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Interview: Square Enix's National Manager of Merchandise, Kanji Tashiro

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Joined: 26 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:35 am Reply with quote
Right now that same team is working on Final Fantasy XIII and Kingdom Hearts. Once they're done with those projects, they're probably going to revisit Final Fantasy VII.

Oh god...more spinoffs.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:33 am Reply with quote
I generallly don't read these articles, but since this deals with Square Enix, I was interested. I've been purchasing Square Enix* (initially there were two separate companies; Enix and Square Soft) for about a decade now.

Hopefully, along with Final Fantasy, there will be more Dragon Quest in America as well. Also, hopefully Square Enix will license and translate at least one Dragon Quest manga series. Dragon Quest Dai No Daibokuen would be fine (Dragon Quest: Dai's Big Adventure).

Excellent article, none the less. Thanks for hard work Zac.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:37 am Reply with quote
I would love to see more of Square Enix's manga merchandise available here in the States. I'm always green with jealousy flipping through G-Fantasy and seeing all the nice manga-related merchandise I can't buy here.

Last edited by LKK on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:55 am Reply with quote
Awesome! I'm really stoked. Maybe there will be stuff for Soul Eater and/or Zombie Loan? That would be hecka rad. I'd also love it if they made merch for The World Ends With You. It's my favorite game ever, and there was a manga, but it was only 2 chapters. :c
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:25 pm Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
I generallly don't read these articles, but since this deals with Square Enix, I was interested. I've been purchasing Square Enix* (initially there were two separate companies; Enix and Square Soft) for about a decade now.

Hopefully, along with Final Fantasy, there will be more Dragon Quest in America as well. Also, hopefully Square Enix will license and translate at least one Dragon Quest manga series. Dragon Quest Dai No Daibokuen would be fine (Dragon Quest: Dai's Big Adventure).

Excellent article, none the less. Thanks for hard work Zac.

I certainly hope so, since we were the only ones that didn't get the anime. We may as well get Dai no Daibokuen's manga.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:07 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
I generallly don't read these articles, but since this deals with Square Enix, I was interested. I've been purchasing Square Enix* (initially there were two separate companies; Enix and Square Soft) for about a decade now.

Hopefully, along with Final Fantasy, there will be more Dragon Quest in America as well. Also, hopefully Square Enix will license and translate at least one Dragon Quest manga series. Dragon Quest Dai No Daibokuen would be fine (Dragon Quest: Dai's Big Adventure).

Excellent article, none the less. Thanks for hard work Zac.

I certainly hope so, since we were the only ones that didn't get the anime. We may as well get Dai no Daibokuen's manga.

True, but the fact that Square Enix is now licensing manga is really astounding. If at least one Dragon Quest manga is licensed and published, I'd be happy with that.

I've been a gamer for almost twenty years and to even see the North America Square Enix license manga at all is simply amazing.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:39 pm Reply with quote
It was interesting that the SquareEnix booth at ComicCon was staffed by people who did not know much English (Someone asked them for a rubber band, and they had no clue what he was talking about until I translated for him.)

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

True, but the fact that Square Enix is now licensing manga is really astounding. If at least one Dragon Quest manga is licensed and published, I'd be happy with that.

I've been a gamer for almost twenty years and to even see the North America Square Enix license manga at all is simply amazing.

Isn't it just that they are licensing the manga out to Yen?
While Dai no Daibouken getting licensed would be at the top of my list, with the upcoming release of DQIV on the DS it would be a good time to release the Princess Alena manga , or any of the other manga based on the Zenithian Series.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:37 am Reply with quote
Mimas wrote:
It was interesting that the SquareEnix booth at ComicCon was staffed by people who did not know much English (Someone asked them for a rubber band, and they had no clue what he was talking about until I translated for him.)

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

True, but the fact that Square Enix is now licensing manga is really astounding. If at least one Dragon Quest manga is licensed and published, I'd be happy with that.

I've been a gamer for almost twenty years and to even see the North America Square Enix license manga at all is simply amazing.

Isn't it just that they are licensing the manga out to Yen?
While Dai no Daibouken getting licensed would be at the top of my list, with the upcoming release of DQIV on the DS it would be a good time to release the Princess Alena manga , or any of the other manga based on the Zenithian Series.

Opps, I forgot that fact when I wrote that. I am still surprized that Square Enix is licensing manga though. Although I have played Dragon Quest 4 on the Nintendo system (which is actually called Dragon Warrior four) I have never heard of Princess Alena manga or actually even any of the Zenithian series.

I'll admit that because Dai No Daibouken has never been formally translated in North America, I've only been able to read the fan scanlated version of Dai No Daibokuen. However, unlike those fans who read manga, I actually purchase manga at book stores.

If you are indeed the person who translated the interview and set the whole event up, thank you. In today's gaming market, role playing games aren't as popular as they were ten or twenty years ago. I really do hope there is a Dragon Quest manga in the future though.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:58 pm Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

Opps, I forgot that fact when I wrote that. I am still surprized that Square Enix is licensing manga though. Although I have played Dragon Quest 4 on the Nintendo system (which is actually called Dragon Warrior four) I have never heard of Princess Alena manga or actually even any of the Zenithian series.

Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI are all part of the so called "Zenithian series". Each of them had a manga in Japan, though both the Alena manga, and the Tenku Monogatari (V) manga are just based on a small part of their respective games overall story. You can see the cover of the Alena manga at Besu's Slime Shrine. I only own three volumes of it because I've found it hard to find.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

I'll admit that because Dai No Daibouken has never been formally translated in North America, I've only been able to read the fan scanlated version of Dai No Daibokuen. However, unlike those fans who read manga, I actually purchase manga at book stores.

Its nice to hear that. While I pick up my manga in Japanese so I don't use scanslations, what your doing sounds much more like the old time fan sub and manga translation ethics.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

If you are indeed the person who translated the interview and set the whole event up, thank you. In today's gaming market, role playing games aren't as popular as they were ten or twenty years ago. I really do hope there is a Dragon Quest manga in the future though.

No, no I am just another fan, I had nothing to do with this interview Anime smile;. I just also was at the convention and found it surprising that they did not use their American staff to man the booth. I would also like to thank the people behind this interview..

The Dragon Quest manga are good manga in their own right, and really deserve to be released here. I'm rooting for them too.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Onsokumaru wrote:
Right now that same team is working on Final Fantasy XIII and Kingdom Hearts. Once they're done with those projects, they're probably going to revisit Final Fantasy VII.

Oh god...more spinoffs.
Spin off are hit and miss. So far Final Fantasy 7 spin offs have been a miss, all of them.

So, how about Final Fantasy 4 After? Strike will the iron is hot. :p
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