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FanimeCon 2009: Day 3

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Anime World Order

Joined: 05 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 1:22 pm Reply with quote
As a minor correction, the first parody dub ever created was not Fast Food Freedom Fighters, even though I really like that one and regret the fact that it along with my DVD copy of Anime Bites are on unreadable discs. That honor is commonly attributed to You Say Yamato by Nick Pollotta, followed a little while afterwards by Dirty Pair Does Dishes from Pinesalad Productions. Still, with Ryan at Fanimecon running Midnight Madness, you can't ask for anyone better to be your guide into the dangerous world of parody dubbing.

Just as long as you can remember what time Midnight Madness starts.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:48 pm Reply with quote
No, and get away from me."

That made crack up for several minutes. But none the less, that is pretty creepy as well.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:17 pm Reply with quote
"a remastered version of the parody "

that... is funny Very Happy
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Forums Superstar

Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:02 am Reply with quote
I know this con isn't really big enough to generate a large thread, but it's my local anime convention, about 15 minutes away from home, and one that I have been going to for years. But what I really wanted to talk about was the Halko Momoi concert on Sunday night. As you may know, Halko came to FanimeCon this year and I was shocked and honored that she'd come all the way to my hometown. While there weren't that many huge fans of Momoi (therefore the "Momo-i" cheer wasn't very loud), it was an amazing concert and Halko is one hell of a singer.

Seriously, she blew me away. Not only can she easily switch from a lower voice to her normal voice to her high voice to her baby voice (and I love all of them), she's right on pitch all the time and sounds just like she does in her CDs. Not just that, she never once let her voice get away from her the entire concert! Mind you, she sang roughly 12 full-length songs, all the while screaming extremely loudly in between almost every song to get the crowd going, and she never lost her voice all the way through the very last encore song (which happened to be Yume no Baton IIRC). As I recall Ayumi Hamasaki lost her voice after about 8 songs at a live concert, and KOTOKO started dying down after about 6. She also covered God Knows, and did it 10x better than Hirano Aya ever did, and did it better than the cover version floating around on Youtube, as well as Romantic Summer from Seto no Hanayome, which she did without her costar Sakura Nogawa (which unfortunately made it not have the same impact as it would have).

She also stated in the panel that both her and Nogawa think the other is the better singer. I haven't heard Nogawa live so I wouldn't know, but if she's better than Momoi, she must be absolutely unbelievable. Also, I was going to ask Momoi a question about Shoko Nakagawa, but the line was too long. Sad
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:26 pm Reply with quote
About the Pocky, two places were selling boxes for $1. I wouldn't say that's overpriced. It's actually pretty competitive with Asian markets.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:58 am Reply with quote
frentymon wrote:
Seriously, she blew me away.
I saw her concert on Youtube. I don't say this often, but it looked pretty "epic".
I really wish I had been there.
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