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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:33 am Reply with quote
To all those people who at least allowed for the possibility of fansub-industry collaboration: you are my heroes.

Okay, that was a bit over the top. But still, it is good to keep an open mind.

To the new Answerfan question, ah, not all the time. If lolicon, moe and harem Anime were solely produced due to fan demand (and I believe there is some truth there), then a resounding no.

Companies should listen to fans. Fans can provide crucial feedback, and influence Anime to keep it from straying down bad paths.

But they (the companies) need to know when "demand" is coming from a small vocal section of fandom. Though this group may be loyal, I subscribe to the philosophy that Anime should be produced in proportion. And it is my belief that too much Anime of certain genres are being produced.

Last edited by dtm42 on Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:39 am Reply with quote
i dont think anime companies need to work with fansubbers cause they don't really need them. I mean there already paying people who do the exact same thing fan subbers do. Also viz proved that it was possible to release subbed episodes of a series that was currently running in japan when they released deathnote. Personally i think a subscription or payper view online streaming service will become that for quick anime releases will become the ultimate anit-fansubber weapon. Also companies need to start working with the anime companies when they produce an upcoming series in order to avoid the licensing wait. Finnally I think people need to wake up and realize that the dvd isnt going to be the back bone of the anime industry for much longer(expect it to be completely phased out within ten years along with all forms of disc storage media).
dtm42 wrote:

Companies need to know when "demand" is coming from a small vocal section of fandom.
lol but in japan that small vocal section are usually the only ones who buy the merchandise
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:43 am Reply with quote

Slamming bad fansub groups for translation hackjobs is certainly accurate, but to say that the R1 companies are always superior just isn't right. I've seen more than a few typos and grammatical errors in officially released R1 DVDs; on the other hand, the VERY BEST of fansub groups can be trusted to be more error-free than even the average R1 company (except in karaoke subs if the anime comes out before the official lyrics are released). Yes, if we're comparing averages, then the R1 companies definitely win, but if we account for the speed and only consider the best fansub groups, there's no way the R1 companies can compete with fansubs in terms of desirability.

I guess my point is that if I HAD to always pay the ridiculously high prices for anime ALL the time, then keeping all factors constant, I would be much more willing to drop $6 an ep on a fansub than on an R1 DVD. I have in fact paid for R1 DVDs after watching the fansub, but it's usually only to put something on my shelf. Generally if I want to rewatch, I'll watch the fansub; the only exception is when the DVD has nice extras or if I don't have my DivX-DVD player on me.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:55 am Reply with quote
I guess my real gripe is that everything else is sacrificed just to make the story enjoyable to those fans. Take Shuffle, which Zac alluded to in his fake Answerfan question. It is burdened with an ultra-contrived story, just to get the girls together with the one guy. Character development and good old fashioned characterisation (having realistic characters) also suffers.

I prefer Anime to be enjoyable. With Code Geass, I willingly ignore the plot holes and plot contrivances, simply because I have such a soft spot for it. It is that cool.

But some Anime takes it too far, and I believe this is due to lazy writers listening to vocal fans who have a, well......[trails off because he doesn't know how to put politely what he really wants to say]
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Joined: 10 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:05 am Reply with quote
Okay then. Well after reading all that wonderful fansub banter what a wonderful last response I had to read. Thank you Mr. The Oppressed for making me go WTF and LMAO.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:08 am Reply with quote
LP, the speed of the releases in one of the main problems with the anime compaines. Since thats what the fansubs prove people wouldn't have to get angry waiting forever if they worked together. And its perfectly in my right to get angry, especially when a company disappers with a lisence and never says anything about it again.

If they did like LP suggested, i'd be all over that. However, it makes me sad to take the pessimistic aproach but it'll never happen. In case anyone mentions BV- I'm not going to pay $30+ for two episodes on one disc. Very few people will.

I have to wonder, what made Viz go the route of non-dubbed dvds? They could have sold those uncut in boxsets from the get-go.
It probably could have stayed at the least 10 episodes ahead of the show on tv. (thats a guess, but seeing as how some quality fansubs can crank one out in less than 24 hrs, and the dubbing process for an episode takes more than 24 hours (if I remember correctly, on of the VA's mentioned mulitpule sessions on the saiyuki commentary.)

Whoops- the answerfan question. If its based on what the people want I kinda feel that we, in america! have no real...say in what they produce in Japan. it wasn't intended for us orginally.

Fan reaction, well. I've never been to Japan but based on what i've read it seems like Japan has got some hardcore otaku that could rival D&D players in their pursit of happiness. I mean, hearing about these Hikimori who shut themsleves off from the world to watch tv and play games...thats hardcore. If they're the ones buying every single Haruhi statue then why not appeal to them?
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:25 am Reply with quote
Shocked No more Answerman until the 7th?! But... but... what am I supposed to do with my Fridays anywhere between the times of 12:00 am to 1:30 am? Sad

Crying or Very sad

I miss Answerman already...
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:34 am Reply with quote
I'd be more willing to drop cash if companies got off thier backsides and released the things I like.

A little more Lagann, Gunsou and Gaogaigar an' a hell of a lot less Kannon and Voltron.

Oddly enough, I want to buy stuff but I ether can't because the company in question is mermaiding it (as is the case of ADV and Gunsou, Lagann is looking like it too thanks to the debarticle) or I refuse to buy because I'm not going out of my way to buy a half-arsed DVD like what future Gaogaigar dvds will be.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:01 am Reply with quote
Next Answerfans: MOE! Because there's no such thing as enough hate for it!
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:02 am Reply with quote
It should be interesting to see how R1 & R2 becoming BDR1 will change things going forward. I predict much pain and sorrow before companies finally get the hang of it, but hopefully it will encourage a multi-lingual approach earlier on.

Which girl would you chose -- The single one? Besides, this question makes no sense when you figure the whole point behind a harem is in not chosing just one (or at all.)

Is fan input a good thing? No. Why? It usually just comes off rather hackneyed and pandertastic (not even Jade can pull it off all the time.) If the professionals are not sufficiently creative enough to do it on their own, then what is the prevailing consumer interest in supporting them? If you are the super creative genius fan that merely lacks the artistic skills to bring a story into the medium, commission someone and rake in the profit yourself. Finally ... Snakes on a Plane *the prosecution rests*
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Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:13 am Reply with quote
Oh how I love the inside jokes that sprout up now and again in this column. Very Happy One must truly follow the Answerman column to fully enjoy the fake "Hey Answerfans!" question this week. And then I can't help but smile as I remember the origins of the cute animals picture included in the column. What? Me a long time reader? Yep. You got it. Anyway...

Great answers to the Answerfans column this week. I actually read everyone's answers...which is rare. *blink blink* Kudos to everyone - even the one on hiatus...*cough* That means you Zac. Wink lol.
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Ai no Kareshi

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:39 am Reply with quote
Matthew Lanigan wrote:
This week in your column you asked, jokingly, if I have ever watched anime in the bath. Well, I never said that I could take a joke. You ask the question in such a condescending manner, as if you hold those of us who have watched anime in the bath as some form of lesser being. Perhaps, as the deluded, crazy ninja boy's deluded, crazy hawk shapeshifter girlfriend Lite-Brite thought, you are indeed a racist. Racist against people who watch anime in the bath.

LOL e+48 at this entire response. Laughing
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Joined: 19 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:59 am Reply with quote
As I've said before, the only way R1 companies are going to routinely get my dollars is to put it out subtitled, fast, cheap, completely uncut, uncensored and accurate and downloadable without DRM. They need to earn my money, otherwise they don't deserve it. If they could do what the fansubbers do, get an episode out a week after it's aired in Japan, subtitled, for a buck or two, they'd be making a mint. If they cannot or will not (and my bets are on the latter most of the time), then they don't deserve to stay in business.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:09 am Reply with quote
Cephus wrote:
As I've said before, the only way R1 companies are going to routinely get my dollars is to put it out subtitled, fast, cheap, completely uncut, uncensored and accurate and downloadable without DRM. They need to earn my money, otherwise they don't deserve it. If they could do what the fansubbers do, get an episode out a week after it's aired in Japan, subtitled, for a buck or two, they'd be making a mint. If they cannot or will not (and my bets are on the latter most of the time), then they don't deserve to stay in business.

The question was to do with fansubber-industry collaboration, not industry-created online subs.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful (I actually agree with what you are saying), but last week's Answerman is a slightly more suitable thread for your post than this thread.

But I forgive you. That is what nice people do.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:18 am Reply with quote
Speaking of the fansub question and Blu-Ray Region 1...

It seems that quite a few anime companies are beginning to release titles in a high-definition disc format. Now that Blu-Ray has declared victory, all we have to wait for is a final profile spec (currently non-final at spec 2.0) for the format to really blossom. Also, for the most part, anime fans who watch fansubs tend to have a broadband connection.

All Blu-Ray discs from this point on should be able to make use of BD-Java and downloadable dynamic content. I'm fairly sure that a paid distribution model exists or could be implemented for BD-Java downloadable content as well. That being said, it would be interesting to see the DVD R1 and DVD R2 (both BD R1) companies work together to create quick and decisive licensing contracts for anime works.

If (and that's a big if, I know) this could happen, a better distribution model for the US could be feasible. Imagine this: Every month in the US, a BD could be released with 4 sub-only episodes of recently-aired Japanese language anime. After the studios finish dubbing the series, the dubs could be released for download using the BD-Java system for a fee. This would make sub-only discs release a lot faster and cost less as well.

That way, sub-only discs could be released quickly to satiate the anime fans who want their anime shortly after the JP air date. Fans who don't want dubs could simply buy the sub-only version and save money (to buy more sub-only titles with? Maybe?). Also, the fans who do care about dubs can still get them by downloading them to the HDD in their Blu-Ray disc player. Or, with faster broadband speeds on the way, you could just stream the English audio track over the web and not worry about HDD space.

So, does this sound like a good idea? Does it even sound realistic/feasible, or am I just talking out of my head here? Laughing
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