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REVIEW: Rental Magica Sub.DVD Collection 1

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:14 am Reply with quote
Wow, for something so completely average not even an all-star seiyuu could save it, maybe this will be a good some example where an English dub is not even worth it. Though it seems those extra features and pretty artbox can make it tempting just like a jar full of frosting.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:36 am Reply with quote
I've been really curious about how the discs are able to play both broadcast and chronological order, how exactly does that work? Are the episodes all conviently on the same disc, do you have to switch the discs every episode or two? I haven't seen the series yet and, since I've heard elsewhere as well that the mixed up order doesn't do much, I was wondering how in the world I can watch it chronologically.
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The Count

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:01 am Reply with quote
wandering-dreamer wrote:
I've been really curious about how the discs are able to play both broadcast and chronological order, how exactly does that work? Are the episodes all conviently on the same disc, do you have to switch the discs every episode or two? I haven't seen the series yet and, since I've heard elsewhere as well that the mixed up order doesn't do much, I was wondering how in the world I can watch it chronologically.
Each disc has 6 episodes on it. Three episode that you can select to play in broadcast order, and three you can play in chronological order. Example disc one has episodes 1-3 in the broadcast order section and episodes 2,5,6 in the chronolgical order. Anyways I'm probably with only a small group of people on this but this show really appealed to me. While I can definitely agree with the reviewer on some of the negatives, I loved the characters simple as they may be. In a show like this the characters are my personal draw.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:48 am Reply with quote
I really did like the character design of the show, I may get it just for the artbook..well, except it's a handbook...
I wish the novels were liscensed...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:02 am Reply with quote
Don't you remember from Hikaru no Go or Saki? Achieving a perfect zero is the mark of a true master!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:30 am Reply with quote
the set contains Broadcast order 1-12, but the Chronological order runs 2, 5, 6, 4, 11, 1, 3, 15, & 8 on the first 3 discs (can't be bothered to go look at disc 4 & haven't watched it yet) The way I figured it, when I finish the chronological order, I'll have eps 10 & 12 to watch because they aren't in the chronological set (so one really gets 14 eps) However, that does mean this show has to be a mess to watch week after week on tv. I assume they intended it to be a mess until the fans could buy the dvds.
It is a harem title plain & simple. We have the glasses girl (Honomi) probiding Celtic magic, the little shrine maiden girl (Mikan) who calls Itsuki brother & vaguely reminds me of Ruri/Outlaw Star in her appearance, the average spunky girl (Manami) with a secret power she is learning to harness to help her new friends(spoiler to reveal, so I'm not saying), & the boss (Adelicia) of the rival agency always hanging around providing the aggressive Western girl & the blonde as well as another Western magic. Jun Fukuyama's fun, though I was really reminded of Kyo Kara Maoh with the transformation bits & the Demon King is a lot hotter.
Nekoyashiki's interesting (onmyoji with 4 cats as shikigami), but he has a side job working for a magazine giving the anime an excuse to have the most experienced team player out of the action.
Considering Adelicia's group is so strong (AAA) & Itsuki's Astral group so weak (CCC) there's little real reason for her stealing jobs from these barely-scraping by guys. In typical harem fashion, she's drooling over Itsuki.
On the other hand, by the review, I thought the score would be less than a C. I'm a bit more generous & put it at C+ or B- for the cast, but the harem aspect not being graced by decent humor to off-set it is a huge negative. At this point (9 eps in for me) it lacks a solid focus to help it rise abouve.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:14 am Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
Nekoyashiki's interesting (onmyoji with 4 cats as shikigami), but he has a side job working for a magazine giving the anime an excuse to have the most experienced team player out of the action.

Yeah, that was always unfortunate since he was my favorite character. A guy with four cat shikigami, what's not to like? Might be time for me to retire my avatar now that the show has been released, I first used it out of protest and only kept it this long out of anticipation. Maybe I'll do someone from Wagaya no Oinarisama, perhaps Ebisu. Still waiting for that show to get a proper licenses. It got the same sub license that Rental Magica got from Kadokawa so maybe Right Stuf will give it a chance if RM does well.

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The Count

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:58 am Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
the set contains Broadcast order 1-12, but the Chronological order runs 2, 5, 6, 4, 11, 1, 3, 15, & 8 on the first 3 discs (can't be bothered to go look at disc 4 & haven't watched it yet) The way I figured it, when I finish the chronological order, I'll have eps 10 & 12 to watch because they aren't in the chronological set (so one really gets 14 eps) However, that does mean this show has to be a mess to watch week after week on tv. I assume they intended it to be a mess until the fans could buy the dvds.
It is a harem title plain & simple. We have the glasses girl (Honomi) probiding Celtic magic, the little shrine maiden girl (Mikan) who calls Itsuki brother & vaguely reminds me of Ruri/Outlaw Star in her appearance, the average spunky girl (Manami) with a secret power she is learning to harness to help her new friends(spoiler to reveal, so I'm not saying), & the boss (Adelicia) of the rival agency always hanging around providing the aggressive Western girl & the blonde as well as another Western magic. Jun Fukuyama's fun, though I was really reminded of Kyo Kara Maoh with the transformation bits & the Demon King is a lot hotter.
Nekoyashiki's interesting (onmyoji with 4 cats as shikigami), but he has a side job working for a magazine giving the anime an excuse to have the most experienced team player out of the action.
Considering Adelicia's group is so strong (AAA) & Itsuki's Astral group so weak (CCC) there's little real reason for her stealing jobs from these barely-scraping by guys. In typical harem fashion, she's drooling over Itsuki.
On the other hand, by the review, I thought the score would be less than a C. I'm a bit more generous & put it at C+ or B- for the cast, but the harem aspect not being graced by decent humor to off-set it is a huge negative. At this point (9 eps in for me) it lacks a solid focus to help it rise abouve.
Hmm that's a fair enough view of the show but I think you my be placing to much emphasis on the harem part. Granted it's been about two years since I've watched it and I won't watch it again until set two is released, but isn't there just one love triangle. It's doesn't act like a full-on harem such a Love Hina, Da Capo or Ai Yori Aoshi.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:20 am Reply with quote
This is one of those series where a dub would have saved it in my eyes. I thought, pretty much exactly what this review said...It was a mediocre show that didn't really stand out at all, though it certainly had its good points.

As big of a dub fan as I am, I would have purchased this on the spot, as I have with a number of other series I only mildly enjoyed in sub format, but absolutely loved in dubbed (like The Wallflower, and Darker then Black).

Missed the boat on this one Right Stuf, as usual. That book really does sound interesting for someone as big on the supernatural as I am, though.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:49 pm Reply with quote
Well, I definitely enjoyed this show, but on the whole, I'd say that this review is spot on. It's interesting, but it's missing that special something that could really make it good or memorable. Most of the folks in the show are fairly stereotypical, and while there's definitely some original stuff, a lot of it ends up feeling like window dressing rather than being the core of the story. The basic idea is good, but there's just not enough around it to make it more than a good time which won't stick with you. It feels like it should and could be so much more, but it isn't.

My main complaint though, is the main character. He's the type of male lead who is insanely nice to everyone, and basically has no backbone whatsoever until his friends are in danger, at which point he will do whatever it takes to save them - including pretty much sacrificing himself if need be (which tendencies tend to tick of his friends since they don't want to see him hurt). I want to like him, but he definitely rubs me the wrong way. He's way too nice. I've met very few people who even approach being that nice, and they're all female. Nice can be good, but I think that it's a bit freaky in his case. I mean, nice is about all he is, with one gimmick spoiler[(his magical eye)] and a backbone kept in his closet to take out when his friends are in trouble. Maybe girls really dig that kind of guy, but I'm finding them increasingly annoying, and the folks making anime seem to like them way too much. Nice is good; a backbone when your friends are in danger is good; but you need more personality than that.

In any case, the series is definitely enjoyable - and there's no question that rightstuf has treated it well - but it's definitely missing something, if not several somethings, on its way to greatness. It feels like it should be good, but it just doesn't seem to quite get there. I'll certainly be buying the second half when it comes out, and I'm glad that I bought it, but there are plenty of other anime out there which are more worth your time and money than this one - which it pains me to say since this series really seems like it should be good, but it isn't.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:11 pm Reply with quote
The Count wrote:

Hmm that's a fair enough view of the show but I think you my be placing to much emphasis on the harem part. Granted it's been about two years since I've watched it and I won't watch it again until set two is released, but isn't there just one love triangle. It's doesn't act like a full-on harem such a Love Hina, Da Capo or Ai Yori Aoshi.

You seem to lack experience with harem titles aimed at gals. One of the big harem titles in the states around 2004 or 5 was Knight Hunters. There was no female for the guys to try to woo, but we had the cute boy, the jock, the ladies man & the bishie with a tragic past. Saiyuki is another in that vein-a selection of hot guys for the female viewers to drool over
I finished the last disc off today (chronological order-13, 7, 9) Ep 10 finishes off the story so one can finish that arc off, then 12 is a Christmas ep. When a girl goes down & we view the fight from behind her her ass, I say it's harem. (The little one. I was trying to remember if she seemed that curvy in other eps)
I'm a harem fan, but modern harem has diluted so greatly, it's a major pain & that's probably what's wrong with this title to some extent. The creators are so worried about angering fans breaking one of the types, they play it safe with the plot. Add to it the Glam Sight issues (after being told not to use it brcause of the toll it is taking on him, Itsuki seems to use it in every ep). Older harem titles were fun, brash, sweet when needed. Now it's all moe
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The Count

Joined: 22 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:51 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
The Count wrote:

Hmm that's a fair enough view of the show but I think you my be placing to much emphasis on the harem part. Granted it's been about two years since I've watched it and I won't watch it again until set two is released, but isn't there just one love triangle. It's doesn't act like a full-on harem such a Love Hina, Da Capo or Ai Yori Aoshi.

You seem to lack experience with harem titles aimed at gals. One of the big harem titles in the states around 2004 or 5 was Knight Hunters. There was no female for the guys to try to woo, but we had the cute boy, the jock, the ladies man & the bishie with a tragic past. Saiyuki is another in that vein-a selection of hot guys for the female viewers to drool over
I finished the last disc off today (chronological order-13, 7, 9) Ep 10 finishes off the story so one can finish that arc off, then 12 is a Christmas ep. When a girl goes down & we view the fight from behind her her ass, I say it's harem. (The little one. I was trying to remember if she seemed that curvy in other eps)
I'm a harem fan, but modern harem has diluted so greatly, it's a major pain & that's probably what's wrong with this title to some extent. The creators are so worried about angering fans breaking one of the types, they play it safe with the plot. Add to it the Glam Sight issues (after being told not to use it brcause of the toll it is taking on him, Itsuki seems to use it in every ep). Older harem titles were fun, brash, sweet when needed. Now it's all moe
So are you implying that this is a reverse harem? I'm not even going to lie I do lack experience in reverse harems. But by your vague definition Witchblade, Claymore and Gun x Sword would all be harem shows because in all of the there are pretty girls and/or guy, and you have low angle views in all of them. When I think harem I think guy or girl surrounded by members of the opposite sex who are all attracted to the same person. If memory serves me correctly in Rental Magica there are only two people attracted to Itsuki, and there wasn't a lot of other romance that the series focused on.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:05 am Reply with quote
The Count wrote:
If memory serves me correctly in Rental Magica there are only two people attracted to Itsuki, and there wasn't a lot of other romance that the series focused on.

I'd say that there are three, but two primary ones spoiler[(the ghost girl kind of is - she certainly seems to like him - but since she's a ghost, it's not like she really has a chance)]. Really, though, it's just the two girls who are fighting over him, so it'd probably be a stretch to call it a harem show. However, he's a very typical harem lead, and the set up and personalities are right in line with a harem show - it's just that there are only two girls actively after him. If more showed up, then I think that it would be safe to say that it would be a harem show, but with only two... I'd say that it's almost a harem show but not quite.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:12 am Reply with quote
You're describing the Date Sim harem titles like Tenchi. I don't recall Skuld really being a love interest in Ah My Goddess back when I was reading the manga 7 yrs ago-she was the little sister like Sasami. Any romantioc interest they possessed for the male lead was innocent, little girl fantasy (When I grow up, I'll marry XXX & cook his favorite food for him, etc.)
Saiyuki has Sanzo, Goku, Hakkai, Gojyo, Ni Jyenni, Kougaiji, Dokugakuji, Hazel, & Kami on the male side & the less often seen Merciful Goddess, Liren, & Yaone on the chick side. It's basically a bunch of bishonen with no love interests outside of backstory & episode hookups. The guys look cool, sexy, take off their shirts a decent amount of the time to qualify as fan service. We even got a shower scene out of Gojyo in Requiem.
That Rental Magica has the various harem archtypes moves it into harem territory considering how the charactrers are played. If you were talking Case Closed, no. You have Shinichi's girlfriend Ran, & you have that little girl who's sweet on Conan, but she really doesn't stand a chance. There are other characters around him, but it doesn't reek of harem. Shaman King also provided a lot of characters. but doesn't reek of harem.
Descendants of Darkness IS harem even though the only recurring female is the one turkey (maybe. I think one is a female). Muraki, Hisoka & the Earl are the only ones who want Tsuzuki, but the title is overrun with hot dudes.
My point was the claim Rental Magica isn't harem doesn't hold water when the title throws in fan service during a serious scene. Pokemon has fan service, but it also doesn't have the harem trappings. Gungrave provides a large cast, but doesn't have the harem trappings. I have my suspicions about Claymore, but my only exposure is paging past it in Jump Squared while I'm trying to locate TsumikabatsuAwful lot of chicks, but I don't really care so I don't know if it takes the time to provide us with the glasses girl, the cute little sister, the jock, etc. While slice-of-life, Azumanga Saioh does have harem trappings in that it provides us with the various archtypes. However, it doesn't necessarily stick hard to the archtypes, so it's more harem as a starting point to create diveresity, but it has the ability to ignore the harem trappings. The last ep I watched in RM was the Xmas show where Adelicia & Honomi are each pulling on Itsuki's arm & Mikan jumps in because it looks like fun.
RM seems too afraid to break the mold, to forge its own path. Pleasant diversion, but not attention-getting.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:00 am Reply with quote
While Rental Magica does not have anything to make it stand out. There is just something about this show that I really like. I like the story, the art, the voices. I think it was a combination of all of that, that made me love it. Yet, I always tell my friends that "it is my favorite show that I forget about." Which is a shame because I really like it, I really want a second season, and I really want the novels to get licensed.

I dont think you would be sorry if you watched this anime.

Oh, and just a statement. I have seen this show all the way through and nothing sticks out to me that makes it a Harem anime. It has romance but thats about it. However, I will keep a keen eye out for it on my second go around when I buy the box sets. (Maybe my Harem definition is different)
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