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Hey, Answerman! [2009-11-06]

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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:23 am Reply with quote
The real question becomes, is television itself becoming less relevant? Or, at least, television as we know it. I'm not suggesting people will stop watching on their traditional sets altogether in the near future, but there are just so many options now, and it's not necessary to sit down with the clicker and surf channels anymore.

As far as the new question, I've spoiled myself with boxsets, so I always watching things in bulk now. It's difficult for me to watch a single episode or just a few, and then put a show away.
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Renaisance Otaku

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:32 am Reply with quote
To add to the point on Japanese 5.1 mixes, I know some US companies even remixed the track themselves if the title's big enough, like Manga's release of End of Eva. So even if you do get a 5.1, it may not be true to the original. Personally, I've never gotten the need for everything having to be in surround. I'm not against it or anything, but if it was produced in stereo, or *gasp* mono, I'd prefer to watch it that way. A lot of remixes sound hollow, or worse, vastly alter the sound, changing the feel of the show. Bandai's Japanese release of Gundam: The 08th MS Team featured a 5.1 mix that completely redid the sound effects, greatly altering the show. ADV's remix of Macross dubbed and Robotech added new sounds. Even the stereo on the Manga End of Eva release was redone to give it more oompth. Granted, these are worse case examples.

I know a lot of people like updated sound (I'm reminded of the Robotech CD drama were they remixed mono tracks in fake stereo because a fan was incensed at having to listen to mono in this day and age), and thankfully, a lot of recent remixes of stereo films come from original multitrack audio, but it never hurts to include the original for those that don't feel a voice has to travel from speaker to speaker when it wasn't originally. Usually, it's not an issue, but a lot of DVDs were missing the original audio as most assumed the more channels the better. Remastering is always a double edged sword sadly, and too often more thought is given to what it's assumed people want rather than presenting something the way it was made (grain removal and color and contrast tuning on BDs and the like [Disney's a case study on this]). Interestingly, futzing with the picture tends to bother people more then when they do it with the sound.

In reply to the question, if I'm behind I'll watch as many as I have time for to catch up. Though I usually watch a lot of shows concurrently, so I rarely marathon one show unless I'm really into it and the episodes are available (like the numerous boxsets). I prefer a breather between episodes usually, as it gives me time to process things and mull over it. I think that stems from my old habit of watching one episode a day back when I couldn't buy as much to make things last. There's a benefit to both methods, but depending on a show, I can get me involved in something while waiting for the next episode.The shows with you for a lot longer time that way.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:47 am Reply with quote
Brian Hanson wrote:
First of all, dude, my first piece of advice: don't get worked up over Top 10 lists on some loser asshole's anime blog. There are other, far more salient issues currently plaguing our world that deserve your ire than what a dumb baby with a blogspot account and a brain STD has to say about cartoons.

Uhh... you are aware that the author of the "9 Reasons Why Anime is Superior to Western Animation" opinion piece in question is Chris Beveridge, right?

I don't fully agree with that piece, but I wouldn't call him some "dumb baby with a blogspot accound and a brain STD".
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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:50 am Reply with quote
The issue of 5.1 sound got me thinking. In Japan are they producing none theatrical (TV or home video in other words) anime in high def? What I mean is with all these anime blue-ray addition coming out are they really just up-sizing the DVD version and putting it on a Blue-Ray?
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:53 am Reply with quote
that guy has a really effeminate voice.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:00 am Reply with quote
I don't want to name names, but the voice of that "Invisible Crane" guy reminds me very much of a certain fan who really, really wants to be a voice actor for ADV and FUNimation.

EDIT: Oh, wait, "Invisible Crane" is the exact same person I thought he reminded me of. Never mind.
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Renaisance Otaku

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:11 am Reply with quote
RoverTX wrote:
The issue of 5.1 sound got me thinking. In Japan are they producing none theatrical (TV or home video in other words) anime in high def? What I mean is with all these anime blue-ray addition coming out are they really just up-sizing the DVD version and putting it on a Blue-Ray?

In some cases, yes. It really depends on the studio. A lot is real HD, others upscaled. Especially older 2000s titles (The new FMP Bluray is an example). Generally one can tell be comparing an HD rip to a SD rip. There should be a difference. The first few episodes of Macross Frontier wasn't broadcast in real HD until about episode 8. It's pretty clear on the in show titles.

Though shear resolution isn't the only gain with Bluray. The episodes are a lot less compressed than their DVD equivalents (particularly with the common use of single layer DVDs and Funimations near insistence that everything be at least 6 episodes a disc). One also can get lossless audio, which is a huge boon. So an upscaled bluray is still usually better than a standard DVD. Unless the master's really bad to begin with or they go crazy with the DNR.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:16 am Reply with quote
I do wish they'd make a Shenmue III. 8/
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Joined: 28 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:18 am Reply with quote
Well, my question didn't make it, but, atleast I kicked off the festivities with my coolness. Cool

Hmmm, the futuristic technological Nirvana we in the Anglosphere know as Japan, has not adapted anime TV series' to 5.1 yet? No wonder my Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE DVD's Japanese audio sounds so different.~~
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Joined: 02 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:09 am Reply with quote
I think it's pretty awful that there aren't after-school and Saturday morning cartoon blocks. In fact, to me, it's unthinkable - Saturday morning is for cartoons! How are young kids gonna get their "gateway" into animation without this? The internet and specialist timeslots are not really relevant for this demographic.

I think eventually some network will get wise that "if you show it, they will watch". Kids like cartoons. Any kid who doesn't like cartoons is a freak who needs psychiatric care. Then chuck a few anime dubs in there: as long as it's not too sexy or too bloody, no one will object. We need to get 'em hooked while they're young, I tell ya.

I don't care about multichannel sound. As a friend of mine used to keep telling me, "Stereo is a gimmick."
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:25 am Reply with quote
They don't need Saturday morning cartoon blocks on network TV and syndicated afterschool cartoon blocks on local over-the-air stations anymore.

Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon made cartoons on "normal" TV unprofitable and redundant.
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Ai no Kareshi

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:40 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
Uhh... you are aware that the author of the "9 Reasons Why Anime is Superior to Western Animation" opinion piece in question is Chris Beveridge, right?

*reads article*

Meh, not Miyazaki again... Rolling Eyes
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:52 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
I don't want to name names, but the voice of that "Invisible Crane" guy reminds me very much of a certain fan who really, really wants to be a voice actor for ADV and FUNimation.

EDIT: Oh, wait, "Invisible Crane" is the exact same person I thought he reminded me of. Never mind.

Is it the same guy who lived in Glasgow and every post he made on an anime forum was about asking how to become a voice actor for ADV.
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:58 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
Brian Hanson wrote:
First of all, dude, my first piece of advice: don't get worked up over Top 10 lists on some loser not-so-nice-person's anime blog. There are other, far more salient issues currently plaguing our world that deserve your ire than what a dumb baby with a blogspot account and a brain STD has to say about cartoons.

Uhh... you are aware that the author of the "9 Reasons Why Anime is Superior to Western Animation" opinion piece in question is Chris Beveridge, right?

I don't fully agree with that piece, but I wouldn't call him some "dumb baby with a blogspot accound and a brain STD".

Yeah, Brian had me grimacing as I read that. IMO, Beveridge is somewhat of a hack when it comes to opinions on content, but his reviews on the technical aspects of a release are professional and well worth reading.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:08 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
Brian Hanson wrote:
First of all, dude, my first piece of advice: don't get worked up over Top 10 lists on some loser not-so-nice-person's anime blog. There are other, far more salient issues currently plaguing our world that deserve your ire than what a dumb baby with a blogspot account and a brain STD has to say about cartoons.

Uhh... you are aware that the author of the "9 Reasons Why Anime is Superior to Western Animation" opinion piece in question is Chris Beveridge, right?

I don't fully agree with that piece, but I wouldn't call him some "dumb baby with a blogspot accound and a brain STD".

No, he wasn't aware of that and neither was I when I edited the article.

I don't read every single thing published on every other anime site. Neither does Brian.
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