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NEWS: First Image of Live-Action Dragonball's Goku Published

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Joined: 13 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:26 pm Reply with quote
The image in question:
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:31 pm Reply with quote
Something tells me this is going to be a very odd movie, with implied fighting, bathroom humor and a Master Roshi with a british accent.

Seriously, this movie sounds like something only a very hardcore fan would come up with.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:36 pm Reply with quote
Well, I'm not aghast. I suppose that's a good sign.

It would be hilarious if this movie turned out to be brilliant.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:39 pm Reply with quote
What they did to Transformers and Speed Racer, I'm gonna assume they're gonna do to Dragon Ball...as long as they don't spin it off into an American produced TV show.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Absolutely terrible.

You know, way back when I first heard about the possibility of this film, I really expected that they would use some kind of a real budget, costume design, and CGI blended together to actually give the art design and the overall feel of this film a Toriyama-esque look to the characters and view.

This is absolutely wrong on every level. A compute U turn away from the direction that they should be taking with the visuals and look of the film.

Instead of Goku, we get this ridiculous looking, skinny bean pole with some bizarre, afro that look like it was hit by a flying lawnmower, a truly puke-worthy costume design, and a face and look that obviously appeals to viewers of Dawson's Creek instead of Dragonball.

The rest of the casting is equally bizarre and nonsensical, and the whole design here looks to abandon anything even closely related to a Dragonball or Toriyama-esque world in favor of some godawful, cheesy looking emo teen drama on the CW.

This film is looking more and more like a hideous, unforgivable disgrace and a slap in the face of anyone even remotely familiar with the source material.

Why do these idiot Hollywood types insist on trying to push the square peg through the round hole that it doesn't belong in, to try and make something that isn't based in reality portrayed by real life actors, that barely resembles what they claim to be aiming for?

It would have been possible to basically work hard enough to push this into an aspect that fits the design of the show it claims to be based on.

But they just forget that idea, in favor of putting in barely minimal effort to produce a very poor looking, D-grade shlocky looking miserable film that looks like a straight to video teen drama.

This is supposed to be Dragonball, not Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, or Smallville.

This is the complete opposite of the direction they should be going.

At one point, I had high hopes for this movie as possibly looking and feeling something like Dragonball. That awful, hideous picture from the Mexico location was my first clue that it's going to look like some shlocky, D grade power rangers crap.

But this picture now brings to mind a disgustingly annoying cross between Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and CW teen dramas.

Tell me, when is the last time Dragonball resembled either of those two things?

TOEI should be ashamed, Toriyama should be ashamed, this is going to go down in history as being even worse than the Speed Racer film, if that's even possible.

This is absolutely terrible and with this single image, I have lost all hope for this film.

If by some miracle or by the grace of god, if the trailer doesn't make me outright outright vomit, i'll be surprised.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Hmm.... I'm still reserving judgement on this movie until I see a trailer.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:18 pm Reply with quote
Oh my, what a cynical bunch. :p
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Joined: 10 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:34 pm Reply with quote
looks absolutely HILARIOUS! This is why you should leave anime as anime.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:47 pm Reply with quote
Ok, so the best they could come up with is putting some gel in his hair!? Chalk up another reason why this movie should not have ever happened. Also, as far as I can tell he hasn't exactly been hitting the gym. I'm not expecting a body builder physique, but he looks about as impressive as I would. Also, the costume looks like something that isn't far removed from what people normally wear. Nothing about it looks like a movie with good fights, and certainly not anywhere close to Dragonball.

I really hope that someone in charge over there realizes what a disastrous wast of time, money, and effort(if you can call it that) that they're headed for and just cancels this thing now.
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Joined: 10 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:52 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
Ok, so the best they could come up with is putting some gel in his hair!? Chalk up another reason why this movie should not have ever happened. Also, as far as I can tell he hasn't exactly been hitting the gym. I'm not expecting a body builder physique, but he looks about as impressive as I would. Also, the costume looks like something that isn't far removed from what people normally wear. Nothing about it looks like a movie with good fights, and certainly not anywhere close to Dragonball.

I really hope that someone in charge over there realizes what a disastrous wast of time, money, and effort(if you can call it that) that they're headed for and just cancels this thing now.

Agreed. But part of me really thinks the Nihonjins will eat this up. I think thats part of the reason its releasing there first.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:55 pm Reply with quote
There's been fanboy whining for months about how this is going to be the "worst movie EVAR!!1!11", yet we haven't even seen a trailer yet. It could be terrible, or it could turn out better than everyone's expecting, so the premature doomsday predictions are getting a bit tiresome.

Personally, I don't know how good it's going to turn out, but I'm going to be there opening day regardless Anime smile Can't resist the lure of a live action version of my all-time favorite anime, even if it does end up turning out crappy.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:01 pm Reply with quote
I lol'd.

Anywayz,it's just a dumb picture.
Judge how the movie will come out when THE TRAILER COMES.
One picture is published and hell breaks loose.

But I kinda agree,wtf is with Goku?
The other actors/actresses I can see in character but that guy?....er,not really.

I hope more better pictures come soon.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:01 pm Reply with quote
The best part about this movie is the hilarious wailing and moaning temper tantrum response it gets from anime fans.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:02 pm Reply with quote
I wish the Wachowski's did a DBZ movie rather than a Speed Racer movie. They would certainly have given the series justice. I pictured the movie to look a lot like the Matrix in manyu terms but what we have here looks far from what I saw it as.

Oh well, we can never be certain. For all I know this might be the next big hit (although given what is shown here, it is highly unlikely).
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:15 pm Reply with quote
I'm all about not judging a movie in any way before actually seeing it, but I have to say this picture looks like sh*t. This emokid with a hair gel overdose hardly resembles Goku in any way. Power Rangers was also the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this pic. I'm already picturing cheap CGI and really bad acting.

But, oh well, it is just one picture after all. I'll wait for the trailer and when it confirms my fears... well, I'm going to see it anyway. Smile
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