[Ringo being Leda's child, I called it the moment Leda's backstory was given].

Wait, what? Are you just assuming this, or is there enough evidence in the series to substantiate this? (That possibility never even occurred to me.)

There is never a solid confirmation on Ringo's origins however there are subtle hints in the last set of episodes. I got the hint when spoiler[Leda ]and Ringo met for the first time and you could tell they had some sort of connection to each other.

Another part is when we see that spoiler[Ringo grows which should not be possible for a robot. However since Dio, Leda, and Casshern were built to have the ability to reproduce and are the only robots that can do this I just inferred Ringo was her daughter.]

My only question about the show is what ever happened to that colored rock?
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Mr Adventure

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:04 am Reply with quote
Smart Chick wrote:

My only question about the show is what ever happened to that colored rock?

I think the colored rock's entire purpose was for spoiler[Ohji to discover Luna's original purpose as a granter of Death.]

Good call on spoiler[Ringo being Leda's kid. I pretty much assume this is the case as well. Various things, including the fact that Ringo grows up and her hair is a lot like Leda's. And that incounter in the scrap heap, its pretty clear that Leda is losing her mind and freaking out as she realizes that she's lost her one chance to live her true dream of being a mother. Gotta wonder who the father is though, Dio or Casshern? I'm banking on Casshern myself...]

Another thing I like about this show is that it doesn't bash you over the head with its backstory and character connections. It leaves things ambiguous but with many clues to let you riddle it out yourself. I like shows that don't make the viewers out to be idiots.
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Otaku Teahouse

Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:16 am Reply with quote
You should edit in a correction, because it was Brina Palencia who did the voice of Lyuze. I personally loved all the voicework of this series. One minor character's voice that particularly stood out was Ian Sinclair as the human, Occos, in episode 3. His voice reminds me of Wolfwood, and if they cannot get the original voice for Wolfwood back for Trigun Badlands Rumble, then they should get Ian Sinclair.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Wasnt there also a part where spoiler[Leda was dreaming she was pregnant or something? I recall something like that.]

I really liked this anime. I should buy it when I have the money. I really loved it's art style. It was so unique, unlike most of the stuff you see nowadays in anime. it was drab scenery, and yet they managed to use so many colors to make those landscapes that it was just impressive. the episodes that have more color are also amazing. the colors are just so sharp and pronounced.
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