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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:06 am Reply with quote
The Nintendo Direct was pretty decent, there were some games I’ll buy, but Hi-Fi Rush on PS5 was the biggest news, IMO. Definite day 1 for me.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:02 am Reply with quote
I tried to play Digimon Survive but I found it kinda bad, honestly. The story seemed like it could go intriguing places, but it felt like it would have been better served forgoing the strategy elements entirely- It was one of the less enjoyable iterations on an SRPG that I've played through, and killed my enjoyment of what the title did do well.

Unicorn Overlord looks excellent. I've not played the original Ogre Battle games, but I have played the Growlanser games, which it reminds me of. Man I wish Atlus cared about that franchise. Regardless- tactical battles with Vanillaware panache sounds excellent to me.

SMTV: Vengeance (SMTVV?) is one I'm cautiously optimistic about. I liked V's gameplay a lot. All told it might be my favorite of the SMT games (including the various subseries.) But the narrative, while theoretically interesting, was a hot mess in execution. I hope the new route doesn't drop the same ball. Thankfully, interviews have indicated that the team is aware of that lack, so this may be able to address it. We'll see.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:04 am Reply with quote
With Warner confirming that their Suicide Squad game flopped during their Q4 report, I imagine many will look at the words “live service” with derision if they haven’t already.

That said, the idea of Crazy Taxi 99 or a similar game where everyone’s competing for high scores in a drop in/out environment does sound pretty fun, and arguably closer to an updated version of the arcade experience. And yes, “All I Want” is a must.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:43 am Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
With Warner confirming that their Suicide Squad game flopped during their Q4 report, I imagine many will look at the words “live service” with derision if they haven’t already.

Did they need that confirmation?

Writing was on the wall when the first gameplay video dropped. Only question now remains is “what happens now?”

Likely result is the game being put out to pasture but when?

Beatdigga wrote:
That said, the idea of Crazy Taxi 99 or a similar game where everyone’s competing for high scores in a drop in/out environment does sound pretty fun,.

It’ll be fun for a quick minute and then lose its enjoyability before too long and wind up just like Pac-Man 99 and Super Mario 35.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:55 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:

It’ll be fun for a quick minute and then lose its enjoyability before too long and wind up just like Pac-Man 99 and Super Mario 35.

To be fair, that quick experience is pretty close to the arcade experience.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:16 pm Reply with quote
It really shows how strong the Switch has been that it's taken until now for a Direct to be "good" instead "I ONLY HAVE SO MUCH MONEY!" Seriously, this hot streak has been absurd, the only other company I can remember having such a dense sequence of years is Squaresoft during their golden age and that was a single publisher, not a platform holder. I feel vindicated in saying how the Switch is going to be around awhile longer and that it's not a question of if it surpasses the PS2's numbers but when. Anyway, to the games.

Unicorn Overlord: Wrung every minute I could out of the demo and this is really giving Tactics Ogre a run for its money. It's a very crunchy game with all its systems interlocking. Definitely recommended from what I played of the demo.

SMTV: Eh, to be honest I have a difficult time believing Atlus' excuse when they can still clearly isolate specific demons the player has among HUNDREDS in the game. I don't think it's a technical issue so much as them getting weirdly handwringly about players blasting through the game or whatever. Still, going the IV: Apocalypse route is interesting.

Anyway, also checked out the Contra: Operation Galuga demo and it's definitely Contra. That's all that's needed.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:51 pm Reply with quote
AiddonValentine wrote:

Anyway, also checked out the Contra: Operation Galuga demo and it's definitely Contra. That's all that's needed.

I'm really happy WayForward was given a second shot with Contra, after the phenomenal Contra 4 way back on the DS. I'd like to see Konami let them make a new Castlevania, too...
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Joined: 03 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:25 pm Reply with quote
I'm glad I held off on buying SMTV. Sadly, it's not something I like to do since I wonder if it hurts the developers by waiting for the inevitable re-release, but it seems to be the recurring trend these days. I held off on the recent Dragon Quest Monsters since I'm waiting for it to get the inevitable Steam release, perhaps with added content. Anything that isn't a first-party title that is a console exclusive I generally wait on since it always gets a multiplatform release down the line like FF7:R.

Also, yeah, no way Moher 3 is getting an official localization without being censored to heck and back. The Magypsies are way too offensive for modern American audiences. They censored the okama characters in Persona 5 in the west with the Royal re-release, and those were just minor characters in 2 random scenes. Just play the fan translation at this point.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Under his tenure, we saw the phenomenal Digimon World: Cyber Sleuth in 2015, with its similarly-beloved follow-up Hacker's Memory released in 2017.

It's Digimon Story. Not World.

He was also the chief producer for last year's Digimon Survive, but that's where the story turns sour. See, it'd be bad enough if Digimon Survive had just released at the same time as the much-bigger Xenoblade Chronicles 3—it was going to be hard to compete with that title.

The bold: Funny thing is how you mention Xenoblade Chronicles 3 in the articles for so long after its release then when you talk about game (Survive) that XC3 released on the same week with, you incorrectly state that Survive released last year when in fact it released in 2022.

Now to the main reason I quoted: That last sentence. As expected, it happens again.

Let's hit these plot points in order:

(Note: Survive was announced on July 18, 2018 for Japan and the overseas announcement was on July 30, so a worldwide release was very likely to be in the works since then got delayed multiple times which isn't the focus here)

1. XC3 was announced in February 2022 and announced to be releasing in September.

2. On April 18, 2022, Bamco/V-Jump announced Survive would release on July 28 in Japan.

3. On April 19, 2022, Nintendo announced XC3 would be moving its release date up from September to July 29.

4. Bonus: On April 20, 2022, the overseas release of Survive was announced for July 29.

Without sounding rude, I'm going to refer to the majority of you as "the collective". Since that July 29 release announcement by Nintendo, the collective have been blaming Bamco for Survive's release date being alongside XC3 and saying Survive (a multiplatform game) will bomb when the issue is XC3's being moved up from its originally planned September release. Bamco had that July 28 release date set first, especially due to Digimon's August 1st (Odaiba Memorial day) lore. Even when this is explained to the collective, they don't care and still blame it on Bamco. Your sentence is incorrect. It should be:

"Unfortunately, XC3 just had to move up its release date up from the originally planned September release to July 29 a day after Survive had its release date announced for July 28."

Lastly, they were never competing against each other as they are two different games with 2 different fanbases and one is exclusive while the other on multiple platforms. Also, XC2 sold 2.70m as of December 2022. Before that was 1.7m as of March 2019. The way the collective acted about XC3 when had its July release date announced as if it was a sequel to 10 million seller (but in reality is niche) and making narratives about how Survive is competing against it and that it will sell poorly is bewildering, especially when we now know XC3 had sold 1.8m as of March 2023. I'm not going to say it, but if you don't see what's wrong with this picture then....

(the brilliant Digimon World titles on the Nintendo DS come to mind)

Officially and conceptually, there have been no World titles on DS. English localization release changed Story to World (most likely because World on PS1 was the popular/best selling title, which they used for marketing like Budokai Tenkaichi keeping the Budokai name when its Sparking in Japan) and added World to the title when a game wasn't called that in Japan. The only World game on DS was World Re:Digitize Decode on 3DS exclusively in Japan and that was a port of a PSP game.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:39 pm Reply with quote
Rob19ny wrote:

I need you to not be pedantic about the circumstances surrounding Digimon Survive's release. I'm not trying to frame it as some lesser title by virtue of it releasing around the time of X3, the reality is that it was a very under-promoted title being released around the time of a much bigger game. Even if the fandoms for both titles were mutually-exclusive (which I never implied), I don't think it's unreasonable that folks would only have the disposable cash for one or the other--and I'm willing to bet a lot of folks didn't even know about Survive's release date.

I'm not constructing a false narrative to fling mud at anyone, I'm telling it as I saw it. I'll thank you for not assuming my intentions.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:21 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
To be fair, that quick experience is pretty close to the arcade experience.

You’re not wrong Crazy Taxi was a quick experience it also unfortunately made for a very shallow game.

Bonebrain wrote:
I'm glad I held off on buying SMTV. Sadly, it's not something I like to do since I wonder if it hurts the developers by waiting for the inevitable re-release, but it seems to be the recurring trend these days.

I couldn’t place a number on the people who hold off buying games for that reason. But I would think it wouldn’t be as significant as the people who opt not to buy games due to either having significant technical or gameplay issues or just simply not liking the finished product regardless of the objective quality of the game.

There’s also the fact that not every game is going to get a complete edition or “improved” version that does things such as add in content that was cut during development of the original game or adds new story content, etc.
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Joined: 23 Sep 2022
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:30 am Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
It’ll be fun for a quick minute and then lose its enjoyability before too long and wind up just like Pac-Man 99 and Super Mario 35.

I'd say those fall in the category of "fun, but not what people obviously wanted".. I don't know if F-Zero Fans are really satisfied with F-Zero 99 when they probably wanted an actual main game. It's also a shame that these games become vaporware eventually. Still disappointing how Mario 35 is just gone.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:50 pm Reply with quote
oilers2007 wrote:
I'd say those fall in the category of "fun, but not what people obviously wanted".. I don't know if F-Zero Fans are really satisfied with F-Zero 99 when they
probably wanted an actual main game.

They were forthe first few months until the game’s notorious bullshit came to the fore.

oilers2007 wrote:
It's also a shame that these games become vaporware eventually. Still disappointing how Mario 35 is just gone.

In the interest of fairness given that the game relies on playing with other people via online play which of course requires the use of servers which are never going to stay up in perpetuity. It was never going to stay around once it shutdown.
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