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REVIEW: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion DVD 1-2

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Who Is This Guy!?

Joined: 07 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I agree, in a weird sort of way.

This series is a guilty pleasure top-to-bottom. Or should one feel guilty enjoying at all...?

FYI.......How is Lelouch less likeable than Light? =_= Lelouch has legit motives (selfish...but legit), while Light is just a psychotic serial killer with a god-like ego...
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:36 pm Reply with quote
I have to agree, I find Lelouch more likable than Light. At least Lelouch has friends that he actually cares about... (real friends, not Frienemies like Light has)
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:49 pm Reply with quote
No mention of how CC and Suzaku "die" in the first episode and miraculously reappear shortly thereafter?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:58 pm Reply with quote
I disagree (naturally) with the scores. The sub should be rated higher than the mediocre dub (Johnny Yong Bosch should have been fired for that performance), and the series overall deserves a score higher than a straight "B". I marathoned the first four episodes of the sub, and thought that they were among the best 93 minutes of Anime I had ever seen.

And marking it down just because you hate the protagonist (who is undeniably the protagonist, unlike Light from Death Note or Shinn from Gundam SEED Destiny) is patently unfair. Go watch the Teletubbies or Care Bears if you want a happy series and one-shot characters.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:07 am Reply with quote
where does the review say that Light is more likeable than Lelouch? (Honestly can't find it)

And where does it say that the scores are based only on Lelouch being unlikeable? That's just one of the points. The review gives many more reasons and I almost completely agree with them. Btw, I don't get the part with the cheese oO

It's one of the best reviews of CG I've seen so far. It does the series justice, doesn't rate it too bad nor too high. As the review underlines that we aren't dealing with a masterpiece A is out of the question, wouldn't make sense. And an overall B is pretty solid and just what CG deserves in my opinion (at least the first season, second season is different).

Also very nice that you actually mentioned Taniguchi's other series. Planetes is a way too overlooked gem.

Last edited by maaya on Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:08 am Reply with quote
Ummm, I guess I am just a snobbish emo kid because I found Lelouch to be exactly the type of guy I want to be. To each his/her own I guess.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:22 am Reply with quote
This series got me interested in playing chess, believe it or not.

Even though you can't really actually start with your King... lol.

Last edited by R315r4z0r on Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Who Is This Guy!?

Joined: 07 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:28 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
I disagree (naturally) with the scores. The sub should be rated higher than the mediocre dub (Johnny Yong Bosch should have been fired for that performance), and the series overall deserves a score higher than a straight "B". I marathoned the first four episodes of the sub, and thought that they were among the best 93 minutes of Anime I had ever seen.

And marking it down just because you hate the protagonist (who is undeniably the protagonist, unlike Light from Death Note or Shinn from Gundam SEED Destiny) is patently unfair. Go watch the Teletubbies or Care Bears if you want a happy series and one-shot characters.

Rabid fanboyism is unappreciated. Please go find this magical substance called "life" and spare us of your petty trifle.

maaya wrote:
where does the review say that Light is more likeable than Lelouch? (Honestly can't find it)

Well, he didn't...but if you read the Death Note reviews...you can clearly see the bias tilted towards Light.

Quite frankly, Light Yagami is a complete dick. Lelouch on the other hand has quite a few traces of humanity in him.

Last edited by Who Is This Guy!? on Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:31 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:29 am Reply with quote
eventhough the series doesn't even respect international chess rules ^^;
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Who Is This Guy!?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:32 am Reply with quote
maaya wrote:
eventhough the series doesn't even respect international chess rules ^^;

Who cares? :< This is a parallel universe where the shift of power changed all the way back in Cesar's time...

Apparently in a society ruled by the British...erm, "Britannians"...chess uses not-very-western rules....
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:36 am Reply with quote
sure, but it's still funny for a series of which the authors obviously don't know much about chess, to get others interested in chess in return =)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:40 am Reply with quote
Who Is This Guy!? wrote:

maaya wrote:
where does the review say that Light is more likeable than Lelouch? (Honestly can't find it)

Well, he didn't...but if you read the Death Note reviews...you can clearly see the bias tilted towards Light.

Quite frankly, Light Yagami is a complete dick. Lelouch on the other hand has quite a few traces of humanity in him.

The Death Note reviews have been done by different reviewers than the guy who did this review: except for Death Note Volume 3. Which was the lowest scored Death Note review on the site, and a review that generated quite an interesting forum thread. I believe Carl (the reviewer) referred to Light as a "nasty little pyscho" in that review.

So I think it's quite clear that he finds Lelouch more likable than Light. He found some redeeming qualites in Lelouch at least.

Last edited by Mad_Scientist on Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 19 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:24 am Reply with quote
The result is fast-paced, shamefully enjoyable, and not nearly as stupid as it first appears

I believe I have even uttered the phrase "shamefully enjoyable" when I was describing this series to my friends. The show is so ridiculous, and yet I keep coming back for more!

I also like how you brought up that the lines sound like they came from a bard. That's one of the reasons I love this series. It's over-the-top in the way that bards' stories or tall tales are, and that's what makes it so lovable.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:33 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
I disagree (naturally) with the scores. The sub should be rated higher than the mediocre dub (Johnny Yong Bosch should have been fired for that performance), and the series overall deserves a score higher than a straight "B". I marathoned the first four episodes of the sub, and thought that they were among the best 93 minutes of Anime I had ever seen.

I agree, code geass deserves an at least an "A-". Simply put after I watched the first episode that this series would be one heck of a ride that would not disappoint and it still hasn't, even though some people have the opinion season 2 is a bloody train wreck(Please don't flame me for this).

In my honest opinion Johnny Yong Bosch's (JYB) performance as Lelouch is a complete and utter disappointment at best. When he plays as Lelouch it sounds way too similar to his Ichigo voice from Bleach. If JYB could get his voice to sound deeper when Lelouch is Zero I'd be a bit more forgiving.

The English dub for code geass is mediocre at best. I highly recommend to anyone that watches code geass to listen to the Japanese dub (Sub) even if you normally don't. The Japanese Voices are by far superior to that of the English dub(I don't want to see this thread turn into a dub vs sub argument and once again please don't flame me for voicing my opinion). When emotions start running high towards the end of the season you'll truly appreciate the quality of the Japanese voices. Also, once you hear Jun Fukuyama's performance as Lelouch you might find it hard to go back to listening to JYB as Lelouch.
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Who Is This Guy!?

Joined: 07 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:40 am Reply with quote
LightYagami wrote:
dtm42 wrote:
I disagree (naturally) with the scores. The sub should be rated higher than the mediocre dub (Johnny Yong Bosch should have been fired for that performance), and the series overall deserves a score higher than a straight "B". I marathoned the first four episodes of the sub, and thought that they were among the best 93 minutes of Anime I had ever seen.

I agree, code geass deserves an at least an "A-". Simply put after I watched the first episode that this series would be one heck of a ride that would not disappoint and it still hasn't, even though some people have the opinion season 2 is a bloody train wreck(Please don't flame me for this).

In my honest opinion Johnny Yong Bosch's (JYB) performance as Lelouch is a complete and utter disappointment at best. When he plays as Lelouch it sounds way too similar to his Ichigo voice from Bleach. If JYB could get his voice to sound deeper when Lelouch is Zero I'd be a bit more forgiving.

The English dub for code geass is mediocre at best. I highly recommend to anyone that watches code geass to listen to the Japanese dub (Sub) even if you normally don't. The Japanese Voices are by far superior to that of the English dub(I don't want to see this thread turn into a dub vs sub argument and once again please don't flame me for voicing my opinion). When emotions start running high towards the end of the season you'll truly appreciate the quality of the Japanese voices. Also, once you hear Jun Fukuyama's performance as Lelouch you might find it hard to go back to listening to JYB as Lelouch.

I prefer Johnny, actually. Fukuyama was good at first, but then he took way, WAAAAAY out of proportion. YONG keeps it real, though. He's a true homie.
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