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Lord Geo
Posts: 2748 Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey |
All of the Eggconsole releases have had international releases, and PC-88 Ys won't be any different, as it already has an English listing. |
Posts: 516 |
Phil's tweet reminds me of being told "I have something important to tell you later." It may be good. It may be bad. It was definitely anxiety inducing. So far, so Microsoft. Communication has not been a strong point.
I'm cautiously hyped for FF7. Remake left off in an interesting, wide-open place so I'm hopeful that Rebirth can capitalize on the setup. On the other hand, I found Remake to be narratively clunky (spoiler[dragged out pacing and the Whispers being a clumsy story mechanic]) so I hope this one does a little better. |
![]() Posts: 933 |
While I have no idea what is going on with Microsoft as a whole these days, I do hope the PS5 Starfield news is real. More people deserve a chance to get over the sour grapes and play it. Maybe it's my fondness for the 90s space operas of my childhood talking, but it is actually a very fun game in its own way, and not really any less innovative than the average Dragon Quest installment, so that always rubbed me the wrong way as a criticism.
Going back east: FFVIIR has been such a ride, but the original was already so weird and postmodern that it kind of feels like they had to up the ante somehow. My crack theory is that spoiler[Sephiroth will die this time around, but with Meteor still on a crash course leading into Part 3]. It would certainly be unexpected! Now I'm just hoping Square doesn't let me down with the preorder delivery, again, because it sucks to schedule time off and spend most of it waiting for UPS. |
![]() Posts: 33 |
Console wars are so tiring. I take it the writer of this article is not much of a Microsoft fan which is why we're doing weird things like saying Starfield wasn't a success because some random modder decided to stop making a mod for the game which is one of the most bizarre metrics of trying to judge a game's success I've ever seen. I know AAA games budgets are weird but I have to imagine 13+ million players is at least some form of success for a game. ...Maybe... But yeah, more people playing games is always good. I imagine if Starfield does come to PS5 a lot of people will suddenly magically not hate it anymore now that it's on their own preferred console. I played it on PC myself back at launch. Since everything seems to come to PC these days fighting console wars in 2024 seems a bit silly to me. The only modern console I have is a Switch since Nintendo games on PC are much less likely to happen. Missing out on Stellar Blade will be unfortunate though. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
There comes a point with inflated AAA development budgets where games need to do much, much better than the numbers say in order for them to turn a profit, hence the whole "We sold millions of copies of Tomb Raider and it was a failure" phenomenon. With how big Starfield's budget was, how much Microsoft spent producing it AND how much time it was in development, it's very likely that 13 million is still under Microsoft's sales expectations. They didn't want a Starfield, they wanted a Skyrim that would sell Infinite copies forever. Starfield was going to be their killer app, the crown jewel of their console. The argument I see a lot is that selling a game on multiple platforms is just better for sales, but I'd argue someone in the business of selling consoles isn't going to expect people to drop $500 on something that can't do anything. Starfield needed to be bigger, and it needed to push Xboxes. The impression was, even with 13 million copies, it didn't. And thats why the modder's comment was so important. It's not some random modder, the same guy produced the co-op mod for Skyrim in the first place. It's not unfair to say that the modding community is a huge part of the longevity for a Bethesda game. So when a high-profile modder making a high-profile mod gives up the ghost, your game has problems. Big ones. I'm also going to ask people to miss me with arguments of bias towards one platform or another. I give each publisher equal amounts of criticism (you'll note that with my criticism of Nintendo's lack of a union or Sony's overpriced gadgets). |
![]() Posts: 207 |
These two comparisons aren't even remotely the same level. You really gonna tell me a game that came out only a few years ago with a remake that has mostly the same graphical detail is the same as a game that came out decades ago with pre-rendered backgrounds and Popeye-armed 3D models? As an aside, I would have personally been more okay with the Remake storyline if the storyline changes they made were good. They were not. |
Mikan-box Glasses-kun
![]() Posts: 89 |
I think of the many franchises CAPCOM could bring back, my first pick would be to finally give Viewtiful Joe an ending. I really loved those games as a kid (even if, uh, lots of stuff went over my head lol), and "Henshin-a-go-go, baby!" and "Just go for it!" are permanently seared into my brain. Though at this point I think I probably should just be happy if they even decide to give it a bare-bones remaster...
Oh that's cool! I ended up getting into Ys a couple years back and loved my time with the series (Ys Origin and Ys: The Oath in Felghana are my personal faves of what's available in English on Steam), so it's definitely nice to see more of the original versions making their way west too.
I for one really loved the game, and am excited for more. Though considering my favorite VN is Umineko, I'm definitely in the target audience for meta shenanigans. Also might've snuck in after deadlines, but IGN staff have unionized! You can also find their petition for Ziff Davis and management to voluntarily recognize the union here. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
I wish I liked Viewtiful Joe more. It was definitely a factor in getting me into Kamen Rider, and I love Joe's design (he's got a ton of great cues from classic Tatsunoko heroes like Hurrivane Polymar). They definitely need to give it another go-around because as much as I love Joe, the game was very brutal and frustrating for me and I don't have the fondest of memories for it. Great world, great concept, great characters all the same.
Not news I'd heard before, but good on IGN! My years of reading EGM made me familiar with Ziff Davis. Seeing all that talent scattered to the wind makes me leery of them. I'm hoping my colleagues at IGN get what they're rallying for. |
Lord Geo
Posts: 2748 Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey |
I find it immensely amusing that Falcom is essentially OK with the OG PC-88 version of Ys coming out on Switch via D4 before it ever bothers to simply port Ys I & II Chronicles+ to the console. I'll definitely be getting the EggConsole release next week, but it is funny. |
![]() ![]() Posts: 2504 Location: Grand Rapids, MI |
I was thinking as I was playing the FFVII Rebirth demo: they don’t really need to expand this material nearly as much as Remake, right? If original FFVII was about 70 hours, and Midgar was the first 10 — your mileage may vary, of course — then they were expanding the Midgar material several times over to get Remake up to the 40-50 hour range. But that means the remaining 60 hours get covered by the second and third parts: Rebirth and Reunion. And if the source material for each of those is 30 hours, you don’t need to pad very much to get to the same kind of worth-my-$60 play time as Remake did.
Of course, this is assuming that the remake trilogy isn’t some insane bait-and-switch, where theyreveal at the end of Rebirth that we’re in some totally different timeline where all bets are off. Like, if Aeris turns around and kills Sephiroth herself with one shot, then we zoom out to see this is all just a game being played diegetically within Kingdom Hearts IV. |
Mikan-box Glasses-kun
![]() Posts: 89 |
Oh yeah they were brutal for sure. Somehow managed to finish both 1 and 2 on normal difficulty as a kid, which now I'm just sorta impressed by. Never got any of the extra characters though, the unlock conditions were way beyond me.
Yeah... shame cause Ys I & II Chronicles+ is really good too (especially II). |
![]() Posts: 13246 |
So something I don't understand. Granblue Fantasy Relink was in the news a lot for the constant delays, and ANN was my main source of that news. Yet when the game finally does come out, nothing is said about it. As such I only found out it was released a week after the fact.
Posts: 54 |
Full disclosure: I'm someone who hasn't played 7R because quite frankly, I don't want what 7R is selling. In fact, I haven't found myself interested in a mainline Final Fantasy since 10. I don't begrudge the series for its shifts away from what I'm looking for in my games because that's life: People change and so too can video games. That said, I don't think it's entirely fair to dismiss people wanting a more faithful remake as simply wanting the same thing only shinier. Unlike remasters, game remakes can be an opportunity to update an old game that newer generations might find hard to get into (I will go to bat for the original Final Fantasy, but I cannot deny that it is downright archaic by what were modern standards even twenty years ago and remakes have only improved the experience). They also present a chance to improve upon the flaws present in the original or add new content (admittedly this can be a double-edged sword. Final Fantasy IV on the DS has those amazing cutscenes, but also banked on new game mechanics that made it overall less fun to actually play). The one thing I'll agree with you on is that we don't need more LoU remasters (I didn't even like LoU in the first place)! |
![]() Posts: 1127 |
At this point I think we just need to accept that anyone saying, "We need to talk later," or any variation thereof, is doing so very deliberately in order to sow anxiety. There's no other explanation. .... Anyway.... I dunno, I've pretty much given up on Square-Enix ever producing a coherent story, let alone a compelling or engaging one. I'm definitely not expecting much, if any, improvement on that in Rebirth. But all the mini-games look like they might be fun, and having big open places to explore should be pretty cool. Personally I'm just happy so long as I can ride a chocobo around through a fantastical landscape... anything else is just icing. And the more open-ended nature of the area design ought to make the story more tolerable, too, since it'll be (hopefully) less of a linear road from one ridiculous story beat to the next with nothing interesting to do in-between. |
Posts: 206 |
Oh, that Yu-Gi-Oh collection was confirmed for an English release? Didn't realise that.
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