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REVIEW: Glass Mask Sub.DVD

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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:12 am Reply with quote
Darn, and hear I thought Sentai had finally gone down to one or two subtitle errors per release. I hear a lot of great things about this show so I'll probably end up checking it out on Anime Network before I buy it, but I'm reluctant to buy a DVD set if it seems more like a high quality bootleg than a nice taken-care-of series.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:22 am Reply with quote
some might be thrown by the numerous spelling and consistency errors

This is pretty annoying. When are they going to start acting professionally?
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:27 am Reply with quote
I'll have to check the discs and see who did the subs and translation on this title. The quality seems to largely depend on who did the actual work. The MX Media subs were bad at first, but have greatly improved. JN's work has been subpar for the most part. Some like The Skull Man and Blue Drop were excellent and had virtually no mistakes. Both of these were done by Camelia Neigh.

The funny part is that Seraphim has done the translation work on some of the Switchblade titles, and most of those have had rather good subtitles. I'm hoping that Sentai gets to the point where they can start doing all this work in house again so they can have better control over these things.

However, considering Glass Mask is incredibly cheap for a complete season set, even if sub only, I can forgive some typos. I believe with the sale price I barely paid $0.90 an episode for this.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:31 am Reply with quote
Also, the openings that refer to the show as "Glass of Mask" were also the ones that were supplied to Crunchyroll. Sentai does include the original opening for these episodes as an extra though. It seems that this modified opening was supplied by the original rights holder, and they had little say in what they used for these.

At least they didn't pull a Viz and completely cut the original opening altogether.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:44 am Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
The quality seems to largely depend on who did the actual work. The MX Media subs were bad at first, but have greatly improved.

Hi. I am glad you guys take the time to view these subtitles so closely! It really means a lot to us. I mean that.

Not that it's a very valid excuse, but these were some of the first subtitles our company ever did, even before we did our first anime titles for Sentai! We have improved our quality control greatly as time passed and I believe it shows. You'll see very good things from us in all the titles being released in 2010.

It appears these subtitles are the ones taken from the Crunchyroll streams verbatim and we apologize for any of the consistency errors/typos therein. It was not our finest hour. (Heck, it might have been our worst hour.) It's a shame because the translation itself is actually quite good, but the handful of typos detract from it.

I know it sounds silly to say now, but had we expected even the remotest possibility of these subtitles one day ending up on a DVD, I think it would be a different story. Obviously we would have liked an opportunity to clean them up before going to print, but an ideal world this ain't. Sad

Lastly, that is correct, "Glass of Mask" was the title requested by the licensor.

Our sincerest apologies.

dragonrider_cody wrote:
The funny part is that Seraphim has done the translation work on some of the Switchblade titles, and most of those have had rather good subtitles.

On a positive note, we've done the translations and subtitles for the majority of the Switchblade titles, so I am glad you've been enjoying them.
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:22 pm Reply with quote
It's great to see a company respond to the anime fans and read their comments and take them seriously. Makes me feel more inclined to buy a show with their subtitles now since they're so nice haha.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Once again, thanks for taking the time to chat with us fans MXMedia. I was wondering if these were taken directly from Crunchyroll, as they seemed nearly identical.

Your work has been getting increasingly better, so I hope you keep it up. I hope to see good things from you in the future!
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Joined: 12 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:14 am Reply with quote
First of all, I really love Glass Mask.

In some ways it is strange that it gets called a shojo series. In fact if someone asked me to describe it, I would be tempted to say it is basically Hajime no Ippo but the boxing is replaced with acting. Of course Maya doesn't get beaten up as much as Ippo, but she does take the occasional beating from her "coach". Much of the series is about training for the next match, and the actual time 'in the ring', that is performing, is every bit as exciting as a prize fight.

Normally I wouldn't mind that a series is without a dub, but this time it really is a shame because I would like to give a copy of it to my sister who is in the theater, but I know she won't watch it since it has subtitles.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:23 am Reply with quote
and thus winds up in the maelstrom of hope, angst, romance and melodrama that churns beneath the presidium arch.
Presidium arch? I'm guessing "proscenium" was meant here.
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Raven Shinobi

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:25 pm Reply with quote
LaFreccia wrote:
First of all, I really love Glass Mask.

In some ways it is strange that it gets called a shojo series. In fact if someone asked me to describe it, I would be tempted to say it is basically Hajime no Ippo but the boxing is replaced with acting.

Another series that reminds me of Glass Mask is Swan. They are both about a girl with a natural talent who struggles to perfect her art under the tutelage of a strict teacher; they are also similar in the sense that romance plays a minor role and only affect the heroine at a few points in the series. The only difference between the two is that Swan tends to be more melodramatic, while as Glass Mask tends to be more angsty--the episodes in Disc 2 and 3 especially made me feel quite sorry for what the heroine had to suffer through for acting. They are none the less great works that are driven by a girl's passion for what she does.

This and Ghost Hound are currently the best series that Sentai has licensed and I hope more people will check it out. If you're not sure about buying it on DVD, then you can catch it on Crunchyroll.
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The Mad Manga Massacre

Joined: 15 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:47 pm Reply with quote
For what it's worth, I enjoyed Glass Mask. I'd love to read the original manga should it ever be brought over here (though it has been available for several decades so I doubt it will). Maya is the type of person you just feel a need to cheer for. Honestly, her innocense becomes borederline ridiculous at times. The ending couldn't have been left more up in the air though (I won't go into anymore detail).
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