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NEWS: Crunchyroll to Add Gonzo, ADV, Media Blasters Titles

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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Welcome to the new age of watching anime I dont really like the dowload way but there you go move on or die
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:42 pm Reply with quote
That's cool and all, but couldn't they use a different site...?
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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Yes I was thinking they could use another site...........but the others havnt had 4 million dollars recently have they. I must say there seems very little justice in the world.

Who can blame gonzo and ADV for going were the money and the *so called* fans.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:48 pm Reply with quote
if you want to cleanse a problem, you take care of it from the source...eerrr one of the main sources in this case.
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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:16 pm Reply with quote
My biggest problem with Crunchyroll is that no matter how many companies sign up, they are still running an illegal streaming service. Before this, they had a total of 4 titles they were allowed to stream. By my understanding these are the only titles that should have been available on the site, yet they still stream every unlicensed (by their misguided definitions) anime. The only deal they had with a company in japan prior to this was Gonzo for the 3 shows listed; I wonder what every other production studio in Japan thinks of Gonzo for backing a site that streams their stuff without an agreement. Ha, I just checked and they are even streaming Xam'd, apparently in high quality even, and from what I understood this is available through the Sony PS3 network; I bet they are even using their subtitles. I hope Sony looks into this.

If these ninnies really want to claim to be legit they need to clear everything except these titles mentioned here off of their site, not just the shows licensed in the US. In the end they are still making money off shows they have no rights to. I'm sure the people that regularly watch stuff on that site aren't all there for Tower of Druaga and Blassreiter.

Ok, that's about it. I hadn't made my rant about this on any of the previous topics so I just needed to get it out of my system. I may watch my fair share of fansubs, all of which are illegal, but I won't support a site that makes money off of those illegal subs.

Last edited by undeadben on Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Kireek wrote:
Yes I was thinking they could use another site...........but the others havnt had 4 million dollars recently have they. I must say there seems very little justice in the world.

Who can blame gonzo and ADV for going were the money and the *so called* fans.

The reason they're probably doing this with Crunchyroll probably has more to do with the hits they get. Given ADV's recent situation they need to do something to survive and with the traffic Crunchyroll gets they're bound to make some money. By the way did they mention if the series will be sub or dub?
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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Cetus-kun wrote:
Kireek wrote:
Yes I was thinking they could use another site...........but the others havnt had 4 million dollars recently have they. I must say there seems very little justice in the world.

Who can blame gonzo and ADV for going were the money and the *so called* fans.

The reason they're probably doing this with Crunchyroll probably has more to do with the hits they get. Given ADV's recent situation they need to do something to survive and with the traffic Crunchyroll gets they're bound to make some money. By the way did they mention if the series will be sub or dub?

Oh yes dont get me wrong they will make money to survive which is good thing............I just personally dont like the way there going about it thats all.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:22 pm Reply with quote
Oh darn, No GaoGaiGar, I was this close to ploping the money for the MB download there and then.

Goddamn are MB stupid.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:22 pm Reply with quote
Cetus-kun wrote:
Kireek wrote:
Yes I was thinking they could use another site...........but the others havnt had 4 million dollars recently have they. I must say there seems very little justice in the world.

Who can blame gonzo and ADV for going were the money and the *so called* fans.

The reason they're probably doing this with Crunchyroll probably has more to do with the hits they get. Given ADV's recent situation they need to do something to survive and with the traffic Crunchyroll gets they're bound to make some money. By the way did they mention if the series will be sub or dub?

Oh yes dont get me wrong they will make money to survive which is good thing............I just personally dont like the way there going about it thats all.


HEHE slow computer mods could u sort my multiple posts out thanks sorry all
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Kireek wrote:
Cetus-kun wrote:
Kireek wrote:
Yes I was thinking they could use another site...........but the others havnt had 4 million dollars recently have they. I must say there seems very little justice in the world.

Who can blame gonzo and ADV for going were the money and the *so called* fans.

The reason they're probably doing this with Crunchyroll probably has more to do with the hits they get. Given ADV's recent situation they need to do something to survive and with the traffic Crunchyroll gets they're bound to make some money. By the way did they mention if the series will be sub or dub?

Oh yes don't get me wrong they will make money to survive which is good thing............I just personally don't like the way there going about it thats all.

I don't really agree with how Crunchyroll is making money off illegal content, but I don't think ignoring the people who use the site will help either. What the industry needs to do is to make more affordable options (like digital downloads) so that the people who feel DVD's are too expensive might support the industry. We're already headed in that direction.
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Joined: 11 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:32 pm Reply with quote
undeadben wrote:
My biggest problem with Crunchyroll is that no matter how many companies sign up, they are still running an illegal streaming service. Before this, they had a total of 4 titles they were allowed to stream. By my understanding these are the only titles that should have been available on the site, yet they still stream every unlicensed (by their misguided definitions) anime. The only deal they had with a company in japan prior to this was Gonzo for the 3 shows listed; I wonder what every other production studio in Japan thinks of Gonzo for backing a site that streams their stuff without an agreement. Ha, I just checked and they are even streaming Xam'd, apparently in high quality even, and from what I understood this is available through the Sony PS3 network; I bet they are even using their subtitles. I hope Sony looks into this.

If these ninnies really want to claim to be legit they need to clear everything except these titles mentioned here off of their site, not just the shows licensed in the US. In the end they are still making money off shows they have no rights to. I'm sure the people that regularly watch stuff on that site aren't there for Tower of Druaga and Blassreiter.

Ok, that's about it. I hadn't made my rant about this on any of the previous topics so I just needed to get it out of my system. I may watch my fair share of fansubs, all of which are illegal, but I won't support a site that makes money off of those illegal subs.

While I agree completely with everything you said 100% except to add that if the studios don't like what Gonzo is doing to offer their titles someplace else that fans can access without restrictions. Yes, Sony could and maybe should do something about it but they could also not tie their downloads to a stupid game console. And this goes double the domestic companies who have been screaming about fansubbing killing them putting their stuff there.

I don't really blame CR foe being a bunch of opportunistic douche bags, at least they're consistently douche bags.
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Daimao Raki

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:40 pm Reply with quote
If the Japanese studios would make same day pay for sub downloads, then I don't think this would be so much an issue. But Gen of Funi says they almost all oppose it.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:50 pm Reply with quote
My only issue is their HD looks like crap. I havnt found a similar site with non-crap "HD" but if they're getting so much money from this why wont they offer real quality.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Hey geniuses, if you want to make money, get a better site so we can watch our anime in various formats. Crunchyroll is just crap.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Onsokumaru wrote:
Hey geniuses, if you want to make money, get a better site so we can watch our anime in various formats. Crunchyroll is just crap.

Agreed CR is well..........evil but hey they have 4 million dollars and a shed load of people so lets go there.......you know
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