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Posts: 2271 |
I’m also glad we’re past that weird phase where people claimed you couldn’t unironically enjoy the Sonic franchise’s cooler aspects (a hedgehog riding a motorcycle? How laaaame!) and I’m glad the franchise is leaning into it again after the overly sanitized Colors era. Let Sonic be over-the-top and anime-ish! That’s what sets it apart from other platformer series!
![]() Posts: 4746 |
I remember the original version of that Power Rangers game. I played it when I was old enough to be "over" Power Rangers, but not old enough to not care about whether something was "for kids" so I scoffed when somebody suggested playing it. He convinced me to at least try it because it was a fun game regardless, and he was right.
I'm fine with the changes to controls/camera for Delta. The original version of 3 had the top-down camera of the prior games, and I was skeptical when it was re positioned for the Subsistence version. After giving it a try, I quickly decided that was preferable. I was also skeptical when MGS4 simplified the gun combat to be more like other third-person shooters, but it was pretty apparent why even Kojima got in on that trend after I played it. When it comes to stuff like that, there tends to be a reason why games start to adopt a more ubiquitous approach to controls and cameras within genres. When it comes to the PS1/2 era, you also had a lot of experimentation because what they could do was new thanks to the technology so they didn't have other examples to work from, and sometimes they knew what might be better, but it wasn't possible yet. Also, did Hayter reprise his role? I'm pretty sure the stuff from the trailer is the original audio, and Konami also mentioned before this that they planned to do that to preserve the game as much as possible in terms of story. Back with Twin Snakes, Konami wanted to reuse the audio from MGS1 with the exception of Snake (for whatever reason) and Hayter pretty famously gave up a chunk of his pay in exchange for hiring back the cast. Reusing audio is a bit of a win-win for Konami since they will get points for not changing anything while also not paying to record anything. |
![]() Posts: 2423 |
A lot of the reason I also find that SGF (as well the Game Awards)has been a bad substitute for E3 is that not only is it repeating a lot of the same mistakes, it's actually made them worse. For one, there's just too much fighting for space and as such a lot of announcements just come off as white noise and you forget what was announced. And it's really bad when he doesn't have that many big announcements with ironically probably the best conference being MS' so Keighley got the scraps this year.
As for what has been shown over the past week, Lego Horizon Adventures looks fun, I'm always there when a new Civilization is out (how is it on the Switch??????), Doom the Dark Ages looks metal as hell (a gun that shoots the ground of shards of skulls!). MGS Delta is actually looking interesting and to be honest I feel Metal Gear needed to get away from Kojima a long time ago, like how Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong etc are now done without Shigeru Miyamoto around. Eventually you have to hand it off. Anyway, now just waiting on the Nintendo Direct to cap off summer announcements |
Posts: 383 Location: Minnesota |
My biggest complaint about MMPR: Rita's Rewind is the lack of Tommy. There is a green cart on the roller coaster, but other than that, there is no mention of the Green (or White or Red or Red or Black) Ranger.
On the other hand, the time travel concept makes it easy to DLC slot in any of the other Rangers. It would be an awesome DLC to have the Evil Green Ranger (or Drakon?) show up, only for the Dino Thunder Rangers to travel back to help. Evil Tommy vs Dr. Tommy. |
Posts: 68 |
A lot of these older franchises really only have a dedicated fanbase willing to fork over money for their original installments. I'm sure some people like the newer Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers shows but they're never going to match the legacy or pop culture dominance the original ones have. And maybe it's just because I'm an old boomer but the newest version of all those series just look terrible that it makes sense why they wouldn't focus on those much and keep putting out toys and merchandise of the originals. I watch Super Sentai so Power Rangers has zero interest to me but even I can't deny the original Mighty Morphin was huge in the 90s and has it's place in pop culture so I get why they focus on it since it's the one even non-fans know.
![]() Posts: 117 |
I think it happened around the right time. Kojima started getting obsessed with celebrities to the point he recast the English voice actors with them. He pushed for MGSV to be open-world. Knowing how the development of Twin Snakes went if Konami brought him back for Metal Gear Solid 3's remake it would be much less faithful and off the rails. I'd be happy with no more Metal Gear games ever again because I don't think every franchise needs to have an eternal and constant output but if they are going to do remakes I prefer them to be accurate as possible. We already have the Resident Evil and Final Fantasy remakes which are reimagining's not remakes. |
Posts: 133 |
Personally, I find Snake Eater highly overrated. I don't see anything good about it. It's literally the same thing with The Empire Strikes Back and Toy Story 3.
![]() Posts: 93 Location: Florida |
Nice VeggieTales reference here. Not what I expected to see but it brought a smile to my face as someone who grew up on VeggieTales. Regarding MMPR there's no denying it's iconic even if it's not my favorite (I started with Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, and two of my favorites are Lost Galaxy and Time Force), but like you said focusing too much on the same one will just lead to diminishing returns. Just look at Pokemon and how much people are tired of all the attention Gen 1 Pokemon like Pikachu & Charizard get. It'd be nice if they gave some of the other series some love every once in a while.
I could be wrong but I'd imagine the reason Tommy's not here is due to his performer Jason David Frank passing away in 2022. ___________________ In other gaming news Riot Games got in some recently for Lolesports. In short, next year they plan to merge LCS and CBLOL (the NA and Brazil leagues respectively) into one Americas league in the form of a conference system (North and South) from sports like American Football while also dissolving the LLA (Latin America league). This also means many teams from both leagues will be leaving as a consequence of this. The APAC regional leagues will also be merging into one again as well. That said they will also be adding a 3rd international event at the start of the year (currently there's MSI (Mid-Season Invitational), held after Spring Split, and Worlds, held after the Summer Split). If you'd like to read more check here. Needless to say many people aren't happy about this, especially NA and BR, with BR and NA fans trading insults, blame & harassment back and forth on social media (Twitter/X especially). While NA and BR have never been that successful internationally (that honor goes to CN and KR), people aren't sold on combining them into one, especially when it means losing a bunch of teams in the process (which in turn means job losses for many players & staff). Even though promotion/relegation is being brought back, allowing up-and-coming players a chance to compete in theory, in practice it'll most likely just lead to more imports being used like it usually does. For those unaware teams can only field up to 2 imports (non-residents) on the main roster at a time. While this rule is meant to encourage using domestic talent what usually happens is they'll bring an import (usually KR) over & get them residency ASAP so they no longer take up an import slot. This is especially common in NA where native talent is often passed over in favor of imports (many of whom rarely stick around for more than a split or two), something teams have been criticized for frequently (the overreliance on them). For comparison the Overwatch League (OWL) has no such rule, leading to almost all teams fielding either almost or exclusively Koreans, with non Asian players being lucky to even get on a team at all. All in all it just seems like a counterintuitive way of promoting regional growth, and while a new international tournament seems nice on paper, in practice who knows? |
Silver Kirin
Posts: 1292 |
- Street Fighter 6: in reagrds to Terry and Mai's looks, I'm guessing their Fatal Fury 2 will be their default appearances, since they're the ones featured in the trailer, I think it would make more sense for Terry to have his Mark of the Wolves look, since I think it fits better with how the rest of the Street Fighter cast have a new look in the game, but I guess Capcom wanted both Terry and Mai to be recognized easily in their reveal trailer. But honestly, Mai hasn't had that many iconic alternate looks in the games she has appeared in, save for her Fatal Fury/Real Bout look, she's always kept her FF2 look, I have a theory that Mai will appear in City of the Wolves and SNK will finally gave her a new look and that will also be her alternate costume in SF6.
- Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind looks cool and it makes wish that there was an actual Power Rangers game for the arcades back in the '90s in the same vein as other beat 'em ups like TMNT and X-Men, the closest think we got was the MMPR: The Movie game for the Genesis. I used to watch Power Rangers as a kid, more twenty years ago, I started watching reruns of the orginal MMPR and kept watching all the series until SPD. A couple years ago I rewatched some of the original series up to Lightspeed Rescue and I actually enjoyed them, in certain aspects as and adult I'm actually more impressed of the special effects from the Sentai footage, and lead to the question if Sentai should be dubbed directly, some of the pre-Zyuranger shows were broadcasted in countries like Brazil and France, I think the issue for many years is that the most important market, the U.S., wasn't to keen in dubbing a Japanese show and that maybe some of the content from Super Sentai wouldn't be acceptable for U.S. standards. |
Posts: 94 |
Watching a subbed show is out of the question for most adults in America let alone kids. They could dub it but that'd probably also be weird to most kids and turn them off. The point of the show is to sell toys so they have to make it as appealing to kids as possible. I view it the same reason why Pokemon or other kids anime what few there are still being dubbed in English still have a very localized dub in that they're focusing more on marketing than bringing an authentic experience. For live-action that means using western actors. Even successful works for general audiences and adults like Parasite and Squid Games have been shopped around for western live-action remakes. Anime goes through it all the time with western live-action adaptions when Japanese live-action or the original anime already existing should be enough to sell it here. For companies like Saban, Disney, and Hasbro who love controlling and owning an IP it makes even more sense they'd try to push their fully owned Power Rangers over a license like Super Sentai. Regarding the content: Sure, Sentai has about as much as what you'd see in a shounen anime. Violence, blood, fanservice, pervy humor, the occasional gay or crossdressing joke which might offend some people... But overall I think it's just there's not a big enough market for it at the end of the day. Even Premium Bandai US is starting to drop selling the henshin toys last I heard since I guess they didn't sell very well here. Us toku fans are a minority unless we're talking about Godzilla which seems to have taken off in recent years. Even Power Rangers itself is on life support despite all the steps they take to make it more relatable to kids here. Fans of the original Power Rangers should be happy it's still notable enough to still be getting comics, toys, and video games given the fall off the franchise has gone through over the decades. Kamen Rider fans don't even have that going for them. |
![]() Posts: 914 |
I remember buying the original Sonic Generations on my 360, and I loved playing it too... until it was time to fight that first boss, and the game forced me to do 50% of a whole lot of bit-sized pieces of the stages I just completed, and I absolutely HATED it. I did the ones that I needed to do to fight the boss, then I fought the boss, and then I stupidly decided to just finish the rest of the things too. And that lead to me burning out of the mindless repetition and not wanting to have to go through that again when it became time to fight the next boss. If that nonsense is still in Sonic and Shadows Generations, I hope they at least have the good sense to make that part completely optional.
As far as the Chao thing is concerned, I'm not going to miss that either. It was a bit of a novelty for me for a while, but I quickly grew tired of having to deal with that between each stage too. That thing was technically optional too, but particularly in Sonic Adventure 2 where I kept picking up these... animal things? ...that I was supposed to give the Chao on stage completion was there as a constant reminder that they'd probably die from sadness if I didn't visit the Chao realm at every single opportunity. Again, I would have prefered that stuff, if present, to be FULLY optional in the sense that you could activate it through the title screen options whether you wanted to have anything to do with that or not. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
I aim to please when it comes to my deep cuts ![]() I remember the Gen 1 nostalgia with regards to Pokémon wa absolutely at its worst when the Gen V games came out. In a way, I'm glad Gen VI put that baby to bed. Once folks started getting their two alternate Charizard mega-evolutions did they realize that maybe, maybe a Pokémon based off of an ice cream cone wasn't a sin in God's eyes. |
Posts: 6466 |
In the interest of fairness some of them like Cam Clarke were minor celebrities to begin with.
Not the game that features an obnoxious gameplay segment where you have to climb a long ass ladder which should’ve been a cutscene. And a scene of Volgin grabbing Snake’s balls.
They follow more or less the same basic plots and feature the same cast of characters just because they take out aspects or add things doesn’t not make them remakes. If you’re going to make a remake something you shouldn’t remake it so faithful to the source that it makes the remake redundantly superfluous. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
This is a point that a lot of people bring up with stuff, and what with the interviews with Blooper over them refusing input from the OG Silent Hill 2 team in order to just make a straight-up, no-frills remake of Silent Hill 2 I have to feel like this kind of stance is incredibly unfair to the original creators. In the case of something like Final Fantasy VII, we already have the original all over the place. It's playable on almost any console these days. I can understand people who want that game done up in the Remake's graphics, but also it's not like the improved graphics will make FFVII any better. After 20 years of marinating on their own works (not to mention their own personal growth), creators should feel entitled to change things up with a remake. As fans, it's unfair for us to demand they only do the thing they did a lifetime ago with no changes at all--they're literally no longer the same person they were when they originally made it! This, I think, is a genuine problem stemming from gamers looking at games purely on the technical side and not on the personal/artistic side. And even if the result is weirdly indulgent or silly (like Twin Snakes--which I genuinely prefer over the original MGS, so sue me)... well, more power to the creatives. Look at Kojima, when has he not been weirdly indulgent? FF7 already gave us a sequence where Cloud has to assemble his own costume so he can go in drag, we might as well add a musical number to it. Sure, these decisions might not always be good or pan out... but that's already the case with original media that isn't a remake. "Go big or go home." Fans can argue about "reimaginings" versus "remakes" until they're blue in the face, because at the end of the day they can either play them or not. |
![]() Posts: 33 |
You mean two of the most memorable and iconic scenes of the game? Yeah, I sure do hope they would keep those. The slow climb up the ladder as Snake Eater kicks in was peak. My stance on remakes is that of Jay Sherman's. "If it's a remake of a classic.. rent the classic!" Although for some reason gamers seem to have much different approach than cinephiles. I don't think I've ever seen a single person defend the 90s remake of Psycho or the 00s remake of Jacob's Ladder and insist they should be watched over the classics or they're the true version of that story like we see with video games whenever a shiny new HD modern version comes out. As far as creators go, that's always a toughie because most of the time they're not involved in a remake at all. Shinji Mikami had nothing to do with the Resident Evil remakes so you can't really use him to defend the changes made in those as him growing up and maturing and realizing that making Leon flirt with Hunnigan is super bad, actually, and you're a bad person for finding that scene cute or humerous.. And then there's situations like Noriaki Okamura being involved in Delta who has worked on numerous Metal Gear and other Kojima games in the past. Is his involvement not worth anything at all? Video games are hardly a one-man show so as important as creators are they're not the sole factor here in projects consisting of hundreds of skilled workers. And of course creators can simply mess up all on their own. George Lucas' numerous edits for the original trilogy of Star Wars. Kojima replacing Hayter with Sutherland for that Hollywood brown-nosing. My personal rule of thumb is even if a creator suddenly decides one day to try to erase or change their past work that's on them but no one is obligated to support that and pretend the original doesn't exist anymore or even prefer it. As far as Silent Hill 2's remake... for all we know Masahiro "Pyramid Head was a Mistake" Ito's plan for the remake was to sabotage it out of loathing for what happened to his creation over the years which would be pretty funny admittedly but it's probably for the best they at least try to make a decent remake of Silent Hill 2 since it's such an amazing game that deserves to be played by more people rather than letting a guy make a metaphorical middle finger at all the annoying Pyramid Head fanboys and executives who milked it over the years. Newcomers would probably not get it and just think the game was like that from the start and be turned off. |
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