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REVIEW: Shiki Episodes 1-6 Streaming

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Joined: 22 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:20 pm Reply with quote
I'd say that's fair enough. Atmosphere is definitely the biggest thing Shiki has going for it so far, though I actually do appreciate the concept of seeing a small society gradually become dysfunctional and swallowed up by an oppressive hopelessness. In that sense, most of the characters might not be too complex or intriguing but they're interesting as fairly representative of the types of figures existing within such a community and seeing their relationships break down is amusing.

That said, I would welcome a new source of conflict or at least a change in perspective during the second half of the series. Nobody can deny that the show seems glacially slow at times (the fact so much of this review still applies episodes later is proof enough), but that's rarely a huge problem for me as long as something worthwhile results from said slowness. For the time being, I'm honestly not actively bored by it. Hopefully my patience will not turn into disappointment.

And, of course, there's always the hair. Can't forget about the hair. Razz
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:30 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised Carl only decided to review only a portion of what's already available. Spoiler reasons perhaps?

A "C+" might be a bit too harsh to judge on something that's hard to reclaim in this day in age.

Well, as long as he admitted that it, even in it's early stages, can rival some of animes most popular vampire fictions, then... that's enough.
For now anyway.

Atmosphere is key in horror, something I VERY much praised about When They Cry(thank you Kenji Kawai!). And if this one is as moody as Ghost Hound's, then I'm there. Wink
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:42 pm Reply with quote
I actually think that the towns-people are so slow to realize they're being attacked by vampires, and instead aproach the whole thing from a completley medical stand-point is actually a strength for the series. Yes, yes, I know, you just want to scream at the screen and say "IT'S SO OBVIOUS!!!", but the characers more or less take a rational stand to the whole thing...it's just unfortunate that they think they live in the "real world" so to speak.

And I like how it shows the cunning on the part of the vampires. *possible spoilers for later* spoiler[They attack an isolated town, right at the height of summer, striking first at old people living on the outskirts. Then they start on people wandering through the woods, then on families, making it look like a contagion that's spreading around people close to eachother. Their bite marks look no different then those from bugs. Then they start hypnotizing people or making those that've risen move out suddenly so as not to attract attention. Then they blow up the only road out of town...] By the time the characters realize something supernatural is going on it's pretty much too late
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:11 am Reply with quote
I was only somewhat interested in this show at first. Then I went and saw every last bit of Macross 7, was positively blown away by how much I enjoyed it all, and now anything with Tetsuro Amino at the helm instantly has my interest.

...well, except maybe Clockwork Fighters, but...but still!

Anyway, that just adds to the intrigue of a different take on a beaten down genre, so I'm definitely checking this out now.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:12 am Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
I actually think that the towns-people are so slow to realize they're being attacked by vampires, and instead aproach the whole thing from a completley medical stand-point is actually a strength for the series. Yes, yes, I know, you just want to scream at the screen and say "IT'S SO OBVIOUS!!!", but the characers more or less take a rational stand to the whole thing...it's just unfortunate that they think they live in the "real world" so to speak.

I agree. It makes it more realistic. I mean, if people started dying from similar symptoms in the real world in a general area doctors and police and such aren't going to think seriously that "maybe it's vampires?" It think the handling of the realization of vampires was handled well, though I may be jumping the gun as that doesn't take full effect until after these first 6 episodes.

Carl wrote:
where beautiful backgrounds stand cheek to jowl with hideous caricatures and elaborately awful hairdos.

I agree, sadly. Especially with the nurse's and little vamp-girl's hairdos. I don't mind the 'impossible-color-hair' trait anime has, but what's so wrong with it being used with normal/believable hairstyles?
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Joined: 22 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:19 am Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:

A "C+" might be a bit too harsh to judge on something that's hard to reclaim in this day in age.

Maybe so, but I think it's not worth reading too much into the scores as opposed to the actual content of the review. Just as well, it might have something to do with the fact the story's current progression seems awfully predictable in spite of its comparative originality.

Shenl742 wrote:
I actually think that the towns-people are so slow to realize they're being attacked by vampires, and instead aproach the whole thing from a completley medical stand-point is actually a strength for the series. Yes, yes, I know, you just want to scream at the screen and say "IT'S SO OBVIOUS!!!", but the characers more or less take a rational stand to the whole thing...it's just unfortunate that they think they live in the "real world" so to speak.

I would consider it part rational and part irrational, really, since emotions and prejudices play a fairly big role in how the cast has been handling the crisis and also explain some of their moments of passivity. It's something that can easily be labelled as a writing flaw, but I think this also reflects the human vulnerability and fallibility of the characters. Rational arguments have been presented, of course, but they do not explain everything by themselves. Still, I'm with you as far as counting that as a positive goes.

And I like how it shows the cunning on the part of the vampires.

That's quite true. And, in fact, you could argue some of them are among the more potentially interesting characters, to boot, in addition to their suggested shrewdness as a faction. At the very least, they have the benefit of being proactive and on the offensive. Not really worth elaborating on any of that until later in the story though.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:03 am Reply with quote
Maybe so, but I think it's not worth reading too much into the scores as opposed to the actual content of the review. Just as well, it might have something to do with the fact the story's current progression seems awfully predictable in spite of its comparative originality.

That kinda goes hand in hand with the original vampire folklore roots.
If Carl is simply stating that the story "alone" is mediocre because old vampire folklore isn't very hip anymore then... that should've been emphasized.
He's state that the overall show accomplishes more than most vampire stories do because of that element too(?)

It's just little inconsistent to me, that's all. I, personally, find the idea of a "successful"(not failed) attempt to bring back the original thrill of vampires, cliche or not, in this era to be... a superb achievement.

Maybe a couple things should've been tweaked to mask the predictabilities, but that'd only complicate the intent and might confuse viewers.

My point is it accomplished THIS much, THIS early, and maybe... that needed to be pointed out.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:41 am Reply with quote
The story in the anime really hasn't caught my interest that much, the atmosphere and the art is something I'm really fond of though. The hairdos... I don't have a problem with them, actually I rather like them.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:18 pm Reply with quote
This is definitely the best character design when it comes to drawing old people. You gotta acknowledge that!
Anyway, there were people complaining about the first episodes all over the place, so I wasn't surprised by this review. Unfortunately I enjoyed those more than the recent episodes (even though the episodes to come will be very interesting).

I just want more daughter and father. They appear so rarely despite being such interesting characters.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:32 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
I'm surprised Carl ... decided to review only a portion of what's already available.

That's my question, too. Up to episode 13 is online now, although 13 was probably put online as the review went to print.

nightjuan wrote:
Nobody can deny that the show seems glacially slow at times ...

Or all the time, I'd say. It seems like they've got 13 episodes worth of story, but they're trying to make it last for 22 or so.

The fact that the episodes are not chronological is annoying, too. They have to display the dates during the shows, because otherwise viewers really wouldn't know what day it was. I get that they loop to follow each character's part of the story. I'd be okay with a non-linear story. I was okay with Haruhi Suzumiya; and in Higurashi the non-linearity is integral to the story. But here the non-linearity just compounds the infuriatingly slow pace.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:19 pm Reply with quote
unready wrote:

Or all the time, I'd say. It seems like they've got 13 episodes worth of story, but they're trying to make it last for 22 or so.

I assume that's because the series is adapting an ongoing manga, but apparently said manga is based on a preexisting novel.

Perhaps the intention is to go for an open-ended resolution and leave us waiting for a seemingly unlikely second season? Or they could always try to come up with an original ending. Naturally, I don't know if it would actually be a good idea or not, in practice, but the option should be on the table.

Anyway...it's absolutely clear that this is a slow series, but I don't feel it's dragging as much as, say, some of the fights in the original version of Dragon Ball Z, which is more or less where my patience would reach its limit. It's a completely different type of show, by all means, but I can deal with what we've seen in Shiki so far.

The fact that the episodes are not chronological is annoying, too. They have to display the dates during the shows, because otherwise viewers really wouldn't know what day it was. I get that they loop to follow each character's part of the story. I'd be okay with a non-linear story. I was okay with Haruhi Suzumiya; and in Higurashi the non-linearity is integral to the story. But here the non-linearity just compounds the infuriatingly slow pace.

Personally, I don't think the chronological presentation is as confusing nor as complicated as anything Haruhi ever did. For the most part, it's only a series of brief shifts in perspective that serve to provide more information and don't actively try to repeat all of the same events. There was far more repetition in Higurashi. Besides, knowing exactly what date we're dealing with seems to have become increasingly unimportant after the first few episodes covered by this review.
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Joined: 02 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:35 pm Reply with quote
What people call slow I call suspense, and I am thoroughly enjoying the progression of the show so far.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:52 pm Reply with quote
I suppose you can count me into the minority for not minding the character designs too much, but then again I'm a big fan of Fujisaki's (very underrated and overlooked) Houshin Engi so maybe I'm just used to them
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:44 am Reply with quote
kaizoku00 wrote:
What people call slow I call suspense, and I am thoroughly enjoying the progression of the show so far.

"Suspenseful" is when a show maintains a high level of excitement on the part of the audience. "Slow" is when plot development is minimal or non-existent. I suppose reaction among viewers can vary, but I consider "suspenseful" and "slow" to be generally (but not necessarily) mutually opposing.

Shiki is slow, imo, although mildly entertaining. I don't find myself wondering what will happen in the next show, so much as I wonder when they're going to get to the point.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:51 am Reply with quote
I'm not sure what you mean when you say "slow".

Because a lot of stuff happens in every episode. I think when you say "slow" you mean that there isn't a lot of flash action to which I'll say that if you want flashy action then you are correct, this show is not for you.

But honestly, if you were to look at the "slowness" (in plot) of this compared to High School of the Dead, Shiki would be a sports car and HOTD would be one of those pinewood derby cars.

Of course, if this isn't what you meant, then by all means correct me.

Keep in mind though, (as of episode 13) spoiler[Almost the entire main cast (everyone except Ozaki, Seishin, and the two kids) has either died or have become okiagari.] Stuff happens. Every episode. There just aren't a bunch of flashy action scenes because Fuyumi Ono doesn't write flashy action scenes.
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