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NEWS: Crunchyroll Still Hosts Some Fan-Subtitled Anime

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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:02 pm Reply with quote
The videos listed in that thread are not all fansubs. As a matter of fact, several of them have been totally replaced with right owner raw video and soft subtitles. Those others that run there are running there with the permission of the rights holders. These videos were not on the site as of Jan 1 (except Kurumi). They were SPECIFICALLY ADDED to the site later on.

There were two other titles that WERE on there, but have been subsequently removed. Those two WERE up there on Jan 1 but should not have been.

Such is the case with the drama section as well.

Nothing for legal eagles to worry about - anything showing on Crunchyroll now is ALL LEGAL - fansub or not. And like the article says, you can make your own fansubs as well for content from those rights owners want shown but dont have the time or the talent to do the translations themselves - the rights owners WANT fansubs made - and Crunchroll provides an online interface to allow people to do so.
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:09 pm Reply with quote
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?
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Joined: 02 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:52 pm Reply with quote
Every time I hear someone mention "Crunchyroll" I immediately think of sushi and get very hungry.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:14 pm Reply with quote
KN_guro wrote:
Every time I hear someone mention "Crunchyroll" I immediately think of sushi and get very hungry.

Damn it, now me too.

This is very lol. I appreciate ANN calling CR out on it, but at the same time it's one of those no harm no foul situations so I wonder if it really matters.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I see no source or name, so I guess this isn't news. :p
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, it's not worth getting your panties in a knot over. Laughing
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Joined: 16 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:39 pm Reply with quote
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:08 am Reply with quote
teh*darkness wrote:
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.

Do note that Crunchyroll will legally own those fan-made subs and can do whatever they want with it later, including selling videos, without any rights or compensation to the fan-subber. It's like work-for-hire but for free. On the flipside, Crunchyroll also carries all possible future liabilities (like if somebody got offended on what was written and decided to sue).
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:20 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
teh*darkness wrote:
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.

Do note that Crunchyroll will legally own those fan-made subs and can do whatever they want with it later, including selling videos, without any rights or compensation to the fan-subber. It's like work-for-hire but for free. On the flipside, Crunchyroll also carries all possible future liabilities (like if somebody got offended on what was written and decided to sue).

That's not true. A derivative work like a fansub script is still owned by the person who created it, however they do not have the right to sell it or distribute it without the original content creator's consent. That does not mean, however that the original content creator can do whatever they want with it without the fansubber's consent, either.

To put it more simply: If I write a translation of a book without that book's author's permission, that author cannot just publish my translation and sell it themselves.

Of course, in a case like this the fansubbers would have a very WEAK case to make in court... The fact that CR has the subs in the first place comes from the fansubbers illegally distributing their subs in the first place, so that'd be like a thief complaining about being burgled.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:45 am Reply with quote
Big deal. Considering the kind of thievery going on Wall Street, I consider this minor. At least Crunchyroll's more honest than those execs.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:05 am Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
teh*darkness wrote:
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.

Do note that Crunchyroll will legally own those fan-made subs and can do whatever they want with it later, including selling videos, without any rights or compensation to the fan-subber. It's like work-for-hire but for free. On the flipside, Crunchyroll also carries all possible future liabilities (like if somebody got offended on what was written and decided to sue).

That's not true. A derivative work like a fansub script is still owned by the person who created it, however they do not have the right to sell it or distribute it without the original content creator's consent. That does not mean, however that the original content creator can do whatever they want with it without the fansubber's consent, either.

If you read Crunchyroll's Terms and Conditions for Subtitling about submitting subtitles for videos to which Crunchyroll has the rights:

- the submitter does not have any ownership in the translation that is submitted to CR; CR retains all ownership of the translation script

- CR is not required to give any credit to the submitters who did the translations

- the submitter "waives moral rights"

So before you, the translator, click that submit button, know what you're getting into.

I'm guessing you can do whatever you want with your translation too, but so can CR do whatever it wants legally with the translation you submitted to their site.
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Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:17 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
samuelp wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
teh*darkness wrote:
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.

Do note that Crunchyroll will legally own those fan-made subs and can do whatever they want with it later, including selling videos, without any rights or compensation to the fan-subber. It's like work-for-hire but for free. On the flipside, Crunchyroll also carries all possible future liabilities (like if somebody got offended on what was written and decided to sue).

That's not true. A derivative work like a fansub script is still owned by the person who created it, however they do not have the right to sell it or distribute it without the original content creator's consent. That does not mean, however that the original content creator can do whatever they want with it without the fansubber's consent, either.

If you read Crunchyroll's Terms and Conditions for Subtitling about submitting subtitles for videos to which Crunchyroll has the rights:

- the submitter does not have any ownership in the translation that is submitted to CR; CR retains all ownership of the translation script

- CR is not required to give any credit to the submitters who did the translations

- the submitter "waives moral rights"

So before you, the translator, click that submit button, know what you're getting into.

I'm guessing you can do whatever you want with your translation too, but so can CR do whatever it wants legally with the translation you submitted to their site.

that's the main problem I have with crunchyroll's user submitted subtitle system. They're pretty much profiting off of free labor, and what does the person who submitted the subtitles get? A pat on the back for legitimacy? Pfft, if the idea is to give fansubbers a legal outlet to display their talents their not really giving them any incentive to stop doing what they're already doing.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:05 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
samuelp wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
teh*darkness wrote:
Ctimene's Lover wrote:
Whoa! Rights owners want fansubs? Legalism working with illegal fansubs?

They're not illegal if the rights holders are allowing them to be made.

Do note that Crunchyroll will legally own those fan-made subs and can do whatever they want with it later, including selling videos, without any rights or compensation to the fan-subber. It's like work-for-hire but for free. On the flipside, Crunchyroll also carries all possible future liabilities (like if somebody got offended on what was written and decided to sue).

That's not true. A derivative work like a fansub script is still owned by the person who created it, however they do not have the right to sell it or distribute it without the original content creator's consent. That does not mean, however that the original content creator can do whatever they want with it without the fansubber's consent, either.

If you read Crunchyroll's Terms and Conditions for Subtitling about submitting subtitles for videos to which Crunchyroll has the rights:

- the submitter does not have any ownership in the translation that is submitted to CR; CR retains all ownership of the translation script

- CR is not required to give any credit to the submitters who did the translations

- the submitter "waives moral rights"

So before you, the translator, click that submit button, know what you're getting into.

I'm guessing you can do whatever you want with your translation too, but so can CR do whatever it wants legally with the translation you submitted to their site.

We're not talking about fansubbers that submitted the videos themselves or that use CR's subtitle system.

We're talking about fansubs where someone, somewhere uploaded the videos that were previously distributed through torrents. The original fansubbers never agreed to anything with crunchyroll.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:38 am Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:

We're not talking about fansubbers that submitted the videos themselves or that use CR's subtitle system.

We're talking about fansubs where someone, somewhere uploaded the videos that were previously distributed through torrents. The original fansubbers never agreed to anything with crunchyroll.

Oh OK, although you can't really upload fansubs onto CR anymore, save for this weird thing happening in the news article.

So now, the only thing an user can upload is just the subtitle script.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:44 am Reply with quote
In other news, water is wet and metal is hard.

Really, I thought everybody already knew there were still tons of fansubs on Crunchyroll.

I'm pretty irked that they removed Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's not like anyone can even afford to license it.

Last edited by penguintruth on Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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