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REVIEW: Bleach DVD 17

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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:19 pm Reply with quote
The Bleach filler are quite better than say some of the fillers in naruto (excluding epsiode 101 which was probably the most funniest filler epsioide of all time.) and this arc is really interesting,in my view the story should at least deserves a B cause it doesnt drag as much as the naruto fillers.

Also, I Kinda recoginized Schinzel's VA to be Kariya and is a perfect fit, [b]but cant believed hi did Abel Nightroad of all people??? If that aint out of character then what is?

Other than that,i agree with the review for the language front and everyone should have no problem with this release (Excluding those obivious anti-dubbers and the anti JYB otakus out there) though the sub should get a A- cause at least that orihime aint as high ptiched as the dub.

Over all it's still a must buy for any bleach fan and dubbers in general and the AS release is as strong as ever.Too bad they didn't included Naurto Shippuden in it's schedule.Would've been decent if they paired those two for an hr.

Last edited by jr240483 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:45 pm Reply with quote
Talk about slow releases, tv show is like 3 years ahead. Also about 25$ for 4 episodes... that's gonna be like 1500$ from episode 1 til episode 240 or so which is where the tv show is close to.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:32 pm Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
Talk about slow releases, tv show is like 3 years ahead. Also about 25$ for 4 episodes... that's gonna be like 1500$ from episode 1 til episode 240 or so which is where the tv show is close to.

The dub is only 40 or so episodes(maybe 6 months) ahead I think. This is an American release review, so it's hardly fair to judge by the Japanese release of the show. With 2 episodes a week every week, the dub is slowly catching up to Japan(which only airs 1 a week).

Another positive-toned Key review. I liked the Bount Arc, it did tell a coherent story(compared to the filler of certain other big shounen anime). The dub is strong(Troy Baker's Jin Kariya has helped solidify my admiration for his impressive VA work), and the Bount-specific music is very nice. The new characters' designs are interesting and fit the pre-existing Bleach art style too(creative designs in the new Mod Souls, both in Doll Form and Gigai form).

Judging by how quickly the anime went back to filler after the Bount Arc ended, I wish they'd just drawn out the Bount Arc a bit more, since it was much more enjoyable to watch than the random mid-arc fillers that have been showing up on Adult Swim the past few weeks.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:59 pm Reply with quote
I definitely liked the Bount Arc, despite having several people tell me how it was "just so much filler." I'd say that it was handled very well in that there were new characters that didn't look like throw away generics, there was some new music, the plot was continuous and actually seemed to have some though put into it, and some characters have either stayed or popped up again during the manga based arcs. It all helps make the dozens of episodes worthwhile.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:31 pm Reply with quote
As filler stories in long-running series go, the Bount arc stands head and shoulders above most because it tells a single cohesive story which maintains the style of the original so well that a viewer is unlikely to realize that it is a filler arc (i.e. not based on Canon manga content) unless told so or already familiar with the manga.

You...do realize you're ACTUALLY insulting the original work and not praising the quality of the filler arc here, right?

Because the Bount arc is an absolutely miserable and tedious exercise in "just how stupid CAN these characters be?!"

I mean, I find Bleach to mostly be a "generic as can possibly be" shounen, yeah, but every single character takes a good 50 point nosedive in terms of their own IQ for the Bount Arc.

Between that, the bottom of the barrel budget art and animation, and the Casio keyboard that replaced most of the series regular soundtrack, it seems like it would be pretty obvious to me, even ignoring plot reasons, that this arc isn't part of the original series canon even if I didn't know for sure.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:02 am Reply with quote
MetatronM wrote:

You...do realize you're ACTUALLY insulting the original work and not praising the quality of the filler arc here, right?

Because the Bount arc is an absolutely miserable and tedious exercise in "just how stupid CAN these characters be?!"

I mean, I find Bleach to mostly be a "generic as can possibly be" shounen, yeah, but every single character takes a good 50 point nosedive in terms of their own IQ for the Bount Arc.

Between that, the bottom of the barrel budget art and animation, and the Casio keyboard that replaced most of the series regular soundtrack, it seems like it would be pretty obvious to me, even ignoring plot reasons, that this arc isn't part of the original series canon even if I didn't know for sure.

For all of Bount Arc's supposed stupidity, it's still far better than the filler we have on Bleach on AS right now. Gems likespoiler[ that cake episode] make we wish they could get to the level of Bount Arc. spoiler["We're just getting into the battles with the Arrancar and preparing for an assault on Hueco Mundo, when suddenly we have to help a little ghost boy find his ghost sister, then play soccer, play kendo, and bake cakes!"] You think the Bount arc is worse than that?
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:08 am Reply with quote
RogueJedi86 wrote:

For all of Bount Arc's supposed stupidity, it's still far better than the filler we have on Bleach on AS right now. Gems likespoiler[ that cake episode] make we wish they could get to the level of Bount Arc. spoiler["We're just getting into the battles with the Arrancar and preparing for an assault on Hueco Mundo, when suddenly we have to help a little ghost boy find his ghost sister, then play soccer, play kendo, and bake cakes!"] You think the Bount arc is worse than that?

Well i kinda like those filler epsiodes.Sure it aint as good as the bount arc but it's decent enough in a fanservice view,

especially the soccer epsiode cause a lot of people in the AS forums was chatting up a storm about a Karin/Snowy type duo since momo has gone up the deep end. Can only imagine the chaos that'll bring fanbased wise.

and ikkaku was fun to watch in the kendo epsiode,though kego's sister was haming it a little too much but kego was a riot at least,

and people now know what hanatro's zanpacto is due to these fillers and it's really decent for something that small. well it's going back to cannon material so there's nothing to worry about,though i'm really interested on seeing the Civil War in Hueco Mundo filler.
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