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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:01 pm
Quote: | The rest of the episode is a hilarious over-the-top parody of soap opera clichés. If you watch only one episode of Slayers, watch episode 4 (95 overall). My face hurt from laughing so hard. |
Omigosh, yes. The fish episode was so funny!
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:14 pm
Quote: | The extras are there (un-translated, more on this later), but there is no dub. |
So.... if something has no English dub it has less chance of being worth a buy, in your mind? Or does it have to be super-specially-awesome to make the cut in that case? As someone who basically never watches English dubs, I care more about decent subtitling, personally.
Quote: | The extras are there (un-translated, more on this later), but there is no dub. |
You're not alone - I like Baccano! better as well. I think the first season was as good as its fellow member of Naritaverse, but the second half felt a little lacking in comparison. But boy, am I ever crossing my fingers for a sequel! This has been doing well in Japan, and there are plenty more books to choose from. Heck, apparently Orihara Izaya makes a cameo in one of the Baccano! books set in 2002, featuring the great-grandchildren of some of the 1930s characters, so that would be an awesome crossover. I don't think there's been a series that seemed more sequel-ready in a long time.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:43 pm
Eh, I'm a Gurren Lagann fan, but I find it hard to convince myself to buy the movie since it's a rehash and I've already got the series. Nice to know they didn't translate some of the extras, even less reason to buy it for me (that and only being able to buy it from Aniplex website doesn't appeal to me).
The second movie, maybe. Probably not right when it's released, but maybe someday.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:40 am
The first recap movie is pretty lame, you might as well skip to the end and watch the changed up fight between Yoko and Adine, but the second changes a whole lot more and reorders other things. So that one is definitely worth it
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Aura Ichadora
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:48 am
Yay, my shelves were featured! ^^ They've grown since I've submitted those photos (sometime shortly after A-Cen back in May) but still, it's cool to see them featured at last. <3
I still have yet to watch DRRR!!, but yet I feel like I know or have watched almost the entire series thanks to members in my AMV studio using the series constantly and all of the reviews and talk about it. I get the feeling I'll probably be watching this one soon enough just to try and understand what the hype is all about.
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:29 am
And here I read "Childhood's End" and got all spastic as I clicked on the column, and then found it's just Gurren Lagann, nothing to do with Arthur C. Clarke at all. Byeah. Get my hopes up and all.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:19 am
Quote: | There are three reasons you might want to own this:
1. You're a completist. Four of the web-only "Parallel Works" are included in this set. One of them is the Medieval Europe fantasy adventure starring Viral. I haven't seen all of the Parallel Works yet, but I think that is the strongest one so far.
2. The set comes with two nice postcards and a full-color booklet with storyboard panels, character designs, and some interviews. Unfortunately, the booklet isn't translated! Man, what the heck, Aniplex? I guess you don't need to read Japanese to enjoy the artwork, but I'd like to read the interviews! A black and white flyer with some translations would've been nice, even if they didn't want to re-do the entire booklet.
3. You could loan this to your friend who refuses to watch Gurren Lagann. It can be hard to convince someone to watch Gurren (perhaps because of the robots), but maybe if you give them this movie, they'll be intrigued enough to check out the rest of the show |
You also forgot that reason number four is that this will probably be a must have for all those dub haters out there and there's a lot of them.
I'd love the TV series , however the ending (Anti spiral arch) sucks and kinda ruined it. Hopefully the movie will provide a better one.and they keep the dub, though the do need to change Rossiou's dub voice.
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:47 am
jr0904 wrote: | You also forgot that reason number four is that this will probably be a must have for all those dub haters out there and there's a lot of them. |
Um, no, I don't think dub haters will buy an anime just because it doesn't have a dub. That would make no sense. It would have to be something they'd actually want to watch.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:07 am
I have never been really fond of any of animes from Gainax and that includes Evangelion. Still I tried watching some of the animes, they are just too wild animation, I'm too dumb to follow the plot that are always confusing and don't like watching mecha. Not to mention all their productions always have the seizure-inducing visuals. With Gainax, it's especially useful to have dubbed option with so much sh*t going on in the screen.
I tried to watch a couple of episodes of gurren lagann and no, it wasn't something I wanted to waste my time on.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2010
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:05 am
Personally I don't understand the whole dub-hate thing. I've seen quite a few dubs that have succeeded in adding much to the overall product. I find it fun to watch an anime in both Japanese and English (for us English speakers). I understand how people like to watch a show as it was originally created just out of curiosity or something, but if you don't speak Japanese fluently it doesn't really seem to make sense to obsess over only watching/listening to a show in Japanese, to the point where you shun and look with disdain upon all else.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:07 am
ChibiKangaroo wrote: | I understand how people like to watch a show as it was originally created just out of curiosity or something, but if you don't speak Japanese fluently it doesn't really seem to make sense to obsess over only watching/listening to a show in Japanese, to the point where you shun and look with disdain upon all else. |
Um, I'm sorry, you mean wanting to watch something as it was originally created and originally intended to be watched is something you would only do out of curiosity??? I take it you watch everything dubbed then, eh? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Letters from Iwo Jima, and so forth and so on? And I suppose you love watching heavily edited movies where scenes are cut out. Because wanting to see things as the creators intended it is sooooo lame and only something you'd want to do out of "curiosity."
"Shun" is too strong a word. I don't need English dubs. I can read subtitles well enough, and as a result, why should I bother with somebody else's attempt at duplicating the original? I'm not denying that there have been good dubs, and I am very glad that they exist for the sake of 1) children, 2) people with reading problems, and 3) people who somehow believe the whole world should speak English, but otherwise, I don't care if your dub is that good. It's not that I hate them, I am by and large indifferent to them. To me, for my personal viewing, the English dub does not matter.
Now, if the subtitling job is sub-par, as is the case for Baccano! (don't get me started, it would go on for a while) that pisses me off no end.
But yeah, the idea that somehow I'd be more interested in buying something because it lacks an English dub is absurd. Nobody forces you to watch the English dub, you always get the option to watch the original version. That is not reason #4. That is ridiculous. Anyone who felt that way is a crazy person.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:10 am
I've actually seen a number of people bemoan the second half of DRRR and say it wasn't enough like Baccano! so they like Baccano! better (never knew the series had so many fans, maybe the American setting works better with American fans). Need to check out those series you said DRRR was like now, really do like all the comparisons to shows you have in the review.
[quote="vashfanatic"] Heck, apparently Orihara Izaya makes a cameo in one of the Baccano! books set in 2002, featuring the great-grandchildren of some of the 1930s characters, so that would be an awesome crossover./quote]
Hadn't heard that one but I know of another crossover or two between the two series, makes you wonder how long Narita has been planning this.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:24 pm
wandering-dreamer wrote: | I've actually seen a number of people bemoan the second half of DRRR and say it wasn't enough like Baccano! so they like Baccano! better (never knew the series had so many fans, maybe the American setting works better with American fans). Need to check out those series you said DRRR was like now, really do like all the comparisons to shows you have in the review.
Baccano has so many fans because of the following equation:
Baccano = Greatness.
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Joined: 22 Apr 2005
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:54 pm
Best article you've written so far! I really enjoyed reading it.
I also liked Baccano! a lot more than Durarara!, it was a lot less complicated and had more comic relief.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2006
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Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:33 pm
Yay! Salaryman Kintaro finally gets some love!
This is a great series, that I have re-watched many times, but it seems modern anime fans reject it as being worthless. Quite the contrary, this is a classic, that stands out as having an unusual setting. Kintaro (Kin-chan) is a great character, who I find inspirational and sobering.
Erin, my DVDs came with the Arts Magic imprint.
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