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Hey, Answerman! [2009-10-02]

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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:40 pm Reply with quote
The question about misogyny and anime romance was pretty interesting; thanks for sending it in, nameless contributor.

Obviously, guys like watching shows about girls making their boyfriends lunches because they're hungry and sick of brick ramen, and the cute little lunchboxes that those girls make invariably look really, really tasty.

I remember that among the people following CLANNAD, a bunch of fans really disliked the romance between Tomoya and Nagisa, who just hung out together and got to know each other's families and worked on projects together. These fans almost always preferred to see Tomoya end up with Kyou or Tomoyo, who make lunch (or in Tomoyo's case, breakfast in bed) for the guy.

Conclusion: fanboys are hungry. I'm hungry.
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Joined: 15 May 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:43 pm Reply with quote
A lot of good responses to the Question of the Week.

The Please Teacher response was particularly fun to read, and certainly true, at least in that context and phrasing. Personally though, having it in my collection too... it's not something I'm hesitant to show or talk about... well unless I phrased the description as the writer did. Good stuff though. Smile
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Trigun got a movie? I thought it was still in the works. If it came out, I haven't heard anything about being licensed or dubbed or anything.

I don't get what the Flake is trying to say. He didn't have to specifically use panties on E7 as an example. It's not anime, but Samurai Jack(and the follow-up Clone Wars series) didn't use black outlines on characters, which was distinctive. I'd say it's just artistic choice.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:58 pm Reply with quote
Hey Answerman! wrote:
Note to self - Mention Golden Boy in conversation with Kyoko:

Oh god... after much thought, I'd hafta say Golden Boy would be the one show I'm most embarassed to admit I've watched. I grew up in a Christian conservative environment, and while I'm perfectly fine with most TV-MA series, I avoid ecchi and hentai like the plague. My friend INSISTED I watch this series, only telling me it was hilarious while convieniently leaving out the show's true nature, and when I finally sat down to watch it there were multiple times I was so mortified I nearly turned the DVD player off and cussed him out for practically forcing the show down my throat. (The episode with the motorcycle girl, in particular, made me blush so hard I swear steam was coming out of my ears.)

However, the ending of every episode was so hilarious, and wrapped everything up so well, I'd forget that I was mortified a moment ago and would laugh so hard I cried. After seeing the last episode, I must admit it was totally worth watching.

It doesn't change the fact that my face turns scarlet the very, VERY few times this show is ever brought up in conversation.

This Kyoko NEEDS to pick up a copy of Protoculture Addicts #98 when it comes out. Jus' sayin'. Smile
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Joined: 29 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Myaow wrote:
I remember that among the people following CLANNAD, a bunch of fans really disliked the romance between Tomoya and Nagisa, who just hung out together and got to know each other's families and worked on projects together. These fans almost always preferred to see Tomoya end up with Kyou or Tomoyo, who make lunch (or in Tomoyo's case, breakfast in bed) for the guy.

Conclusion: fanboys are hungry. I'm hungry.

first as a clannad fan who didn't like nagisa i must defend myself, even if Tomoyo and Kyou did nothing for him they would still be light years ahead of Nagisa, who whether she made food for him or not i would of still found boring, uninteresting and annoying which is the reason i had always thought she was disliked by the fans, but then again i only speak for myself and not the fanbase

anyway it was a nice read, would of loved to be in that starbucks to see that guy cry watching Clannad Afterstory on his laptop
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Hey Answerman! wrote:
Note to self - Mention Golden Boy in conversation with Kyoko:

Oh god... after much thought, I'd hafta say Golden Boy would be the one show I'm most embarassed to admit I've watched. I grew up in a Christian conservative environment, and while I'm perfectly fine with most TV-MA series, I avoid ecchi and hentai like the plague. My friend INSISTED I watch this series, only telling me it was hilarious while convieniently leaving out the show's true nature, and when I finally sat down to watch it there were multiple times I was so mortified I nearly turned the DVD player off and cussed him out for practically forcing the show down my throat. (The episode with the motorcycle girl, in particular, made me blush so hard I swear steam was coming out of my ears.)

However, the ending of every episode was so hilarious, and wrapped everything up so well, I'd forget that I was mortified a moment ago and would laugh so hard I cried. After seeing the last episode, I must admit it was totally worth watching.

It doesn't change the fact that my face turns scarlet the very, VERY few times this show is ever brought up in conversation.

This is me on the NOSE. Laughing Like, every part of that being dead accurate to me as well. I sympathize, Kyoko, I really do.

Well...the only part that's different is if you mention Golden Boy in conversation with me, I both turn red and start laughing like crazy, WANTING to talk about it instead of getting embarrassed...or because I'm embarrassed really.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:12 pm Reply with quote
Oh wow I have an answer to last week's answer fan's question. It just happened to me a few nights ago. It was at dinner and we were talking about all sorts of stuff when someone told a story abouttheir friend changing their preference on fb to likes women without her knowing, then one of her friends from her old school thought she had come out stating on her wall, "OMG! You're a lesbian now? I totally knew! You should come to alternative prom with me and there will be yaoi and it will be totally awesome!" This girl didn't know what yaoi was and asked about it, and the alternative prom girl told her to look it up. At this point I was really really red in the face with my hands over my mouth as this girl retold her tale of looking up yaoi on the internet saying it was this sick guy on guy anime porn. People knew I was head of anime club, and I said that I knew of yaoi and didn't like it (though I didn't mention that I have read some before to see what it was like) and it was just awkward for me and presumably her as well X__x Well it could of been worse, but still eeeeek!!! Sorry for that long post, this just happened 2 days ago haha.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Mistypearl wrote:
"OMG! You're a lesbian now? I totally knew! You should come to alternative prom with me and there will be yaoi and it will be totally awesome!"

Right. Because all lesbians will automatically want to watch two men getting it on.

Now, to be fair, I've known lesbians who actually do like yaoi. But I still stand by that link.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:39 pm Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
This is me on the NOSE. Laughing Like, every part of that being dead accurate to me as well. I sympathize, Kyoko, I really do.

Well...the only part that's different is if you mention Golden Boy in conversation with me, I both turn red and start laughing like crazy, WANTING to talk about it instead of getting embarrassed...or because I'm embarrassed really.

I will join the Golden Boy party as well. When I first watched Golden Boy a few months ago, I could not get over just how WRONG the show is. Then again, I could not stop laughing either. It really is one of those "so wrong, it is right" kind of shows. In fact, I highly recommend it if you can handle the onslaught of perverse humor.

I will probably never watch Golden Boy again, but I'll never forget it, that much is certain.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:53 pm Reply with quote
I think it's been well documented that I love the hell out of Kanon 2006 despite me being a guy. I'll admit I cried. I cried a lot and hard. Now would I tell that to people who weren't anime fans? Hell no. I don't want to say I'm embarrassed, but it's the perfect match for the situation. I'd never tell a non-anime fan that I love this show with the character designs of little girls with big eyes and a very sappy story.

Now I have no problem admitting to being a bit embarrassed about reading and loving Kitchen Princess. I was actually a little nervous to put it on the checkout counter because I didn't want the old woman to look at the books and then look at me. I hate buying anime stuff at B&M stores. It's embarrassing just to read its name, let alone look at the covers of a little girl with big eyes (there's a theme here) eating delicious snacks.

Now that I think about it, Princess Tutu falls under the same reasons as Kitchen Princess. Princess Tutu? How emasculating can a title get?
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Princess Princess is the most embarassing anime I will admit to watching. So bad. That and Gakuen heaven. I will admit that I enjoyed GH though. PP wasnt even so bad it was good.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:20 pm Reply with quote
Just a quick shout-out to the Godannar fan with her reply on last week's Hey! Answerfans!: You are not alone when I got my girlfriend into the same "slick designs, bright, quality animation, energetic characters, and non-stop action sprinkled with romance" with my first Godannar release from ADV! Very Happy That, and thank you for represent!

As a matter of fact, we both like the concept so much, we went and got the first Genesis of Aquarion from FUNimation when that came out. And it's been one of our favorite mechanized romance ever since. Very Happy WE <3 FUSION!
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Joined: 15 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:34 pm Reply with quote
The girl seems to basically be expected to serve her boyfriend while he accepts it as his due, and this is supposed to be romantic---"oh gee, he graciously let me do his chores and make him dinner at my own expense, he must really love me!". Is Japan really that misogynistic, or is this just a joke? Even female characters who are supposed to be superior in status to the love interest act like this.

I always HATE this stereotype (girls in anime are depicted in this incredibly misogynistic world always) because it's incredibly hypocritical (most of the time) unless the people complaining are NOT appreciative of shows like:
-Fruits Basket
-Ouran High School Host Club
-Fushigi Yuugi
-Sailor Moon
-Hana Yori Dango

Or any of the other myriad GIRL harem shows in reverse. Which is why it is harmless "fantasy/wish fulfillment" just like all the cheesy stupid Mary Sue fanfic. (and the less said of the legion of girls noting the true beauty of "Twilight", the better)

Bottom line, large numbers of people of BOTH sexes like imagining that "perfect" members of the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) will overlook their obvious flaws and fawn over them and do stuff for them without requiring anything in return. And that's true even outside of anime.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Myaow wrote:
These fans almost always preferred to see Tomoya end up with Kyou or Tomoyo, who make lunch (or in Tomoyo's case, breakfast in bed) for the guy.

Conclusion: fanboys are hungry. I'm hungry.

I think Tomoya and Tomoyo is a far more natural relationship than Tomoya and Nagisa, and it has nothing to do with making food. Though I am hungry.

And in response to Flake of the Week, it actually is a decent question, it was just submitted strangely. I've also wondered why bras/panties don't have black outlines. If it's supposed to make them lighter and cuter, it's failing; they just look horrible and they don't fit with the style of the characters.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:33 pm Reply with quote
posterior_praiser wrote:
Princess Princess is the most embarassing anime I will admit to watching. So bad. That and Gakuen Heaven. I will admit that I enjoyed GH though. PP wasnt even so bad it was good.

You didn't like Princess Princess? I dunno if we can be friends anymore! Shocked

(Just kidding, we totally can.)

I'm always kinda embarrassed to admit liking Lucky Star, just because fans are so divided about it! Either you love it and will be instant BFFs or you hate it and will lose all respect forever. Too much pressure! I usually keep my mouth shut.
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