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REVIEW: Bleach DVD 30

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Anime Remix

Joined: 16 Dec 2009
Posts: 354
PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:17 am Reply with quote
Closer “Tsumasaki,” which was not, to my recollection, used in the Adult Swim broadcasts
This WAS used in the Adult Swim broadcast. Smile Adult Swim used the last part of the song when the singer says "AAAHHH~!" (or maybe AH~!!! ?) then starts singing the rest of the song. I remember it was used because I always would sing it every time we got to the ending song for Bleach. It was used, just the full song/Japanese TV version song wasn't used. Adult Swim just cut the ending song down a little bit (the same way they did for FMA Brotherhood). Wink
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Joined: 27 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:58 am Reply with quote
^ I think he was referring more to the ending animation itself then the actual song. Viz has been clipping out endings since the first Naruto series aired. Though they do put half of the ending song in but they just show random screenshots of episodes throughout the current arc.

Also, it's a total shame that Bleach has a group of fillers after this (which somehow fall into the Hueco Mundo arc according to the DVDs). All of them are absolutely terrible with the exception of last few episodes of the filler which I actually enjoyed.
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:22 am Reply with quote
I'm following the English translation of the manga, and other than some unique and interesting characters, it doesn't seem like it will ever reach soul society quality again. It's just pure action now with little story.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:24 pm Reply with quote
barrelroller wrote:
^ I think he was referring more to the ending animation itself then the actual song. Viz has been clipping out endings since the first Naruto series aired. Though they do put half of the ending song in but they just show random screenshots of episodes throughout the current arc.

Also, it's a total shame that Bleach has a group of fillers after this (which somehow fall into the Hueco Mundo arc according to the DVDs). All of them are absolutely terrible with the exception of last few episodes of the filler which I actually enjoyed.

I think they started doing that after the Bounts arc. However they did kept the full OP and not cut it in half like with Brotherhood.

Also the fillers arent that bad when you compared them to the 100+ Naruto fillers.

And most of them I did like. Ep 134 : Karin , Toshiro & Soccerball was my fav filler and most on the AS board like that filler also liked the Hueco Mundo Coup arc. Definitely better then that ep with Kon which he and Don Kanonji is known to the AS board as the " Hercule/Mr Satans of Bleach".
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