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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:17 am Reply with quote
I'm just gonna be over here doing a jig about the only two Lunar games being available for modern platforms (There are only two Lunar games. I will fight people on this. Walking School and especially Dragonsong don't actually exist.) Its also good to get a timeframe on Fantasian.

As far as upcoming stuff: I'm (clearly,) a big rpg nerd, so I'm definitely interested in the upcoming Metaphor game- Atlus puts out slick RPGs, even if I occasionally have my gripes. I'm more skeptical about Dragon Age- Bioware's last two swings have been big misses, after all. Still, the game isn't out yet. I'm interested enough in what's been shown and said not to completely write the thing off...but I'm hardly convinced either.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:20 am Reply with quote
The State of Play was pretty disappointing. Not much else to say.

I’m getting tired of Level 5’s delays; at least we’re getting an anime out of it, I guess. Side note: if you haven’t played a Professor Layton game…you absolutely should! They’re really fun. On that note, Megaton Musashi is a really underplayed mecha game; hopefully more people get into it.

The most exciting announcement was the Inazuma Eleven remake, since I never got to play those.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:21 am Reply with quote
b-dragon wrote:
I'm just gonna be over here doing a jig about the only two Lunar games being available for modern platforms (There are only two Lunar games. I will fight people on this. Walking School and especially Dragonsong don't actually exist.) Its also good to get a timeframe on Fantasian.

There's literally nothing wrong with Walking School. Especially if we're talking about the Saturn remake which was more in-line with the other 2 Lunar Games.

Holy Horror Mansion just reminds me of Kamiwaza Wanda which was a Yokai Watch knock back in 2016 around a boy with a camera who used it to find invisible not-Yokai causing problems in the real world. It lasted less than a year before getting canned. I wonder if Level 5 in turn borrowed some of that for this idea.

Saying Yokai Watch was more kid-oriented than Pokemon seems to depend what you mean though. On one hand that was around the time XY was airing before the Sun and Moon anime went full Yokai Watch as well so it was more comedic by comparison to XY which a lot of people liked. But Yokai Watch still seemed to have no problem with nudity, sex jokes, fanservice, alcohol, stuff like that Pokemon stopped doing after the first season. And then when Sun and Moon came out Yokai Watch did the opposite themselves and skewed darker with Yokai Watch Shadowside so it was a funny time of reversals back then between the two franchises.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Bertram wrote:

Saying Yokai Watch was more kid-oriented than Pokemon seems to depend what you mean though. On one hand that was around the time XY was airing before the Sun and Moon anime went full Yokai Watch as well so it was more comedic by comparison to XY which a lot of people liked. But Yokai Watch still seemed to have no problem with nudity, sex jokes, fanservice, alcohol, stuff like that Pokemon stopped doing after the first season. And then when Sun and Moon came out Yokai Watch did the opposite themselves and skewed darker with Yokai Watch Shadowside so it was a funny time of reversals back then between the two franchises.

Can't speak for the anime which i never watched but have heard somethings about, but the writing of the games is definitely aimed at a younger demographic. Which isn't a bad thing. In fact i believe it's one of the reasons why the franchise outsold pokemon at times. I view the Yokai watch franchise as a good counterpoint to the claims of Pokemon needing to be more "mature" or "darker" You bring up Shadowside but i've heard it had mixed reception from fans which led to another reboot that brought back the first protagonist and the lighter tone.

Side note: Anime is wierd in how it can contain the things you listed (nudity, sex jokes, fanservice, alcohol) and still be viewed as a kids show. I'm pretty sure pokemon dropped stuff like that more to appeal to a global audience than for any other reason
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Joined: 13 Jun 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:11 pm Reply with quote
Meanwhile, there isn't much buzz about one of their more recent titles, Megaton Musashi W: Wired, available now on Steam and Nintendo eShop.

When Megaton Musashi was announced in July 2016, it was shown on PlayStation hardware and Nintendo 3DS side by side. In all versions of Megaton Musashi, not once has the PlayStation version been unavailable or a late port. It has been day 1. PS3 was dead in 2016, so it was clearly PS4 in the image (Note: While the announcement image shows PlayStation and 3DS, Level-5 didn't announce any platforms) because Hino stated days later in the Famitsu interview that he wanted to see it on as big a screen as possible. Switch and Steam are the late versions. So, it is incredibly weird that the decision was made to only mention/link Steam and Nintendo eshop in the article when it is available on the PlayStation Store.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Rob19ny wrote:
Meanwhile, there isn't much buzz about one of their more recent titles, Megaton Musashi W: Wired, available now on Steam and Nintendo eShop.

When Megaton Musashi was announced in July 2016, it was shown on PlayStation hardware and Nintendo 3DS side by side. In all versions of Megaton Musashi, not once has the PlayStation version been unavailable or a late port. It has been day 1. PS3 was dead in 2016, so it was clearly PS4 in the image (Note: While the announcement image shows PlayStation and 3DS, Level-5 didn't announce any platforms) because Hino stated days later in the Famitsu interview that he wanted to see it on as big a screen as possible. Switch and Steam are the late versions. So, it is incredibly weird that the decision was made to only mention/link Steam and Nintendo eshop in the article when it is available on the PlayStation Store.

I Googled the game and the Steam and eShop links were the ones that showed up. Simple as.

There really isn't a reason to cop an attitude over this, I don't even know why you're going so far as to bring up details from 2016 (when I was very unemployed and very much not up-to-date on gaming). Check your attitude at the door.

Hal14 wrote:

Side note: Anime is wierd in how it can contain the things you listed (nudity, sex jokes, fanservice, alcohol) and still be viewed as a kids show. I'm pretty sure pokemon dropped stuff like that more to appeal to a global audience than for any other reason

There ARE PTA groups in Japan that worry over that kind of content, but yeah; something like Crayon Shin-chan can have oodles of humor revolving around a kid's butt and still get tons of Kamen Rider tie-ins Laughing
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Pocktpair going "we're standing up for indies!" was an obvious ploy to gain sympathy and it's pathetic. It's such stolen valor, especially with that company's clearly scuzzy reputation. It comes off as someone who WANTS to be the big guy throwing their weight around meeting an actual big guy and then crying "No fair!" I'm not surprised indies went "We are not the same."

As for Level-5, I was hoping they had finally gotten it together after a weird few years of stumbling around drunkenly through mismanagement and oversaturation of properties...and now it's clear that's being extended. Their entire slate's been delayed, they're already doing anime tie-ins, and they're even fooling around with AI. Amazing how they were once thought of as the next titan in the RPG scene and now they just can't get anything released. I wonder if a lot of it isn't growing pains as the company ages and they're having to adjust roles
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Joined: 07 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to disagree with the assessment that there is a "unanimous consensus" in Japan being against Palworld. Especially if the evidence the writer is citing is a handful of cherrypicked posts of their own choosing: some of which only having 73 likes compared to the original announcement sitting at 39,000 likes so it can't even be an argument of "ratioing". Given the popular reception I've seen from the Palworld booth at TGS so far with thousands of people participating there even when it was press/industry only until today I have to wonder if this just isn't the case of way-to-online people making this a culture war talking about while most people are going to not care about it at all. The main thing I've learned about all this is a lot of people are very clearly heavily bias and do not even try to hide it as well as being misinformed. The amount of people I see keep talking about the designs of the Pals when that isn't even what the lawsuit is about is staggering. I'm content to let it play out and see what happens.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Doubleclouder wrote:
I'm going to disagree with the assessment that there is a "unanimous consensus" in Japan being against Palworld. Especially if the evidence the writer is citing is a handful of cherrypicked posts of their own choosing

Ah yes, how foolish of me to not make my column every last instance of tweets ratio'ing Pocketpair, I should have known a statement from as renowned an industry figurehead as ZUN was as ephemerous as wet sand Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 25 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:10 pm Reply with quote
For some reason I'm reminded of this ANN thread featuring the esteemed John Oppliger of the now defunct AN Entertainment.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:37 pm Reply with quote
I also know that one of the recent games, Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy, was about Layton's daughter—and I have to wonder why she doesn't seem to factor in this new game.

The ios game about Layton’s son seems to indicate Layton himself is a crappy dad. I’m guessing he’s pretty meh with his daughter too. Definitely clashes with his charming and paternal vibe in the main games.

many people still shake their fists at Working Designs courtesy of Vic Ireland essentially squatting for the rights to the dubs of these games. Apparently, the Genesis Mini 2 had to forgo featuring the Lunar games in English territories because he was charging too much for them

Didn’t he try raising close to a million dollars on kickstarter for a super niche rpg? I understand being a businessman is about the hustle but being this unrealistic can’t be good for business. I wonder if a new dub was cheaper than buying the rights to the original performances.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:24 am Reply with quote
side note Touhou Puppet Dance Performance is well loved as the hack was before with fan tls of the games and both the pc games are on dl site
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:37 am Reply with quote
Nate148 wrote:
side note Touhou Puppet Dance Performance is well loved as the hack was before with fan tls of the games and both the pc games are on dl site

Thank you for clarifying the title! I can't read Japanese, I had no idea how to read the title (I cannot read Japanese, and Deepl is very inexact). I was definitely interested in the game, I'll definitely keep track of it.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:28 am Reply with quote
The Level-5 Vision this year was underwhelming, I have no reason to disagree. The addition of the Getter Robo, Mazinger Z, and UFO Robo Grendizer pilots in Megaton Musashi is really exciting, having the mechs there from the beginning feels fully realized now. I'm admittedly very frustrated by announcement of another PVP mode and no announcement of a story update, though. I'm sure Megaton Musashi's PVP is very popular amongst its players in Japan, but I cannot say the same the intl. releases. I bought the game for my best friend since it seemed like something she would be obsessed with (and it is!), and we ended up sitting around for maybe half an hour trying to get into a PVP match. On release month, cross platform play on. I just want to see the story completed, where it stands, it's a narrative embodiment of an unfinished horse drawing.

Holy Horror Mansion looks neat, but I fully believe the accusations of using AI. As mentioned in the article, Level-5 has been open about their desire to explore how they can use generative AI, they even made a "live action" teaser of Megaton Musashi for April Fool's Day using AI. Sucks. It hurts my feelings so bad.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:42 am Reply with quote
I can't imagine not playing a game that looks interesting just because it used some AI art. Seems like a complete non issue and it looks okay to me. The only backlash I've seen is on the English side so I'm glad Japan is more open minded about that stuff at least.
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