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Forum - View topicREVIEW: 07-Ghost GN 1
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Posts: 1 |
Oh my God, I can't believe this was actually licensed. A bit less than a year ago I came across one of those 'read every manga on Earth for free, creator profits be damned' websites and, out of curiosity, picked a random series to see what reading comics online is like. It was 07-Ghost, and I remember thinking that it was an absolute trainwreck. I'm more than willing to bet that a large part of this was just me not 'getting' it due to being well outside the target demographic, but even still I assumed it would never get an official translation.
Maybe I just thought it was awful because I was reading it on a crappy website? Who knows. |
![]() Posts: 108 Location: A Sleepy Town in California |
I like how Casey points out that if you like shonen-ai overtones, you'll be pleased with this better than average written and drawn manga. I admit I also have a weakness for manga that are well-executed and well-drawn in spite of predictable and/or overused plots.
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I bought this a few weeks ago. I have to say the story interests me so far.
![]() Posts: 1529 Location: Sunny California |
I learned a new word - fujoshi! And being one, I'm going to have to check out this book.
Posts: 74 |
A title for fujoshi? I deffinately found the cliche', but I honestly don't think it was very fanservicey at all. Oh and the cover is soooo hot. *drool* (sarcasm)
![]() Posts: 113 Location: My own tweaked world.... |
I honestly didn't think this volume was that manservicey- there's definitely some outright and obvious fangirl pandering, but nothing like, say, Vassalord, where someone with no interest in BL wouldn't be able to overlook it and enjoy the rest of the story. Although, as a yaoi fan who's read more than her fair share of such titles, I may be a bit too desensitized to tell
![]() On that note, I found this volume to be a little bit messy in a few places (particularly when any sort of action was involved), but overall, the story easily intrigued me enough to make me want to read more. Not that I've never read anything like it, but there's a sort of charisma to the story telling that makes me want to continue on. And, I'm not gonna lie, the fanservice that was there certainly didn't hurt its chances with me :3 Overall, I'd say this review's pretty accurate at least from where I was standing. I'm looking forward to see where this goes |
![]() Posts: 234 |
This looks like one of those tease series.
The ones where they give you a nice selection of good looking guys and they put a few suggestive scenes between them but nothing ever really happens. (Kyo Kara Maoh :[, Saiyuki-but I still love it) I dont think this looks like something I'd buy. If there was an anime I'd probably watch it. oh shit there is! ![]() |
![]() Posts: 4 |
Wow, this is the first time I've joined something simply to be angry.
This review is absolute nonsense. I mean, yeah. They're pretty guys, and definitely there will be some fans who pick it up only for that. But saying that if you don't like the pretty guys, you should give it a pass? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Then, with that logic in mind, all of Kaori Yuki, Yuu Watase, Matsuri Hino, even CLAMP's stuff should be ignored. If I remember correctly, they play to the 'omg pretty dark tragic boy' thing too, and yet everyone lauds them as being amazing authors. [Granted, of the aforementioned, I like Kaori Yuki and CLAMP, but they were just examples. The other twos' stories piss me off like nothing else, not to mention I hate their art.] So what's to say that 07-Ghost isn't the same? Maybe if you look past the pretty boys, you can see that it's a good series and not just fangirl fodder. It's got an engaging story, very pretty art, and amazing characters. Maybe some of the transitions between panels get confusing sometimes, but it's pretty rare and besides, this is their first manga. Everyone gets at least a little slack when it's their first time. I might just be another one of those crazy fangirls, but I prefer it when a review actually, y'know, covers all angles, rather than mainly just the pretty boys, the pretty art, and the pretty boys' potential relationships with each other. But that's just me. tl;dr? Actually reading rather than just looking at the pretty before a 'review' would be nice. :D Way to turn people off of the manga before they even give it a chance. |
![]() Posts: 615 Location: Pennsylvania |
Thanks, nonstoppable. I was actually just about to post how that review made it sound like something I wanted to stay far, far away from, despite the world itself sounding pretty interesting.
Are there any key female players at all, though? Even with Angel Sanctuary's bishie pandering there were some women, at least, so what about this one? I'm not really interested in many series that are almost nothing but man-filled. |
![]() Posts: 4 |
Some people take ridiculous stock in reviews, so it's somewhat infuriating to see one of my favorite mangas made out like this. Maybe I am a crazy fan. D:
But in answer to your question, there are a few females, but they're not too prominent. There's an adorable mermaid named Razette who has a rather interesting power and an intriguing relationship with one of the priests, and later on in the story [I think around volume five or six] a pair of twins are introduced through a bit of story with the bad guys. They look pretty fun, I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. Other than that, though, there really aren't very many women in the series. In a later volume, there's a bit about a woman who's terribly important to Teito, and Frau has some rather depressing and touching moments with a dancer. As to key female characters, though, no, not really. D: I'd still say it's worth a shot, though, if you're interested by the world of it. It's just as convoluted and political as this one, and very cool. |
![]() Posts: 615 Location: Pennsylvania |
Hmm, well, it still certainly sounds promising. I'll give it a look next time I'm out!
![]() Posts: 4 |
Alrighty, I hope you enjoy it! And even if you don't, I hope you see that it's more than just a fangirl's paradise.
![]() Posts: 108 Location: A Sleepy Town in California |
There's a difference between a series that have a boatload of pretty boys and a series with pretty boys and their relationships. It seems to me that some readers don't want to read BL in their series, no matter how good the other theme of the story (in this case, fantasy) is.
For me and it's just my opinion, mind you, so don't blow a gasket, if the art's really bad that I can't overlook it, I ain't gonna cut slack for the manga artists being newbies, especially if I have a thought about buying a volume of the series.
It could be you. The reviewer thought the series had strong shonen-ai images covering a pretty good fantasy plot. You thought the good fantasy plot overwhelmed those images. Me, I reserve judgement until I actually read the first volume, which I am really tempted to do now. |
red lamp
Posts: 6 |
You've gotta be kidding me. As a member of this book's 'target audience,' I thought that 07-Ghost was a bland assembly of borrowed ideas and fangirl-grabbing staples. Oops.
![]() Posts: 4 |
That's just the thing, though, unless you've got your 'slash goggles' on, there is no slash, no BL present whatsoever. Yes, someone very important to Teito says that he loves him. The important distinction to make there, though, is that he meant it as a friend. Which, y'know, would make sense, seeing as how they're best friends. Obviously, some people are going to take it in a very BL way, and I can't stop them from that, no matter how much I wish they wouldn't. As a very good friend of mine said, saying it like that, in the way Ms. Brienza phrased it, just cheapens the entire scene. Hell, might as well throw in some shoujo sparkles and flowers, then, if it's truly going to be BL. But. Just. No. It's one of the most heartfelt scenes in the story, the main driving force behind Teito's actions, and to trivialize it like that is just... Frankly, to me, it's insulting. Take off the slash goggles and read it from a non-fujoshi POV, is what I'm trying to say. If you don't like the art, no matter if it's an artist's first series, that's your agenda. I have no right to snap at you and tell you "OMG NO WAI ITZ THE BEST ART EVARR HOW DARE U?!?!?!!!1111" In my opinion, the art is gorgeous and detailed [and a cosplay nightmare, but that's neither here nor there]. If you don't like it, I don't have any right to say otherwise. But given that all they've done before is a few doujinshi, no professional stuff, I'd say this is pretty damn good for their first start. And I applaud you, then, if you reserve judgment for after you read it. A lot of people don't, though, and that's where my problem begins. The fact of the matter, in my opinion that is, is that all this review sends to its readers is that this is a BL-laden book, with goth-fantasy themes behind it. All I want is to clear up that confusion. There is no BL, it's not aimed specifically at the fangirl audiences, and it's not full of simply slash fodder and eyecandy for fujoshi. Hell, I am a fujoshi. Yes, they're pretty. But this is just infuriating. The manga isn't about pandering to the fangirls. I hope you do read it, and enjoy it at least a little. Just please, realize that it's not stuffed to the brim with BL overtones and not much else. That's all I want. Last edited by nonstoppable on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total |
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