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REVIEW: I''s & I''s Pure Box Set DVD

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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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Location: Virginia
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:08 pm Reply with quote
I'm not about to say that I"s Pure is the best series I've ever seen (though I do think it's still pretty decent) but...

The story also utterly fails to explain why pretty girls with promising careers like Itsuki and Iori would ever be interested in a loser like Ichitaka in the first place.

Isn't this basically a complaint about the "pretty girl falls for loser guy" sub-genre as a whole? Are we ever told why the pretty girl falls for the dorky guy? (especially in a series that's only 6 episodes to begin with)

I guess the easy answer is "because they just do." Especially in this case since Itsuki knew Ichitaka when he was younger, and Iori is Ichitaka's classmate. Sometimes people just fall for each other. If Iori had just met Ichitaka and had a "love at first sight" moment, I might agree with your complaint, but I think it runs thin here.

However other than that (which looks odd after writing 3 paragraphs of complaining...oh well) I thought the review is pretty good. I haven't seen the first I"s series, but I had heard that it wasn't exactly of great quality. I almost have to believe that the first series was forced on them as a condition of licensing I"s Pure.
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Ryo Hazuki

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:56 am Reply with quote
The story also utterly fails to explain why pretty girls with promising careers like Itsuki and Iori would ever be interested in a loser like Ichitaka in the first place.

I haven't seen the OVAs but in the manga series it's made clear that Iori herself is pretty shy and she and Ichitaka become friends little by little.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:20 am Reply with quote
Ryo Hazuki wrote:
I haven't seen the OVAs but in the manga series it's made clear that Iori herself is pretty shy and she and Ichitaka become friends little by little.

This is true. Across the all 15 volumes of the manga, you actually see Ichitaka and Iori's relationship begin to form and grow to what it becomes at the end of the manga's run.

The story also utterly fails to explain why pretty girls with promising careers like Itsuki and Iori would ever be interested in a loser like Ichitaka in the first place.

Why? Because their relationship grew over time. And in the end, we see that Ichitaka and Iori truly loved each other unconditionally. (Wishful thinking in the eyes of most people, I know.) Too bad there wasn't enough time allotted in this 6 episode ova series adaption to flesh that out more for those who are not familiar with the original work.

As for Itsuki, easy answer is: they were childhood friends. I believe she loved him unconditionally for that reason alone. Really, come on. This is anime we're talking about. The reviewer said it himself:

Although the shorter first series is the inferior of the two in every sense, it does offer one thing that the second series does not: a glimpse into the childhood of Ichitaka and Itsuki to help lay a foundation for the classic “childhood female friend who falls for the male lead” gimmick. (An entire essay could probably be written on why this is such a common and appealing relationship set-up for anime, manga, and ero game fans, but that is a discussion for another day.)

After receiving this double dvd set, and watching it, I have the urge to go and re-read this series again. Even more so to marvel at Masakazu Katsura's beautiful art work. Off to my manga shelves I go.
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