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the Rancorous
Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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Location: Sac, Ca USA
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:02 pm
nice review; I agree with most of what is said here.
I actually liked the bus-jacking part, but that's mainly due to Haruka and the Otome Delta-force. "Rocks of that size don't work anymore!"
But visually, what stood out the most to me was in the last episode; when Arika and Nena were fighting the giant, expressionless, angel-winged Fumi. That was pretty awesome, it had a pretty ominous feel to it. All in all, I'd say that Zwei is exactly what a sequel should be .
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Charred Knight
Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:35 pm
Frankly you can never have to much Haruka, in both the Mai-Hime manga, and Mai Otome she always steals the show with her loud mouth bravado, and insanity.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2007
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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:36 pm
Relatively new to the Mai Hime thing. Rented the first and second series via netflix. Ended up buying this because of my clogged netflix que.
Overall, this is fun stuff to watch. A pretty good mix of drama, fanservice, action. My Otome was no no match to the first series in regard to story, but this followup helped even the comparison a lot in my mind. I cant wait to spring this on some of my casual anime fans to see what they think.
Very enjoyable good fun all the way around.
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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:19 pm
If the entire series had been as good as Zwei, then I probably would have bought it. I honestly enjoyed this OVA better than the main show, and that's saying more bad about the show than how awesome the OVA was.
I've said this before; Otome had the potential to be even better than My-Hime, but it got too mired in pointless yuri fanservice to make you actually care about the characters. That and Arika's got nothing on Mai.
They did somewhat redeem themselves with Zwei, which stuck much closer to what made Hime so enjoyable; sweet battles and likeable characters.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:13 am
Nice review! Personally, I like Otome more than Hime. I love both series, but in a way, I thought that Otome's plot was more carefully constructed because the writers had to tell a story that didn't rely on just killing off character after character, which had to be resolved in a deus ex machina to keep it from being a depressing as hell ending. And I like both Mai and Arika, but I didn't like Tate. I like how he has more personality in My Otome, but Arika decides to go for her dream of being an Otome in the end anyway, happy without him. But I thought this OVA made a great wrap-up, and I'm a fan of the whole Mai franchise regardless. ^^ As for the yuri service, the yuri was in brief moments sprinkled throughout the show and it didn't distract from the story any more than, say, Akane and Kazuya's shenanigans, or the servicey scenes involving Arika and Sergay, or Nina and Sergay. Plus, the yuri isn't all fan service; the Aoi/Chie moments were sweet and Shizuru allowing herself to get arrested by Nagi's forces to save Natsuki was not only admirable, but also a crucial plot point (or Natsuki's jealous reaction in the OVA to Professor Gal's comment about how "Shizuru's definitely getting a pretty girl now" when she goes missing).
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