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NEWS: Funimation Announces Partial English Cast for Hetalia

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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:55 am Reply with quote
Monica Rial as Belarus is some seriously brilliant casting. Also, Chris Sabat as Grandpa Rome.

Looking forward to seeing who's voicing Russia on Thursday! Cool
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:02 am Reply with quote
Part of me was hoping that Funimation would follow the Edward + Al Elric siblings = Switzerland + Lichtenstein siblings thing, so I am sad to see they didn't keep that in. I thought it was a cute cross-series thing and Vic would've been a perfect Switzerland..!

Though I guess I forgot that unlike the Japanese version of FMA, the English version Alphonse Elric was played by a boy..!

Last edited by domino on Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:02 am Reply with quote
I really wasn't expecting Vic as Greece, but it could work...maybe.

Other than that, I'm happy! Monica Riel seems like a good choice. Uh, and who exactly is Ryan Reynolds?

And what happened to Canada?! (...Or is that part of the joke?)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:05 am Reply with quote
I'd imagine Canada will be voiced by the same actor who voices America, like in the Japanese version. So they can't really tell us who voices Canada without giving away America's voice actor...
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:09 am Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
I'd imagine Canada will be voiced by the same actor who voices America, like in the Japanese version. So they can't really tell us who voices Canada without giving away America's voice actor...

Perhaps, though I only hope they do it if it works well and doesn't sound forced. Estonia's original VA voices him, Prussia, and Greece. Latvia's original voiced him and Poland. Romano and Italy were voiced by the same guy, too. It seemed to happen a a lot, actually, where one VA got multiple roles. America and Canada goes along with the alike-sibling deal, I suppose...But isn't quite necessary.

Oh yeah...Prussia, where art thou?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:40 am Reply with quote
Now, they have Ryan Reynolds listed as Latvia. This isn't the Ryan Reynolds who's going to play Green Lantern. Is it? Because that would sound a bit... spendy.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:46 am Reply with quote
I'm glad they didn't pull the Vic Mignogna as Switzerland and Caitlin Glass as Liechtenstein thing (it'd have to have been Caitlin and not Aaron Dismuke. His voice is too masculine for him to play a little girl now). When FUNi does that, it's a sign that they're just trying to recreate the FMA dub rather than treating the new property as its own thing, and it never ends well.

I'm happy with this so far. I'm a bit concerned about Luci Christian as Hungary, though. I assume it'll be something similar to how she plays Nami, but Hungary is younger in her first couple appearances in the anime, so I'm afraid she may use the Ahiru/Tenma voice, which doesn't match Hungary at all.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:05 am Reply with quote
Yay~ Hetalia dub cast...I really NEVER thought this show would get licensed, as it is so very...well...I was going to say cheap, but I guess that increases its chances rather than decreases them. Really, I thought it was too horribly offensive to get licensed, as well as too yaoi-centric to sell well, but I guess not. ...The whole political incorrectness times eleventy apparently wasn't a deterrent either as rumor has it the roles will all be played with goofy accents which wasn't really the case in the Japanese version except for China-aru.

Hm~ since I don't often know a show well enough before it's released to make cast projections (a fact soon fading as I've seen ten times more fansubs than normal in the past couple years and legal simulcasts are fast increasing too,) I guess I'll take advantage of my familiarity with this one and make a few...I can't say predictions because I bet NONE of them will be accurate, but some wishful casting to precede the countdown.

Liam O' Brien as Russia ("All will become one with Russia, KOL KOL KOL~!" Light, charming n' creepy.)

Todd Haberkorn as China (Most youthful part outside of America's, and he's been getting cast a LOT so it's a decent gamble.)

Chris Patton as France (The less said about this the better, but...he's very very funny, all the more so when he's being flamboyant.)

Greg Ayres or Chris Ayres as England, depending on the tone they're shooting for. (England's really a sticky one because he's childish and hallicinatory and screams in a scratchy voice a lot, but he's also authoritative and stuffy, so either of these two work well for the comedic angle...man, a LOT of people could do England though, especially if they really are forcing accents throughout, it's an easy accent to fake.)

Sonny Strait as America (You know that scene in FMA where Hughes goes into announcer voice? Doesn't that sound like "The Voice of America?" Now turn that into him loudly insinuating Germany enjoys railing Italy in the bum and it sounds pretty spot-on to me. Sorry, Hetalia said it, not me! Again: offensive, stupid show...incredibly funny, though!)

J Michael Tatum as Japan (I don't know why I think this, I just do. Same thing for automatically assuming he'd make a good Sebastian in Black Butler, another upcoming guilty pleasure Funi picked up.)

Bryan Massey as Germany (Thick, scary voice, often unintentionally funny, but can sound pretty cuddly, too. Goodness knows Germany has a lot of cuddly moments with Italy, hur hurr.)

Joel MacDonald as Italy (Probably just my desire for this guy to get more work, but specifically I'm thinking of his Jacuzzi voice here. It's just perfect. I know Haberkorn could probably get this one, and it'll be funny, but I'd like to be surprised otherwise too.)

On further consideration and looking back at the list, Chris Patton could probably be England too, depeeeeennnnding on how deep they wanna take the voice, (sorta thinking Fakir-voice,) and Todd Haberkorn could VERY easily be Italy based on the whole Keroro thing, too. I WOULD say Vic Mignogna could easily be America, but he's been cast as Greece, so yeah.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:33 am Reply with quote
RestlessOne wrote:
I really wasn't expecting Vic as Greece, but it could work...maybe.

I wasn't really even expecting Vic to audition, let alone get a role. He's known for not liking yaoi. And after looking up Greece it's implied him and Japan slept with each other.

(useless side note: if Tatum is Japan, that would be funny. And if Massey is Germany even more funny. Tatum likes Massey's voice and Vic made Tatum wet. Rolling Eyes )
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:46 am Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
I'd imagine Canada will be voiced by the same actor who voices America, like in the Japanese version.

And once again, Canada is treated like just another (51st) US state. Laughing

PBsallad wrote:

I wasn't really even expecting Vic to audition, let alone get a role. He's known for not liking yaoi. And after looking up Greece it's implied him and Japan slept with each other.

Well, Greece has been known to sleep....... since ancient times. Just ask Alexander! Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:55 am Reply with quote
I was at a con recently where some kids of like 9-12 years old were dressed up as characters from Hetalia: Axis Powers. Having never seen an episode of the show, I didn't know who they were. Now I know why I haven't seen one; it's been subtitled only...until now.

Political Incorrectness cranked up to the max...why does that sound like the South Park of anime to me? It seems like a huge snag for Funimation, though. Question is, where will it get a TV deal? Will [adult swim] actually give this one a spin in like 2011, or will it be relegated to Funimation's own channel? Either way, it was oddly too hot for Japan, but won't be too hot for American TV!
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Joined: 04 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:43 am Reply with quote
I am far too excited about this dub Very Happy I was one of those crazy people who though that if this were to get licensed, I wanted accents, no matter how bad! LoL But the cast list so far is looking great! I just can't wait till the DVDs hit the stores!

Oh, and to the poster above me, I'd hardly put Hetalia and South Park in the same boat. Hetalia is way tamer than what South Park pulls for sure. So long as you keep an open mind about it (and realize that every country is getting a jab), it's all in good fun. Though I have to agree that I didn't think anyone would have the guts to acquire it after Korea threw their temper tantrum about the seres... Confused
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Doctor Worm

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:30 am Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
Liam O' Brien as Russia ("All will become one with Russia, KOL KOL KOL~!" Light, charming n' creepy.)

Bryan Massey as Germany (Thick, scary voice, often unintentionally funny, but can sound pretty cuddly, too. Goodness knows Germany has a lot of cuddly moments with Italy, hur hurr.)

Joel MacDonald as Italy (Probably just my desire for this guy to get more work, but specifically I'm thinking of his Jacuzzi voice here. It's just perfect. I know Haberkorn could probably get this one, and it'll be funny, but I'd like to be surprised otherwise too.)

I don't want to shoot down your Liam suggestion but as far as I've been able to tell, he's been pretty much a strict west coast actor.

Love the Germany and Italy suggestions. Joel's Jacuzzi voice would be GREAT for Italy imo but I recall listening to a podcast show where he pretty much said that Jacuzzi voice was a major killer to his throat (If you've ever heard Joel McDonald talk his voice is crazy-different from Jacuzzi's. Trust me, he does not have a Greg Ayres sort of thing going on with his voice haha) so a Jacuzzi like voice for Italy would be fantastic but I'm trying my best not to build my hopes up for such a thing too much.
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:38 am Reply with quote
PBsallad wrote:
I wasn't really even expecting Vic to audition, let alone get a role. He's known for not liking yaoi. And after looking up Greece it's implied him and Japan slept with each other.

Knowing Vic, he'll try and play down the yaoi aspect or make some outlandish BS claim that he talked to the creator and got her to admit that "It's not YAOI, I got the creator to confirm it to me." He's only taking the role only because it's keeps his name in the limelight.

I wish Gen Fukunaga would not rely on this idiot.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:20 am Reply with quote
Sealand: Maxey Whitehead

Sealand is featured in Hetalia?

When last I checked, their total recognised population was roughly five. It must be quite an honour for such a micronation to be represented here.

(According to their website, I can become a Lord or a Baron of such a principality for 30 quid. Worth considering, I say.)
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