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Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:20 am Reply with quote
Did ADV make it?
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Dark Wolf Ninja

Joined: 05 Mar 2008
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Location: North Dakota
PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:17 pm Reply with quote
Whats the point of CN being there, they axed the Toonami and pretty much become an anti Anime network at least on Adult Swim with all there jabs at Anime fans.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2005
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Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:47 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Did ADV make it?

David Williams from ADV was there (he was a member of an industry spotlight panel); however, ADV did not host an industry panel. This year was scant on specific company panels, even for Anime Weekend Atlanta.

Dark Wolf Ninja wrote:
Whats the point of CN being there,

Since they're based in Atlanta and have had an impact bringing anime clsoer to the mainstream over the past ten years, it's kinda fitting they come to at least one anime convention to talk about their anime.

Dark Wolf Ninja wrote:
they axed the Toonami and pretty much become an anti Anime network at least on Adult Swim with all there jabs at Anime fans.

I was at Anime Hell the night previous when the host [name withheld] announced it prematurely and even in a pitch-black room, you could feel some of the disappointment and dread (I hate to use the word, but I cannot think of a better fitting one) that the announcement was true. I wasn't at the panel, though a good friend of mine (and a hotel roomie) was there. I could tell from him and as the news spread Saturday afternoon that many were saddened by the news but CN approached it from a strong business perspective.

Toonami's more recent incarnations from what I gather have been much less about getting a strong Japanese animation block out to the masses than their heyday of re-running Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, finishing Sailormoon R and having broadcast hits like Outlaw Star and Gundam Wing.

As for Adult Swim, they really are a separate entity from CN, much the same way that you wouldn't consider CN and Turner Classic Movies the same network. Yes, anime that air on [as] are talked about at CN panels but mostly for logistical reasons, I gather. [as] is "against" anime because their original programming and re-runs get more ratings; again, business decisions dictate their cuts and schedule re-arrangements. And, as for the bumps, I'm sure if there were as numerous and as ridiculous things posted about their original programming (and trust me, while I've yet to seriously dedicate myself to watching anime on [as], a lot of their OP I've caught, I think are absolute trash), those would be made into bumps as well.
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