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REVIEW: Maid Sama! GN 4

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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:19 am Reply with quote
It does indeed sound like Boys Over Flowers, just like Zac said it would...

If there's one thing I enjoy about romance, is how unique the relationship is/can get, while combining the author's own special touches to it.
It doesn't even have to be 100% out-there to still give you that warm fuzzies inside. Embarassed

Can't wait to start the series.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:44 am Reply with quote
Kanou, the hypnotist who was introduced as a villain in the previous volume, never really progresses past the level of unlikable side character and is eventually cast aside.

... What? That's not what happened. He's the megane of the comic now. You underestimate the shoujo fans appeal of getting attached to the nerdy boy who's scared to death of women (and now forced into bunny ears). If anything we saw a more lovable side to Kantarou; he's getting used to the idea of being around women in the class, and that thing were he helped that girl get over her fear of boys was adorable - instant moe for fangirls. He wasn't just thrown to the side, the comic switches focus from school to the maid cafe, as it does so often. What more, the cafe took a trip to the beach. Claiming Kantarou was thrown to the side you might as well claim the whole school cast was thrown with it.

not to mention that one boy who cross-dresses in Lolita garb (it was funny the first time, but he's only been an annoyance since then)

You don't like drag queens, do you? He's just another shoujo archetype the comic has of many. He's got his fans. I personally love it whenever he shows his face and makes demands for his self appointed cuteness.

I don't feel the problem with the art, and find it to be heaps better than your typical shoujo art which is usually void of backgrounds and very little in terms of action. If anything Maid-Sama's artwork has an energy to it that few shoujo manga attempt, and it works for it.

Still, good review even if I don't agree with the weak spots.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:03 am Reply with quote

I don't feel the problem with the art, and find it to be heaps better than your typical shoujo art which is usually void of backgrounds and very little in terms of action. If anything Maid-Sama's artwork has an energy to it that few shoujo manga attempt, and it works for it.

I agree I also found the artwork to be much better than typical shoujo art.
Still, good review even if I don't agree with the weak spots.

The review is mostly on the moneyI found the hypnotist a little lame but I dont see him as a one off character;he will probably return in the future as did Aoi . The beach trip was a the better story arc. Maid -Sama has risen to the top not only of the shoujo manga i am reading but it is the one I now enjoy rereading the most.Please Funimation announce You have licensed Maid-Sama during the summer con season!
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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:43 am Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
... What? That's not what happened. He's the megane of the comic now. You underestimate the shoujo fans appeal of getting attached to the nerdy boy who's scared to death of women (and now forced into bunny ears). If anything we saw a more lovable side to Kantarou; he's getting used to the idea of being around women in the class, and that thing were he helped that girl get over her fear of boys was adorable - instant moe for fangirls. He wasn't just thrown to the side, the comic switches focus from school to the maid cafe, as it does so often. What more, the cafe took a trip to the beach. Claiming Kantarou was thrown to the side you might as well claim the whole school cast was thrown with it.

Perhaps you're talking with knowledge of what happens beyond volume 4? Because I didn't get any sense that he might become a recurring character like you're implying once his chapters were finished in volume 4.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:26 pm Reply with quote
LKK wrote:
Perhaps you're talking with knowledge of what happens beyond volume 4? Because I didn't get any sense that he might become a recurring character like you're implying once his chapters were finished in volume 4.

He's part of the student body. Have they introduced a character that's part of the student body yet, and then suddenly made them disappear? I got plenty of hints he'd be a recurring character. 1st he's like the reverse of Misaki: Misaki hates men, Kanou hates women. They have a similar problem that both can probably learn from each other on how to fix. In addition to that in scenes he's not really doing anything with anyone else, he's with Yukimura. Then there's the whole page dedicated to him in the end of the volume during the author's omake. There was nothing there to signify the author was throwing the character away after focusing on them for so many chapters.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:21 pm Reply with quote
does anyone know when will be the maid sama 69 published?
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