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Buried Treasure - Neo-Tokyo

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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Neo Tokyo and Akira. Those were staples for every blockbuster. Too bad they had that annoying unrated sticker on every anime regardless what the contents were, so I couldn't rent it by myself.

I finally caught up with it a year or two ago on one starz channels. My favorite was the first short since I don't remember too much about the other ones. It was a very trippy short by rintaro.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:01 am Reply with quote
Wow! Has it really been a year since you've started doing this column? It just doesn't seem like it.

I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading everyone of these columns, wether or not I have a desire to run out and find the show or not.

Please, keep up these reviews so that I can keep enjoying them!
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:08 am Reply with quote
I have a feeling ADV might re-release it in some sort of set like Dragon Half and Puni Puni Poemy. The AOD'ers almost made me believe the company lost Nadesico, but it's coming out in a thin-pack, so... Of course, Bandai Visual mentioned it in their press release for Tokyo Explorers, which makes me think they're handling it. Crying or Very sad
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ichido reichan

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:34 am Reply with quote
If you have to name two movies that compels what japanese animation is all about, those two are ROBOT CARNIVAL and MANIE MANIE (Damn you carl mazek, trying to catch the people with a AKIRA shameless plug...naming this neo tokyo)

But these are legends, you can call yourself Otaku all that you want, but if you haven't seen these two movies, there's no way you can call yourself an anime fan.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:36 am Reply with quote
I'm one of the lucky ones who bought ADV's Neo-Tokyo DVD release as soon as it came out. I remember it being rather cheap, actually--a little less expensive than the average anime DVD at the time. Is that true or am I just being delusional?

Labyrinth Labyrinthos is by far my favorite short out of the three. Animation director Atsuko Fukushima (wife of Koji Morimoto!!!) did an amazing job with the animation in that piece. I've noticed in my repeated viewings of it (and many hours of freeze-frame studying) it follows the rules of Western animation, specifically the 12 Principles, much more stringently than most anime--even high budget anime--which might be why it made you think of 50s Disney. Western rules like squash and stretch don't often show up in anime and it's always nice to see when they make an appearance.

My fiance LOVES The Order To Stop Construction and even made an animation with a character directly inspired by the "jiggly robot" in Otomo's piece.

By the way, thanks so much for writing this column. I always, always look forward to reading it! Smile
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Joined: 14 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:26 am Reply with quote
I wasn't crazy about the first two episodes of "Neo Tokyo", but I do consider "The Order to Stop the Construction" to be the best animated piece directed by Otomo.
And hey - ANN has an encylopedia entry for "Aeon Flux"! I think some people here might be interested to know that there's a good chance new direct-to-DVD episodes will go into production:

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Joined: 19 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:08 am Reply with quote
Wow, I didn't know that Neo-Tokyo was somewhat rare until now. I knew I hadnt seen it anywhere besides the place I bought it.

I found my DVD during the time when Media Play, Suncoast, and FYE were having their huge closeout sales and I got my copy for super cheap.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:05 am Reply with quote
Justin, does this mean that you're not at ImaginAsian now? Or just that you're making ANN a fulltime committment, in addition to ImaginAsian stuffs?

Also, I need to get Neo Tokyo, though your reference to Windaria reminded me I have to go order ADV's Once Upon a Time DVD too....
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Joined: 22 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:06 am Reply with quote
I would love to see a review on Windaria, if you ever get a chance to write one.

Keep up the lovely columns! I enjoy reading them. Very Happy
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:31 am Reply with quote
Oh my. How lucky I am then for picking this up at $10 roughly a year ago Very Happy It had been hanging on my "to buy" -list for ages.

I have to say I was really impressed by this piece. Especially the Running Man. Despite it's hollow story the visuals were just wonderful. Causing a tears of nostalgia swell in my eyes. The 80s truly were the golden days of anime *sigh*
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Joined: 02 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:55 am Reply with quote

I've been reading this column ever since you started it last year and I just want to say how much I enjoy reading your articles. Thank you for making us aware of some titles that are generally overlooked in the casual scope of anime fandom. Although I only saw two of the titles that you spotlighted in your column (Time Stranger, which I rented ealier this year, and Black Magic M-66, which I purchased from RACS a couple of weeks ago), the way you presented you articles got me interested in anime titles that under normal circumstances I would not have known about. However since I don't watch fansubs, it might be near impossible for me to watch the majority of the titles that you spotlight in your column considering that most of them don't have an R1 license (and may never will).

Your column is one of three on the Internet that I read on a regular basis - the others being Bamboo's Shelf Life and Gregg Easterbrook's TMQ column on ESPN.com.

I'm very happy to read that you are going to make Buried Treasure a weekly feature on ANN so congratulations and keep up the good work! Cool


GATSU wrote:
The AOD'ers almost made me believe the company lost Nadesico, but it's coming out in a thin-pack

Yes, January 1 to be exact. The movie isn't included in the thinpak, though.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:56 am Reply with quote
Rintaro's anime have a long tradition of giving me nightmares starting with the first time I watched his Take the X Train. There is something very haunting about his style and use of classical music. To this date I get chills when I hear the ending credits song for Neo-Tokyo.

I noticed that this DVD had the wrong aspect ratio flagged as well. Fortunately most modern 16:9 televisions allow you to stretch an image out to fit the screen, so don't let this stop you from getting this DVD if you find it, although the reverse is less true with older 4:3 screens. Did anyone else notice that Eureka 7 volume 1 has it's menu's mis-flagged for 16:9.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:24 am Reply with quote
It was recut into four-minute chunks and played in fairly heavy rotation on MTV's experimental animation showcase Liquid Television, which also launched the hit show Aeon Flux.

Actually, they never cut "The Running Man" up into pieces. Liquid Television instead devoted an entire episode to "The Running Man" segment and just used other shorts to pad the remaining episode running time.

The episode in question was episode 11 from Season 2, which aired 10/20/1992.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:37 am Reply with quote
Wow, it's been a year already? Buried Treasure has continued to be a great column; keep up the good work Anime smile
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:27 am Reply with quote
Wow, I can't believe it's already been a year either! Congrats on your long-lasting and lovely column. And yes, there's that creepy big-mouthed image from Running Man I remember! I really need to see this anime again.. I barely remember most of it, but I know it's good.
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