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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:03 am Reply with quote
you know this will end up on the internet.

Last edited by v1cious on Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:14 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:04 am Reply with quote
Is a drawing even necessary? I'm not convinced they'll even sell 5,000 copies of the set in this retail environment.

Edit: Ah, actually it sold about 15,000 accoring to oricon...
Try and sell that in R1 and you'd be lucky to sell 100 of them.

Last edited by samuelp on Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:08 am Reply with quote
For that price, it should come with half of the new series.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:42 am Reply with quote
Looking at that price makes me thankful for the prices of R1 anime DVDs....

v1cious wrote:
you know this will end up on the internet.

The special showing is one day before the first episode airs on TV. I'm sure pirates are willing to wait for the broadcast 24 hours later.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:45 am Reply with quote
Nebs wrote:
Looking at that price makes me thankful for the prices of R1 anime DVDs....

v1cious wrote:
you know this will end up on the internet.

The special showing is one day before the first episode airs on TV. I'm sure pirates are willing to wait for the broadcast 24 hours later.

There will be shakey cam footage on 2ch within 30 minutes of the airing, I guarrentee it Smile.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:52 am Reply with quote
$700...hah, and people were bitching about the SFIV special edition with the CD soundtrack, figurine, XBL coupon, and anime movie for $80.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:22 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
For that price, it should come with half of the new series.

It should come with the entire new series

I seriously don't know how the R2 industry can stay in business with their prices. How much do Otaku's make and where do they live?

On the one hand if they live in a small place they have the money but not the room, if they live in a large place they wouldn't have the money.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:52 am Reply with quote
otaku in japan definitely arent rich but thats only because they spend all their money on their fetish Smile their buying power is pretty strong and they are willing to continue spending their money even in times of economic recession, as it happened back in the 90`s.

imho its their choice and problem what they spend their money on - if its some overpriced DVD box or some other stuff.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:56 am Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:
Nebs wrote:
Looking at that price makes me thankful for the prices of R1 anime DVDs....

v1cious wrote:
you know this will end up on the internet.

The special showing is one day before the first episode airs on TV. I'm sure pirates are willing to wait for the broadcast 24 hours later.

There will be shakey cam footage on 2ch within 30 minutes of the airing, I guarrentee it Smile.

tons of fansub hating lurking here huh at ANN? Hippocrites, as if haven't watch fansubs.

Pirates? is that the one off shore at Somalia?

Fansubs are not the same as axxo.
Fansubs own their translated scripts, besides its free tv broadcast, just like watching your fave sport match that you've missed.

Anyways, someone should license FMA2 now and release the official DVD by April the same as japan's tv broadcast. Ill definitely buy the DVD.

Nope, NO STREAMING even if they offer it free... STREAMING REALLY SUCKS, not worth my money. Better have the DVD or Bluray by April!!!

Its always been disappointing that they licensed a series and the dvds comes out several months or years, and some are even forgotten.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:01 am Reply with quote
letniinside wrote:
Anyways, someone should license FMA2 now and release the official DVD by April the same as japan's tv broadcast. Ill definitely buy the DVD.

That's totally insane Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:10 am Reply with quote
Earth_Wyrm wrote:
letniinside wrote:
Anyways, someone should license FMA2 now and release the official DVD by April the same as japan's tv broadcast. Ill definitely buy the DVD.

That's totally insane Laughing

I agree. The DVDs and BDs represent the polished final product, unless you happen to be Rebuild of EVA. We really don't need to see and buy the "warts" due to the potential rushing it to broadcast.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:35 am Reply with quote
I seriously don't know how the R2 industry can stay in business with their prices. How much do Otaku's make and where do they live?

okay people, as a few of you won't have the plot of the movie figured it out by tomorrow's midnight, let me present the condensed version for you...

Unlike the hypocrite gaijin here in the states or there in europe, Japanese fans take pride in call themselves "fans" spending serious money on original sets of their favorite shows, they know over there that "no money=no more of the show you like" and therefore 700.00 or even 900.00 aren't enough money for these dedicated fans that really want the ultimate quality for what they want.

how many of these japanese fans own downloaded copies? none of them, they watched it on their ultra high quality digital Tivo or in their cell phones and then they bought the set and sold out the single dvds collection they bought before, why? because they take pride on what they spend, and yes, it's japan, they have the money for it, they work hard in 10-12 hour jobs and when they go back home, the lack of girlfriend or female companion makes them get a few hentai's to take the "love bug" out and then enjoy these ultra complete director's cut and -whatever-we-can-sell-you" boxed sets.

Don't point me that "I download, but I still count as a fan" cause over there on the land of the rising sun, they can't even care less.

Sadly, tomorrow the industry can die here and nobody over there will notice because they just pocket the license money and create the next show for the anime hungry fans (did I mention paying customers too?) Anime can sustain itself in Japan and the rest is profit, as it works in the world too.

In an interview with Toshio Okada and Hideki Anno, they recognized that EVA was the only title that actually made a profit inside Gainax, not another show filled the pockets of them creators like never before, so what do you do? milk it, and the new movies are being sold really well, so after the five movies, did I say that another feature will be created? how about the movies about the videogames? do you see them waiting for the response overseas?
ofcourse you don't, because Japan's market is unique, 80% of the japanese pastime is shopping and japanese have a tendency to collect, and these super expensive sets are made for the japanese market, did I mention that a normal movie cost about 50 bucks?
and selling pirate anime and movies on japan can land you on jail for about 3 years?

Because Japanese fans appreciate and support the industry more than we do, cold hard truth, and because they are there and we don't, we don't really matter, so yes... Another super expensive set on the market.
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Joined: 19 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:56 am Reply with quote
strahl wrote:
[T]herefore 700.00 or even 900.00 aren't enough money for these dedicated fans that really want the ultimate quality for what they want.

Japanese otaku bitch about DVD prices just as much as anyone (for example, see Amazon.jp user reviews).
strahl wrote:
[H]ow many of these japanese fans own downloaded copies? none of them, they watched it on their ultra high quality digital Tivo or in their cell phones and then they bought the set and sold out the single dvds collection they bought before, too.

Plenty of Japanese people pirate, whether than means trading raws on certain arcane P2P programs, taping a televised broadcast, or renting DVDs to then copy. Japan does have a much, much larger population of anime buyers. So naturally, there are more people who buy anime at higher prices. But domestic anime piracy is a major problem for the industry (as is international).
strahl wrote:
[B]ecause Japan's market is unique, 80% of the japanese pastime is shopping and japanese have a tendency to collect

You'd be hard pressed to find any post-industrial nation where the pastime isn't shopping (although I call bullshit on the 80% number, given Japanese consumer spending has decreased or remained flat since the financial crisis in the 90s), and the desire to collect is universal. However, we don't all pay the same prices because we don't all value the same things. I'm afraid you are just perpetuating the myth of Japanese exceptionalism.

Last edited by Draneor on Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:59 am Reply with quote
strahl wrote:

Because Japanese fans appreciate and support the industry more than we do, cold hard truth, and because they are there and we don't, we don't really matter, so yes... Another super expensive set on the market.

You paint Japanese Otaku with a very narrow brush. Take it from someone who's a member of the "Society for the Study of Animation" club at Tokyo University (occasional participant Smile )... The hard core Otaku in Japan come in as many shapes and sizes and spending habits as the ones elsewhere in the world.

There are PLENTY of Japanese who never buy a cent of anime and watch it all on TV or downloaded from p2p networks. There are entire networks of illegal capping and ripping of TV broadcasts (from which most fansubs originate themselves), there are otaku who are cheap and only buy DVDs used, or that reverse import region 1 DVDs because they are so much cheaper....

Similarly, there are people in the US and around the world that spend $1000s of dollars a month importing region 2 DVDs, or just buying domestic releases and related merchandise.

The difference is simply the NUMBER of these hard core fans in each area, with Japan having a much larger number of people willing to spend themselves into the ground for their hobby.
But this isn't because the Japanese are somehow "naturally" more obsessive spenders, or have some inherent moral superiority to western fans... It's simply a matter of the time that anime has existed as a collector's market. Japan has had anime since the 70s, and people have grown up with it correspondingly. The west only really was exposed to it since the 90s, so it's a much younger hobby. These sorts of ultra-dedicated fans/collectors take a long time to nurture and grow in size.

Taking the Japanese population as a whole, it IS true that they tend to spend more money on products they believe are higher quality. However they correspondingly buy LESS THINGS. So it's erroneous to say that the Japanese otaku spend more money and pay insane prices because they are Japanese. They do it because there has existed a culture for it for a long time.
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:03 am Reply with quote
That is a lot of money. Wonder how many Japanese otaku can actually afford that. Prices like this can contribute to the SOL status they anime industry is in.
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